Mr. and Mrs. Zhang

The news of the century which shocked the entire Lee Group, the CEO is on leave today, all appointments, meetings and social engagement are cancelled. Xavier never went on leave. When the news was reported to Albert Lee, he told his wife and Christine clasped her hands together excitedly,"Oh, I hope good news will come soon." Albert gaze lovingly at his wife conspiration thinking that his son might be taking after her more than him.

Yuki find it extremely difficult to get out of bed after tumbling in bed with Xavier the last two days. He let her rest when she couldn't take it anymore to work in the study and come back again a few hours later to make love to her. Yuki new resolution from this Saturday morning onward is to think thrice if she is really angry before being angry at Xavier to avoid being ravish entirely.

Xavier rushed into the bathroom upon hearing Yuki's frightening scream. He came to hug her straight away but was immediately push back by Yuki. "What wrong, love?" Xavier asked cautiously.

"Look at my body! It's covered with love bites! Everywhere! How can you do this to me Xavier?! How am I going to go home like this?!" Yuki shouted to Xavier.

Xavier felt a sense of deja vu and his mind strongly rejected the idea to be sleeping alone again. He approached Yuki slowly this time and softly gather her in his arms while placing a kiss on her forehead.

Once Yuki calmed down, she looked at Xavier through watery eyes and asked,"What do we do Xavier? Mum and Dad will killed me if they know. They love me with all their heart but they are very conservative living in the countryside."

Xavier smile leisurely,"What do you think I talk to them about all this while my dear. No matter how conservative, they wouldn't stop an act between husband and wife."

Yuki squint her eyes trying to see into Xavier's mind,"They knows?! When? You went behind my back again didn't you?"

Xavier put his hands up in a surrender gesture while shaking his head,"I am innocent. You passed me your phone to talk to mum the first time so I did what any honorable men did to put her at ease. I described my profile and my intention towards you. I also explained due to complicated scenario at work we are both unable to return home for awhile."

Yuki remembered she have asked Xavier for help back then to explained to her mum that he is not a con-man but he steered her out of the room and she has no idea what he told mum to get her agreement. She also vaguely remember Xavier was the one who arrange the visit to her parents the morning she ran out from the hotel room. Again she has no idea what he had discussed with her parents.

Yuki changed into a long sleeve ruffle neck blouse and long high waist skirt. She applied light makeup and made sure the hickeys on her necks are not noticeable. After a final check to ensure most of herself are covered in the full length mirror that she was finally relieve to return home.

The three hours drive home is nerve wrecking for Yuki. She thought of a thousand and one explanation of how she ended up marrying Xavier.

Xavier noticed Yuki fidgeting in her seat and hold of her left hand on top of his lap as a sign of comfort while he continue checking documents on his tablet. Work has piled up when he went missing for a day.

By the time their car arrived the front yard of Yuki's parents house, they saw a luxurious Rolls-Royce Sweptail parked at the front. Yuki thought it weird since her parents wouldn't have the opportunity to know someone who could afford a car like this. It is not cheaper than the Maybach that they are using. She thought about Lucia's parents but they haven't visited once since Lucia went abroad and they are still an agricultural family albeit owning more land and farms around her hometown.

Her family single storey house was built based on Han dynasty culture setting. A front courtyard after the entrance leads directly to the living and dining area of the house. It also served as the reception area for visitors. Yuki parents are not rich hence the house was not very big with only 2 bedrooms but very well maintained.

Daniel has to help to carry the boxes of gifts that Xavier has bought for her parents. She make a note to lecture him on being excessive. She is not sure how her parents are going to store all these things. Xavier asked Daniel to moved away both eye catching cars from the front after Daniel dropped all the boxes on the stone table in the front courtyard.

"Ah, our darlings are home,"a steady authoritative female voice floated to us. I saw our mums, sitting on the round dining table looking out the courtyard . The aroma of hot brewing tea takes me back to my childhood where I run around the courtyard and occasionally into the living are where my dad will give me a sip of tea.

I was surprised when Xavier gave my hand a squeeze and whispered,"I called for reinforcement since you are so worried."

I am speechless. Calling his parents over was reinforcement? It makes me worried even more. How could two different classes of people mix harmoniously?

It seems my worried was all for nothing when I heard my mum was chatting happily with Christine exchanging childhood stories of their only child which makes my ears burnt. I am not sure if Xavier is dense or he just doesn't care that my parents know about the troubles he caused during his younger days. Christine gave mum a jade bangle similar to the one on her own wrist and claimed their sisterhood. Mum tried to reject until she saw the mountain of gift that Xavier brought, she ended up taking the bangle on the condition that the other gifts to be returned. Christine just clucked her tongue at Xavier and said he is tactless when it comes to respecting the elders. Mum apologetically explained it is storage issue and both of them do not need much living here.

Dad and Albert went to check the farm and land surrounding the perimeter before lunch. Apparently they were discussing about building a vacation home here. Since both family only has single child, it would be great if the in-laws could share living space especially when the grandkids arrived. I don't know if I should be happy because our parents get along very well or worried when I have four pairs of eyes scanning my tummy.