A CEO Love: We are One

Angela cannot describe her complete exhaustion; body and mind. It's really weird as if all her worry and burden has been lifted off. Her mind has always been heavy with a big question mark: What if people knew? How to tell Charlotte about not knowing her father? It doesn't seem to matter if there are someone like Chris in their family.

Her whole body is light although quite sore on her private parts. If she knew love making was so wonderful, she would have jumped on Chris the first time they met no matter how dangerous he looks or maybe not. She didn't knew the him then.

She slept in for the first time in almost four years, Chris has whispered in her ears not to worry when Charlotte came knocking early in the morning.

She stretched her body and walk out to a scene of a half naked Chris in apron with Charlotte in one arm and pan in another. He is trying to show Charlotte how to flip over a pancake. Angela felt warm and fuzzy inside. If this is what love is, she will grab hold on it.

"Mummy!" Charlotte scrambled down from Chris and ran to Angela.

"Did you swee tat, mummy? fweep?" Charlotte was doing a turnover action with her hands.

I laughed,"Of course darling, you are great at making pancakes."

"Daddy great,"Charlotte pipped.

"Yes, daddy is great at making pancakes too,"Angela pinched Charlotte cheek softly.

Angela went up to give Chris a kiss on his cheek,"Thank you. It's Friday, don't you need you need to go into work?"

Chris,"I took the day off this morning and you?"

"I gave notice to the company to informed them I am working from home to write my interview piece with Xavier Lee so I'm not in a rush,"Angela answered.

"Good, we are going to the national registration department after sending Charlotte to childcare. I want my name on Charlotte birth certificate. Make sure you have her birth certificate, your ID and your family registry," Chris instructed.

"Er...Chris, shouldn't you think about this. It will affect your whole life. I mean I appreciate your offer last night but you don't have to do this. Please do not rush into this and take time to think it over. I don't have anything to lose but you will even need to pay for alimony to support Charlotte should I sue you for separation later on," Angela proposed.

Chris came closed to her ears and whispered,"Are you going to come on someone else fingers, mouth and cock Angela?"

Angela face turned bright red,"That's not the issue here! It's not the same thing."

"It's the same for me Angela. I want you, I have you. You are mine now so is Charlotte." Chris issued the ultimatum.

He caressed Angela face. Don't worry sweetheart, we are in this together, we will not regret it. I will not let you regret it. Trust me." convinced Chris.

Angela beamed up at him,"Ok, let's have some pancakes shall we."


Chris took the documents from Angela before they went out from her apartment. He sent photos of them to one of his assistant for preparation before sending Charlotte to the community childcare center. All the caretakers were in awe and intimidated by the handsome man at the same time when they walk in. Nevertheless Charlotte was reluctant to go in until Chris promised to come to pick her up.

They drove to the national registry department building in district 2 of City Y. A government official was already waiting for them at the entrance upon arrival and ushered them into a private room. A notary came in with new documents to replaced the old ones, he just need to witness the original copies and their signature on the marriage certificate.

Angela was surprised,"I thought we are going to apply for your registration on Charlotte birth certificate? This....? and All this secrecy.....?"

Chris explained,"I am with the secret service remember. My information has to be confidential and so is yours now. This is the fastest way to put my name directly on Charlotte birth certificate without application and paper trails. Sign it Angela."

Angela signed the paper. She felt so unreal that she went in single and came out married with a dad for Charlotte to boot. It is strange whenever Chris talk to her in an authoritative voice, she will just followed. Maybe her trust in him is greater than her trust in herself. At least she knows some other facts about Chris beside being trustworthy, considerate and a promising family man. His full name is Chris Tan Kenji, 34 years old and a secret agent. She also knew his parents lived in the same city and he has a brother that he mentioned during their casual conversation. She wonder how his family is going to take this, now that the deed is done.

"I am sorry that I can't give you a grand wedding ceremony but if you wanted a celebration we could do a small one with the family. Talking about family, tell me when you are ready to meet them,"Chris added later on in the car ride home.

Chris sent her to the apartment but have to leave when he received an emergency call from the office. He needs to go back to take care of an urgent request. Angela who was lost in her own thoughts didn't noticed a man was observing her from the park across the street.

"Well, well, well.....looks like the university goddess has hook up with Chris Tan," the man showed a sinister smile.