1st Encounter

Hans was already back at his desk working with another colleague name Linda I think. He ushered me into the CEO office the moment he sees me. We continued to look at how to shuffle meetings around before a cough at the door interrupted our conversation. I look up, mesmerised by to the most handsome face with deep blue eyes. Oh my god! Isn't he the male god I bumped into at the cafe downstairs when I came for the interview. How I wish the floor would open a hole and swallowed me up right this instance. This is definitely bad, very bad.

Hans introduce us,"Mr. Lee, Ms. Yuki will be your new personal assistant from today onwards." I make a ninety degree bow and shouted," I am in your care Mr. Lee." I really do not want to be fired without even starting to work. Please.....I look up with my pleading eyes.

Contrary to what was running through my head at 120 flashes per minute of the possibilities of my tragic career life. Mr. Lee just nodded and dismissed Hans. He went to his desk and I am stranded in the middle of the room standing. What do I do now? I am not fired right? I turned to look at the three stacks of documents on my desk and automatically sat down to start reading. I must prove myself if I don't want to be thrown out.

Xavier found himself distracted by the those puppy pleading eyes with long lashes the moment he look at her face. For once in his life he is tongue tied, not knowing what to say. He needs to calm down and analyse the situation.

The main reason for her to be here is mainly to satisfy his own curiosity and formulate a solution to quench the on going rumours in the office as soon as possible. His efficiency in problem solving does not change. He sees a problem, he solve the problem before it infest into something bigger. Since the problem starts with Yuki, it should end with Yuki.

As he sat down, he studied Yuki. She seems to be adamant to perform buried in the stacks of documents. I have to inquire from Hans what exactly is her responsibilities to make her hiring more credible to get through to her. Maybe having an extra pair of hands is not bad.

The longer he look at her the more he realised something seems out of place. Subsequently, it came to him what is out of place. He think of her as "She" now but she still has the outlook of a pretty boy with her getup. Might as well work on that first since she is going to be in the same space as him now for unseen future. It is better to have something pleasant to the eye in the office that not. With that decided, he stood up and walked to her desk.

Yuki was engrossed in tidying up all the notes for each meeting for the week. These notes are very important for any assistant or secretary appointed to attend the said meeting with the CEO. She has to make sure it is not mess up. She was given a new laptop to do her tasks. The IT department has contacted her a moment ago while she was still with Hans to brief her on the cyber security placed on her laptop. Since she is the closest access to the CEO even Hans won't be able to access her laptop.

She was startled when there is a knock on her desk. The big masculine hand indicated is her boss which shock her into standing instantly stammering,"Yes sir?"

Xavier look at the stammering girl and sighed,"Follow me, we are going out."