A CEO Love: The Incident (PG 18+)

*Rape scene, please skipped if uncomfortable.

Angela story goes;

"In my last senior year, I got to know a boy from the business management faculty. He was the prince of the school and we were introduced by mutual friends over the senior mid-year prom. He tried to ask me out relentlessly and I finally agreed just to tell him I am not interested to go into any relationship until after graduation but he was persistent so we started to see each other more often. He even introduced himself to my parents and asked for their permission to date me respectfully. My parents were happy that I was going out with the son of a prominent family in the city. My future seems bright and brilliant. Three months before our final examination, he asked me out for dinner one evening. He even fetched me from my parents house. We went to a private villa by the sea, it seems empty and a candlelight dinner was ready for us. I thought he was going to propose but I was so wrong. My wine was drugged and I felt light headed halfway through the meal. I asked to be sent home but he dragged me to an empty room and started to kiss me and grabbed my breast. I retaliated and he slapped me so hard that I felt momentarily paralysis in my face. My head was so dizzy I couldn't even stand anymore. He shouted to start the party. I didn't know what he meant until I saw two other men coming into the room. They took turns to rape me that night, it was so painful that I fainted and when I came to, it was already the next morning. I bled a lot and it was so painful that I thought I was going to die. I didn't dare tell anyone and felt sick in bed for two weeks. My parents thought I caught a cold and I did seven days of paracetamol which brings down the pain and high fever. When I was finally brave enough to go back to the university end of the second week, I went to the school counsellor to ask for help. Do you know what is the answer I get?"

Angela laughed and continued,"The school counsellor was all upright until he hears it was this boy whose dad was gaining popular votes in the city. He advised me to just forget about the whole incident because I might get into trouble by reporting it to the police and even get the university in trouble if news leak out. I didn't know what to do but to avoid people from other faculty and school events all together until I felt sick again a month later. I found out I was pregnant after I overheard a discussion of a few girls in the cafeteria and did a test. I didn't even know which one of them is the father of my child. I have nowhere to hide if my stomach starts to show. I decided to tell my parents about it. They were ashamed of me, they kick me out of home and cut all ties with me. It's one month before the final exam. I know I need to graduate in order to survive in this society, to have a chance so I managed to find a job at a restaurant with boarding; a shared room with another lady colleague. I went back to the counsellor to asked for help for some missing classes due to the job and to be allowed to sit for the final examination. I just told him that my parents disown me due to the incident but didn't mentioned anything about my pregnancy. After the final examination result were out, I quietly went to a small town two hours away from City E to give birth to Charlotte. When my application as a junior journalist was accepted at Diamond News, I saved enough for us to moved here. I attended some counselling session when we first arrived to get rid of my anxiety with men, although not entirely as you have already seen. I will have panic attack still from time to time in precarious situation hence I am always careful not to be in a room with only men and always hold my discussion with at least one other female colleagues around. I am contented with my life until you."

Chris saw the moment Angela was ready for his judgement. She was holding her own arms to stop trembling and try to read into his expression. He is very angry but he dare not show it, he wanted her and Charlotte in his life. He could remember vividly every expression on her face and he wanted to see more.

He sat closer and took her hands in his,"Do you mind if I become Charlotte's father?"

Angela was stunned, she thought if he could accept her dark background maybe they can start dating and if he can't then they should end on a good note but Chris has offer her something more. She can't help her tears from falling and went to hug this man who is giving her hope for the future.

Chris embraced her,"I need an answer Angela, once you agreed there is no going back. I protect what is mine and I am a possessive person."

Angela suddenly felt all her burden was lifted off her shoulder. She lifted up her face and place a kiss on Chris's mouth,"I don't know how we are going about this but I feel safe with you."

"Angela, can I stay today. I would like to make love to you."Chris requested.

Angela felt hesitant. On one hand she waited for almost 5 years before someone like Chris to come along, on the other she is not sure if she could have any sexual relationship without the fear of pain like her first time.

"Angela, do you trust me?"Chris pressed on.

Angela listen to her heart,"Yes Chris, I would very much like you to make love to me."

Angela guide them into her room and lock the door. When she turn around Chris lowered his mouth to kiss her. He plunged into her mouth then move on to her ears and neck while his hand was busy undoing her front buttons. Angela's back remains on the door when Chris pull down her bra cup under her breast. It's like a contraption that pushes her breast upwards and forward on display.