
Opening my eyes I felt something on my chest looking down I see Rhaella sound asleep. Nudging her she opens her eyes. "It's time to get up." She nods. "I'll send someone to get you later for the rituals" I explained the ritual to her. I will just give her the Less diluted dragon lord bloodline.

After getting dressed I have her follow me. "Ok, this will be the last surprise for you for today." We enter the vault and looking around at the sixty dragon eggs she is blown away. I'm keeping the better ones for me and the most loyal followers. She walks forward and grabs one. "Alright I will drop you off with the Children the ritual should be ready by now." I Smile and open a portal. She looks at me "Thank you, do you think my children will get a dragon." "No. At least until they prove loyal." She sighs and nods then leaves.


Heading over to the training facility I make my way into the grounds, but before I do anything gray blur slams into my chest, and hear 'PAPA' in my head. Looking down at my dragon the size of a medium-sized dog. He is dark gray and his under belly is blood red. "Hello, little one how has your training been going." He just huffs and grumbles about boring and burning things.

"If you don't take it serious and listen to your instructor I will not let you leave for ten years, and have to graduate with the others." He looks horrified 'NO not that they only know how to eat breath smoke and fight they follow me around and ask the same the "burn des they cannot speak any sentences" .' I can only nod because that would suck, But it was a good punishment. I chuckle "well you have to be a good boy. He nods reluctantly I start rubbing his head and back pumping raw magic into him, he starts purring and then starts to fall asleep. looking at him 'soon we will go on an adventure.'

We stayed like that until I had to leave, but of course, he woke up then I had to play with him for a while bonded a little I give him some cooked meat before leaving. I make sure to come quite a bit deepening my bond. (give me name ideas in the comments down below)


I call a meeting with me, Doren, and Eddard. When they arrive on my island we head to my solar. "what have you called us here for?" I look at them. "would you like to leave this world?" They pause and look at each other. Doren looks confused "What do you mean this world?" I explain to them how I arrived in this world and that I will be leaving with or without them.

Eddard looked pensive, "We cannot leave everything". "You can bring everybody with you friends family, bannermen, well except Bolton he's a cunt." They chuckle and asked "Can we have time to think." I nod, and before they leave "In the next few years Queen Rhaella will be attacking the kingdom with a huge army, Don't spread this around if I hear of it I will know and I will not be happy." The look shocked probably have heard of her untimely death. "

We agree to meet up before the attack and they will have their answer. "Eddard, if you stay stocked up on dragon glass (Obsidian) the white walkers will be coming, soon. Also, kill Bolton's bastard before he slips away he enjoys hunting and skinning young maidens" I don't tell him that it is the White walker version of soon. He gives me a deep look, then nods and leaves.

Doren looks at me "How is my brother....." *cough*...*cough* "I don't know...." He looks shocked. "What do you mean you don't know..." "Well, I kind of dropped him off to run Bravos for me...". He is stunned then he chuckles which turns into a full-blown belly laugh. "He did the same with me when our mother passed away. Went and joined a sellsword company and left me high and dry." We had a good laugh over this.


Continuing Inside the red keep small council chambers.

Jon Arryn looks over at the Archmaester "Have we received a reply from the iron bank?" He shuffles through the pouch of letters..."Ah, Yes we have, They said and I quote *clears throat* Dear broke bitches, We will give you a loan of a giant bag of dicks.... to go fuck yourselves with. seriously though tell the whore monger to borrow the gold from someone else. We at the iron bank know a bad investment." Varys it trying to keep straight face. "Well that was unexpected" Jon can only sigh and wonder if the rebellion was worth it he only wanted to get rid of the dragons. The hawks are the only ones meant to fly in the sky.

"Anything else we need to discuss?" Varys speaks up "Well the church was burned by an angry mob." Jon looks pissed "Why did they do this?"...."Well the statues of the seven were destroyed, and on top of the rubble the priests were having an orgy." Jon explodes "What they were having relations with whores in the church...?!"....*Uncomfortable silence* ...."No they did not have any lady's involved..." *Silence*...."Shit that is bad..."

Varys looks around "Yes also someone stole all the treasure so we cannot even borrow from the faith, and the church asked for funds to rebuild the Sept. which was burned down during the riots. We also have no food because of the destruction of the reach in the weird event where the sky fell on the ocean (I am just assuming that they don't know what a Hurricane is) on a good note no more Iron islands" They all nod "yeah fuck those guys".

A/N: What do you think of the chapter

Give me some Ideas for names for his dragon

Hope you enjoyed reading it.