I need beer..

We are on the way to the capital I have to get my wolves out for me and my boys we continue to hear monsters and continue to level up. The marines do not seem to be gathering a lot of experience anymore. Need to visit that church.

As we enter the capital I am greeted by the sight of a huge crowd of all types of furriers wait they are demi-humans every type from cat girls...mmm to wolfmen to a dam elephant man. It is pretty cool that all of them throwing flowers at me. I am glad I came here I am treated like an actual Hero. I am pretty sure they are having a feast.

We make our way into a courtyard "You can put your mounts into the stables" I look over at him "I'll just store them" I just open a portal for them and store them. "Well let us go meet the leaders of your country" He continues to tell me about the history of the kingdom it was first set up by an ancient Shield Hero and he names many of them. That is pretty much it the real story was lost long ago passed from word of mouth and I trust those about as much as a wet blanket keeping me warm in a winter storm. They wave me forward.

As we make our way to the throne room everything goes silent. I look at the throne Which the throne is empty I scan the minds of each of the people in the room all of them seem happy that I am here besides a select few mentalities making a note about them. The Four political parties are here to try and curry favor with me I guess that's cool I could probably ask the form for anything within a limit.

As I walk forward and four demi-humans walk forward "Hello shield hero welcome to Silvelt, I am the go-between all of the political party's in the kingdom, and you may call me old Turtle" a wizened old turtle. "I am happy to listen to any of your requests but for now let up go and talk with everyone." I nod "sounds good to me I am not interested in politics and all of that mumbo jumbo." He smiles and starts to introduce me to other people some representatives for the other kingdoms from the area of Rock valley, Shieldfreeden, Aubrey, and Melromarc. The Melromarc representatives tried to talk to me alone probably trying to get in my good graces. I made sure to give him a sneer in full view of everyone to cause them to question what happened with my treatment in Melromarc.

He kept on bugging me "Please talk with me I had nothing to do with the rest of my kingdom" He kept on pestering me so just gave it to him "You know what is funny? The fact that your kingdom was all but willing to attempt to frame me, attack me, and try to hunt me like a random monster. All of this by a shitty king sitting on his throne doing nothing productive but trying to drag me back into his sphere of influence so he can get away with attacks on me. Did you even know about the Bounty on my head? He attempted to say I forced myself on his daughter and I would rather stick my dick into a grinder than that run-through whore, she has fucked more men than a street corner whore, hell the only reason your kingdom summoned the Heros was because of her trying to get into one of our party's so the Faubrey kingdom cannot get a new queen, I bet she has a grand plan to wrap the spear hero into her puppet." I ranted and ranted and tore his ass a new. Everyone in the room stilled at the sound of the Silver staring at the Melromarc kingdom's diplomat with everyone else just staring just as hard. 'wonder what the shadow will tell the queen from this.'

I look back at him "even if I get dragged back by the wave I will not stop the monsters I will watch your kingdom burn just like every royal sat back with glee in their eyes as I was attacked repeatedly." I walked out of the party to sell my act. It was not that bad but now everyone heard it from the hero's mouth. Who would you believe a king from a few kingdoms away which are known for the hate of demi-humans or the Shield hero right in front of you? As I walk out the shadow takes off.

I decide that it is a good time to get some sleep I leave four Marines at the door not trusting many people. I also put a small intent-based ward around my room. As I get in bed I feel a portal open looking over it is a teary-eyed filo in her bird form. "you left me..." oh shit I am feeling the panic of millions of men before me..."I did not know if we where being attacked so I made sure you were safe. Come ill bet you while we go to sleep." she flies over and she lays down beside me I just rub her head as she sleeps. I need to visit the church tomorrow and double-check some things.

While I am pondering what to do after that I hear soft chirping I look over and Filo is asleep. I decided that I will worry about that tomorrow.

A/N: blood in the water sharks are circling what shall the queen do to fix this situation find out next time on Pok.....*cough**cough* Through the multiverse.

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Not much information is known about the different kingdoms besides the wiki, I am kind of making it up as I go along so please don't go at me too much.