Wanda and I held onto each other tightly while Hydra agents cornered us. My fighting instincts tried to kick in, but my head was buzzing, making it hard to focus on anything. Quickly, however, my mouth spat out words before I could even think about it.
"If you hurt this girl, I swear upon heaven above and hell below, I will destroy you."
My eyes started glowing, which made some of the soldiers afraid. Unfortunately, the other soldiers didn't seem to care. I put my hands up to stop them from advancing, and a bright light appeared. I felt pure energy coursing through my veins, and my thoughts become clear. I only had one thing in mind.
A bubble went around Wanda to protect her while I blew up everything nearby. I blasted out of the base quickly, even though we were over a mile underground.
I wanted to be free. Free of this world. Free from worries or fears. Free from having to care about everyone and everything. To be me is all I ever dreamed of. To not be tied down by anyone. To do whatever I could dream of.
Sadly, I would have to wait on that.
I had to attend to Wanda and find Natalia under all of the rubble and bodies that are in the Hydra base. I flew an entire mile down, in just a few seconds, to bring Natalia to the surface. There was smoke and fire. Blood was splattered everywhere. No one was alive. I hoped I hadn't accidentally killed her. That would bring pain and sorrow to the Avengers.
I looked around and tried everything I could. Finally, I decided to use my telepathy to try and locate her. I felt fear enveloping me when I couldn't sense anything. I kept doing everything I could, but I had no luck.
Genuine tears started falling down my face. I didn't necessarily like Natalia, but I knew she was a friend of Wanda and Pietro. The Twins mean everything to me, so taking away something from them after what's happened with their lives, I couldn't bear it.
I stayed in the hole for a long time. Crying and wishing my powers didn't want to start blowing up. I just wanted to go home and pretend none of this ever happened.
That would be nice.
Sleep away the pain and hide from the world. Drink my problems away. That's what I usually did when I felt overwhelmed. However, it might not help now.
I didn't think about what would happen if I did that. It was like a sudden urge. I needed to leave. Forget everything and run. That's all I needed to do.
So, I flew out of the hole and went back to Russia. My home was in a secluded part of the Ural Mountains. No one would ever find me there. I would be safe. For now, at least. Until something terrible happens and I have to come out of hiding. Hopefully, that won't be any time soon.