Meeting the in-law

Yuki awoke with a throbbing pussy next afternoon in the office's secret bedroom, she do not know how to face Xavier after last night. She has seduced him. It gave her a sense of power but she didn't know if Xavier like that idea or not. He has taken everything off her body after she fainted last night.

She took a quick shower and peek out of the bedroom to discover Xavier is in the office today. She walk slowly out of the bedroom,"Morning Xavier."

Xavier pull her toward him for a kiss before he replied,"Afternoon love, I have tired you out. How are you feeling?"

Blood rushed to Yuki face when she registered it's lunch hour,"Truthfully?"

Xavier steady gaze on her waiting for an answer.

"Glorious, I've never felt so good." Yuki acknowledged shyly.

Xavier probed,"Would you like to meet my parents? They are dying to meet you and I can't keep you hidden any longer. I spend half my time last week fending off mother."

Yuki stayed silence for awhile before she agreed. She thought "as it happened ugly daughter in-law will need to meet the parents eventually."

"Can you tell me what should I bring or do? Our family status is so different, will they reject me? What did your other girlfriends do?" Yuki queried.

Xavier states,"There are none before you."

Yuki was speechless. None? Is she going to be the only one? Dare she hope?

Xavier picked up his phone and made a call before Yuki chicken out,"Mum, we are coming back this weekend."

The rest of the week passby too fast for Yuki. Yuki has been wreaking her head to think what sort of gift can she bring to Xavier's parents. They are rich or Xavier is rich so theoretically they don't lack anything.

Friday morning she was already up creating a storm in the kitchen, Xavier was alarmed she was not beside him until he hear clanking sound downstairs. He discovered Yuki was actually a good cook and they now have weekly fresh grocery send to their apartment. Yuki's parent also send fresh vegetables weekly. Although they knew Yuki has moved but they didn't know Yuki has moved in with Xavier. Xavier felt quite helpless in this.

He went into the kitchen and try to see what she is doing but was shoo out instantly. He cringed when she reminded him the time he almost set the kitchen on fire when he tried to prepare breakfast. She ended her beauty sleep anyway and cleaned the kitchen but like the fact that she started to sound more like a wife.

Saturday finally arrives. Yuki pack two thermos in a basket. Since he was not allowed to peek, he has no idea what it was. A pair of huge gate greeted them upon arrival, Yuki was amazed when it leads into a huge garden and a white mansion at the end. A middle age lady was standing at the front door waiting for them with another stern looking lady. Yuki started to be nervous but concluded the middle age lady possessed unexplainable poise and comportment must be Xavier's mum.

She guess right as the said lady run to hug her the moment they got down from the car,"It's such a great pleasure to meet you my dear. I hope my oaf of a son treats you well. You can log all your complaints at me if he bully you and I'll see to it that he get what he deserved."

"Don't worry madam, Xavier take care of me very well,"Yuki said bashfully.

"You don't madam me, young lady. You can call me Mum or Christine if you'd like. In return, can I call you Yuki or Kiki?," asked Christine.

"Yes.....Christine,"Yuki test her name.

"This is Mrs. Jung, our housekeeper, you can let her know what you like and what you don't like since you are going to be the young madam of the household," Christine instructed.

Yuki legs grew soft all of a sudden but Christine has linked her arms with hers so she didn't allow herself to fall. Yuki pulled by Christine into the big house with a big foyer. Christine lead her into the living room on the right side of the foyer. She has problem trying to digest what Christine was telling her. Together with the majestic stairway, chandelier and now a grand living room, she is lost. It's a whole new world to her.

An older version of Xavier sat in the living room reading a business journal, look up and held my hand with a twinkle in his eyes,"Albert my dear, welcome to the family. I hope you don't find us too overbearing."

Yuki passed the basket in her hand to Christine,"I am sorry I didn't know what gift to bring to you but I made a ginseng chicken soup and a cordycep soup for you and Albert. I wish both of you good health."

Christine was beaming,"Mrs. Jung, quick, pour this out for us to taste. Let's move to the dining hall for dinner."

Xavier finally knew what Yuki has been busy about since yesterday. He asked,"What about me?"

Yuki stamped on his foot under the table before whispering,"Yours is at home, don't joke around, your parents are here."

Xavier shrugged,"I should be your priority, not them wifey."

Yuki choose not to argue with him but throw him a fierce glare instead. Their exchange has not escaped Christine who in turn flashed a smile at her husband.

"So when is the wedding?" Christine asked nobody in particular on the table.

Yuki choked. Xavier patted her back while saying,"Yuki is still young."

"I don't mind if you give me a grandchild or two before wedding. I am happy with whatever the order of things is,"Christine said further.

Yuki choked harder. Xavier knows his mother is persistent. She will get what she wants. To avoid interference in his relationship he mention,"We will let you know, mum but definitely not this year."

Christine nodded,"Great, I'll have things ready for next year."

Yuki helplessly look at Albert who didn't show any sign of disorientation with the conversation and then Xavier who just smile and put a piece of meat on her plate.