Deeper connections

I look over at Rhaella she is in leather armor and has a Calvary sword made out of Valyrian steel we are standing in the ramparts of Moat Caliain the out-of-repair towers, the flooded lower levels, but it is still impressive you can almost hear the screams of her victims, almost see the oceans and rivers of blood spilled on the ground, almost smell the death and decay of thousands of years of failed conquests of the 'heathen' Northerners. It is intoxicating thinking about how one castle has protected the whole of the north for that long. Until the Targaryen showed up, I feel that if they fought they would have held out. Sure they would have burned most of the north, but they would have bled them for all of their worth.

Shaking my head looking over at Rhaella motioning for her to follow we walk back to the main camp "This is your opportunity for revenge, I am giving you the best advisors in warfare I have to listen to them, share your doubts, your instincts listen to them. Don't forget Revenge is a good motivator but control it don't let it control you." I walk away from her after giving her a good luck kiss.

I head to an opening I call down Bane. Hearing a screech I look over and see him dive-bombing me still amazed at how he could have grown this fast just over two years ago I hatched him. The armor I had him made reminds me of Tek armor from ark survival evolved it covers his most glaring weakness, his eyes. He lands next to me with surprising grace. I reach over and scratch his head. Closing his eyes on the content I can't help but smile.

I mount on him and we are off in a grey blur. As we fly over looking over the camp I can't help but feel nervous, but this is her fight she made that clear. I understand though..*Sigh* why am I brooding. 'cause you a bitch' said my dragon "cheeky fucker who taught you that." He just turns to me with what I assume is a deadpan expression. "No more hanging out with Lucy for you" he growls 'you wouldn't dare aunt Lucy to be a good influence'. I just laugh she is many things murder hobo, sex fiend, and great cook, but that is not one. "Let's go burn some horse fuckers." He laughs like a lion and heads out.


As I fly over the city of the Dothrak it is night time so we blend into the clouds it is a massive gathering of the plague of Essos. I cannot help but smile Perfect. ' fly about a mile outside of the encampment and circle it.' I called out to bane.

While he circles around the outside of the camp I dump off hundreds of thousands of undead and circle them. I ordered them to catch the survivors for later processing. I jump off the bane and land on the outside of the camp. I land with a bang that echoes.


I smile As the Dothrak come and check out to see what happened, then come across the sight of a fully plated knight with a giant tower shield that looks to be about ten feet tall and a Flail. The Khals come out and start shouting at me 'Who are you we will kill you." "I will rape your family' typical barbarians all they do is fight, fuck, and formicate willingly or not.

my voice booms out "Rejoice for this is the day all of you will not live to see the morning, grab your horses, grab your swords, grab your armor come and die. Make peace with your god for it shall not help, shall not save, shall not hear your pitiful cries as you die broken and battered, Come one at a time, come all at once for it matters not when you stand in front of the inevitable end. There shall be no more Dothrak after today. SO COME"

They needed no further words, no further prompting. I just insulted them, their horses, their way of life, and their pitiful god. Time to whip clean a stain on history. I Roar out at the line of charging horses tens of thousands of screams rang out filled with the lust of blood. I brace my shield and spin my flail. Before they could reach me a booming roar rang out and a jet of flame split the charging forces in half I was right behind it flail singing for blood and broken men. Who am I to not oblige?

I slam into their front line like a fox in the hen house. Nobody is braced they don't use shields they only know how to attack villages. I smashed my shield into a horse the horse and rider imploded showering his friends in their guts and blood. Not bothered I continue breaking, killing, butchering and they keep coming. Bane is not idle during this time boxing in the riders with walls of fire he decides to throw about lighting bolts, dive bombing, and picking up stragglers and throwing them at their comrades. I smile at him he sure has grown up. Looking back at my victims is send waves of earth spikes skewering the whole line of men and horses to each other. This will be fun.

As the fight progresses I feel something click it hits me I feel closer to my power Ice making me patient and progressing, Fire making me hyper-aware and ready, Earth making me calm and steady, Air always ready to be on the move elusive but steady the emotions flow through me, looking in front of me I can see my eyes glowing.

I close my eyes and call forth all four elements they call back like a lost love my body responds singing in happiness as my skin cracks and grows taller and fills out between the cracks bright red veins come out. Heat starts radiating out between the cracks on my body, so hot my armor starts to melt with the extreme heat. Another feeling starts to swirl around the fire but against it then a cooling feeling hits making my superheated armor crack and fall like dust. I feel everything with overwhelming clarity. The slight winds on the plains pick up and get faster and faster I snap my eyes open one fire red the other ice blue with shades of green and brown in both. I roar through the feeling of heat and start roasting anything in front of me into ash and scorched earth, Then ice covers everything not scoured by the flames working together but against each other. The earth starts to tremble, the air starts dancing all around me.

I feel my old form in the back of my head ready to be called.

Turning to the running Dothrak and concerned Bane I charge ready to get this over with. I tear through them with waves of earth and ice. cleaning the rest up with Fire and spreading it with the wind. I grow tired of this so I call in the undead to mop up the rest. Grabbing Bane I head into my castle.

I head to my room and smile at my new form I stand around twenty feet tall cracks on my skin look like cracked earth, between the cracks glowing red, and blues flow freely, I grow claws on my hands, and on my hair, I grow what looks like tiny vines flowing around and floating above my head. I smile feeling a deep connection with my world. I close my eyes to meditate.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter

Thanks for reading