Baying zombies

Riding behind all the charging zombies sucks ic could ride Bane, but I do not want to risk Bane getting 360 no-scoped by a lucky ice spear. Like Danny's dragon. I do not care if my Wolf dies it may seem shitty, but better than a fucking dragon. I decide while I am here I might as well take everything above ground and under. Calling out almost all of my hoard and white walkers sending them in different directions looking for anything that may help us in the future. Splitting up and going our different directions I decide to wait on a hit for the frost-bitten asshole.

I sit and wait after sending my undead searching for some sign of the Night King. After several hours after sending my undead out some come back. I instruct them to lead the way, my kick my wolf to follow them, and head toward the north. I crest a hill and look over the remains of a small tribe of man-eaters if the chewed-up arms are anything to go by. Having my wolf sniff around and catch any fresh scent he takes off heading southeast.

After riding an hour I crest a decent-sized hill and get my look first look at the Night Kings 'hoard' *snot* only about forty thousand undead as I watch them I realize Dam these guys are slow a hell. If I sit here for an hour they would have only moved a thousand feet. I mean slow and steady wins the race, but fuck light a fire under your ass.

I decided to test my undead I pick up a few dozen and set them on fire and have them run into the hoard. It goes well all they have to do is touch one and keep running then touch another. It takes a while for the hoard to react I can hear the undead screeching and roasting it takes a while for them to spread out enough for them to not touch and burn the others. Still ill take the win almost a fifth of the hoard is burning. While this is going on the Night King turns towards me and I can feel the temperature dropping fast.

While the blizzard starts forming I hop off my wolf and send it away. I start walking towards the hoard I call upon my inner flame and feel the earth beneath my feet feed me with glee. I grow monstrous clothes burning off me. My skin splits, and the snow melts next to me Fire spreads over my body. I rear back and roar at the Night King. He looks on impassive and stone-faced. He raised his spear and throws it toward me. In response, I form a White Violet ball of flame and throw it forward causing a wave of fire to wash over the incoming hoard melting, and Turing everything it touches to ash. Behind that, I send Forward a good ole Fiendfyre washing forward screeching and howling dragons and all sorts of magical beasts flow forward a tidal wave consuming everything.

After a few minutes, I cut off the spell and prepare to fight, looking through the smoke I see it, fuck all. I went overboard and made the earth for several hundred meters a molten cracked naked patch of earth. *Sigh* Oh well I send out my undead to look for anything worth taking. 'Fiendfyre be op' i think to myself.

After waiting for a few days I recall all of my white walkers and undead I have them store all of the items inside my warehouses to be sorted later. I grab up all of my undead and appropriate to the other side of the wall and leave half of the white walkers and undead to loot and take everything of value left behind by the starks and their bannermen and if they find Roose Bolton to kill and turn him. After that meet me by Kingstanding. After that, we separate. Calling Bane out and flying towards kings landing to finish the last objective I made in this world.


In the small council chamber in Kingstanding

"Where the fuck did this army come from we have received no word about them." Robert finally sober screams at everyone. "Fuck you we have received word you just did not care, you sniveling little shit. I have told you something is wrong with all of the letters we received and that we should send out men to check the silence of the Dronish, The Lannister's, The Reach, The Riverlands, The North, and your household we have lost contact with your brothers not that you care and my fucking seat which I tried to do something for anything for, but you called a fucking Tourney with gold we don't have and knights that won't takes an I.O.U. Fuck you, you worthless, shitty, king. The only thing you know is to smash stuff with a hammer, and how to fuck half the whores in the city." Jon ranted as he has never before. He shakes his head and walks over to the balcony looking out at the massive army that covered the horizon. He thought it was weird that no word came, no warning came of the army but only calls for help no word on what they needed help with, he can only feel the helpless situation closing in on him like a noose.

"Varys how did you of all people not know of this." "Well most of my birds have finally written to me saying 'fuck you we quit'." *Silence* "What about you Archmaester "Lord Tywin sent one letter that I received yesterday it reads 'Help, we are surrounded the gates are sealed shut, horns shake the ground, drums banging, people screaming, No silence, no rest, they have come. Everyone is dead, send help.' " *Silence* *Horns and drums start* Clouds cover the sky, A roar that shakes the ground. In the distance, you can see a flag with a three-headed red dragon on a black field. "Fuck" the only thing they can focus on is the tidal wave of men piled on top of each other crashing into the wall and crawling over the top and dragging the defenders to their demise. The capital was eerily quiet until the screams started.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

Thanks for reading.