The President Gal: Research

YaoYao, I noticed is a diamond through and through. Although she has great looks and body figure but she never thought about other job that she could easily do beside helping out at her grandparents stall. Her parents passed away due to an accident during her last year in university therefore she didn't managed to finish her study. She sold her parents house for their funeral, moved back with her grandparents to accompany the devastated old couple and with the money leftover, open this noodle shop. She is learning the tricks and tips to cook from her grandparents and do order delivery to keep it running. Her grandparents have calm down a lot compare to just after the accident especially the family lost both breadwinner and she was still studying. They have been urging her to complete her studies but she didn't think they could run the stall on their own. Young people are not interested to get a job in small stall like this either. Not to mention the delinquants running rampant in the area this days creating disturbance to the night food delivery.

A small door at the back of the stall lead through a small corridor before reaching a small courtyard. I was captured by the beauty of the past structure. In fact I have only seen this type of architecture in magazine. More recently, Xavier's wife family has renovated their home three hours from central city to something similar but this is authentic. They will be very interested to look at, I thought. A potential is brewing at the back of my mind at the same time.

She show me a small room with a single bed and side table on the 2nd floor. A towel was provided, nothing fancy but everything is clean. The only thing I dislike was the shared bathroom and toilet outside the room. It is the family residence so really can't complaint. I pull out my laptop and start making notes to myself for a new plan for the mall.

Imagine the potential to redevelop the entire area into a brand new old quarters . We could easily take over those empty residential and refurbished them into home stay hotel. An incentive might be required to get the current food stall to move and stop operation until renovation are over. My interest in the project developed more and more as I brainstorm on the list of shops, restaurant and accommodation style.

Beside feeling exhausted, I really need a shower. I grab my towel and headed outside then stop dead in my track. YaoYao fresh from the shower with her hair down to her waist and a long t-shirt barely enough to cover her. She smile at me,"I thought you are already in dreamland. Is working in the corporate world that busy?"

Goodness gracious! She has no idea what she is doing to me. A certain part of my body reacted swiftly at her sight. I could she her nipple through the t-shirt too. Damn! It's either I haven't got laid lately or she is really my cup of tea. I am throbbing in pain so I just nod my head and go straight into the shower which is still smelling like her shampoo.

My body calm down after 30 minutes of cold shower. YaoYao has a weird effect on me. I can't even control my own body reaction. Luckily I drop dead the moment my head hits the pillow.

Early next morning, I was greeted by a wooden table in the courtyard with buns and two different side dishes as well as plain porridge. It has been a long long time since I have a traditional chinese breakfast. "Oh, you are finally awake. YaoYao, old man, come for breakfast, he is awake!" granny announced.

"Sorry, I didn't realised you are waiting for me,"I apologised.

"Don't worry, you are guest and we are a small family. It is a tradition for us to eat together. We shouldn't wait until there are no longer any chance to do so,"she look forlorn probably thinking about her son and daughter in-law.

"Coming!" YaoYao came crashing into the courtyard and sat down on my left.

"YaoYao, can you be a bit more elegant. You will forever be single if you continue to be so unfeminine," scolded granny.

"Feminine? It doesn't help me when I punched LokLok in the face last week when they tried to blocked my delivery,"she defended.

Suddenly, I was concerned,"You were being disturbed during delivery?"

Grandad came to join the table,"That boy has been eyeing our YaoYao for some time now. He wanted her attention but our YaoYao is too good for the likes of him. He even has police records since I don't know when. If only we could safe enough and move out like the other families, YaoYao would be safer." He sighed after.

"Come on! Nothing I couldn't handle besides I have a black belt in Taekwondo,"YaoYao tried to demonstrate but she shook the table so badly that porridge spills out everywhere.

Granny gave her an earful after and the previous conversation was buried in between. However, I look at this family of three and can't help but worried. Maybe it won't hurt to stay for another night since the team is arriving only tomorrow anyway.

"YaoYao, since you grew up here you must know the neighbourhood well?"


"I am researching the old quarters. If you show me around as a local tour guide, I'll pay you $200 per day. How about it? You are free in the morning right?"

"Sure but you have to pay upfront plus the accommodation for last night"

We set off after I fished out $250 from my wallet. The old couple seems to be happy that their granddaughter is not stuck with them. They have started to prepare ingredients and soup base for their noodle shop for the evening when we are on our way out.

We walked a lot since car was not an option inside the quarter. YaoYao told me that we will only visit the east and south side from the mall as a group of delinquents has stake their claims on west side of the mall and the north side is just abandoned except for the first row where there are a four small restaurants. She explained; the upscale shopping district of City G is in fact southeast from the mall hence more attractive for small stalls along the way. We can see some nicely refurbished coffee shop, patisserie and souvenirs shop along the way to attract people who walk to and fro for shopping and good food.