A CEO Love: Make a Move (PG 18+)

*Mature scene

Chris kind of move into Angela apartment after that weekend. She doesn't know where he got his change of clothes from since he does come back wearing different suit at the end of each day. She doesn't know where he lived prior to their marriage, maybe with his parents she guess.....Nevertheless he make passionate love to her every day in the wee morning, go to work and come back in time to pick Charlotte from childcare the last few days.

She knows she has been rashed in her marriage decision but she didn't regret it and there is the in-law meeting looming over her head too. Although she wanted to asked him a hundred questions on his other personal details, she decided to wait until after K Klub launching event. She could understand that catching the person who gave her T Tower ID card is very important to Chris. It is a very serious breach of security that might affect national security. He needs to know what and where went wrong.

Come Saturday night, Angela showed up with Chris in a little black dress at K Klub. Every woman owns a little back dress whether for gala, celebration, party or funeral. She went as herself with minimal makeup and her long black hair down. They were more natural together too since they are really a couple now. Chris hand laid across her waist at the back possessively. It is a word Angela could associate with her husband. She felt that she is enveloped in his protective bubble and it allowed her to feel safe.

This new found confidence make a new Angela. She stood tall, no longer afraid to show her curves in Chris embrace. Without her previous anxiety, she notices the bouncers saluted Chris as he enter the club. The crowd part ways as they draw close to the dancing floor towards the bar. She noticed the bartender make a nod to acknowledge Chris presence and prepared two drinks for them the moment they took a seat. She is now looking at Chris with new wonders.

Chris draw her close all of a sudden."If you continue to look at me like that, I cannot guarantee your ladylike image in this crowd. Then I would have to kill everyone who caught a glimpse of your delicious body,"Chris kissed her ear lightly as he withdraw.

Angela shuddered. She has a feeling it was only half a joke. She averted her eyes elsewhere and that is when she saw 'HIM'. She could feel her panic attack rising from her chest.

Chris detected a slight fluctuation in Angela breath and hold her trembling hands folded in a tight claps on her lap. He followed her line of vision until it landed on a man, Vincent Koo, who raise his glass and saluted him in return.

Angela calmed upon feeling Chris big warm hands on hers. Her attack didn't happen, Chris lovemaking flashes through her mind instead. She look up to her husband in full admiration. Chris didn't return Vincent salut but tap his fingers on the bar instead.

He turn his attention back to Angela. One look at her and he pull her out of their seat towards a hidden stairway near the bar. A hidden door slid open after Chris hand scan and it leads to a private room with a private bar. Chris key in some numericals on the security screen and a red "LOCKED" sign appeared.

He led me to the full glass window overlooking the entire crowd below. "Is he the one? The bastard ex?" Chris is intimidating when he is angry.

Angela replied,"Yes but he doesn't affect me anymore."

Angela put a hand on Chris face,"I can only remember how you love me."

Chris trapped Angela on the glass window. "I want him erased from your life."

Chris plunged into her mouth. He sucked hard on her lips before moving down to do the same along her neck. He tugged down Angela dress to cup her breast and suckle hard on one nipple and pull at the other.

Angela felt his aggressiveness but she was fully aroused instead of being scared. She can sense her dampness below.

Chris turn her around and put her hands on the glass. "Don't worry, nobody can see you,"he whispered as he bend her and pull her bottom out to him.

Angela unconsciously look at Vincent; perhaps out of peculiarity that she doesn't feel the same anymore or perhaps out of curiosity what she actually felt coming face to face with the culprit of her dark moment. She registered Chris yanked up her dress to expose her bottom. His fingers moving up and down teasing her wet pussy through the thin fabric. She couldn't help but lost focus on Vincent and moan out loud when he draw the fabric aside and eat her pussy.

When Chris paused, Angela line of vision falls back to Vincent who was suddenly surrounded by a group of men in black.

"He is nobody to you Angela,"Chris said as he push a thumb into her pussy.

Angela couldn't care less even when she saw Vincent was being taken away from the men in black. She focus on Chris administration on her center.

"This is mine,"he prodded his thumb into her ass.

"This is mine too,"he shoved two fingers into her pussy.

The stinging of her lips and nipples while being fucked by Chris fingers was almost too much to bear. Chris hand moved faster in and out of her. Her world topple over when he rubbed the sensitive nub below her pussy with the other hand.

Chris turn her around with her back on the glass once more. She can feel the cold glass against her back. She was thankful for the support to stand because her legs are shaking a little after her orgasm. He pull at her underwear hard and it tear one side before falling at her feet. Then he unzipped himself and pull out his massive cock. Next he heave one of her legs up by the knee, hook it on his arm.

"You are mine Angela and mine alone,"he plunged himself into her warmth and she cried out.

"Who am I, Angela?" Chris asked as he pull out waiting for her answer.

"My husband" Thrust!

"What else?" Pull out.

"My lover" Thrust!

"What else?" Pull out.

"The father of my children" Thrust!

"We can go on like this whole night Angela, give me a concrete answer." Pull out.

"You are my one and only, my everything,"Angela declared aloud.

Chris rammed his massive cock into her with force continuously. Angela screamed before darkness claimed her.