Truly Yours

Steven behaved amicably for the next two days; work, dinner, sleep. We are still in separate bedroom mind you. He has expanded his current office space so the team do not need to move to accommodate another team from Lee Group. I know Lee Group of Investment is one of the biggest conglomerate in the country. They also have a lot of overseas venture. Maybe I could get Steven to introduce his contact there to me for a job opportunity. He must know someone pretty high up to secure the cooperation deal to fast.

On the third morning, he came knocking on my door. Then he handed me a box, "Wear this and we are ready to go to the marriage registration bureau."

"Oh Steven, this is so beautiful!"I ran out as soon as I see the dress and tiara in it.

"No silly, you are beautiful. Now dress up and off we go,"he said.

When I walk out to make a turn in front of Steven when I am done. Something must be wrong because he just gawk at me without blinking his eyes.

"What's wrong? My zipper? Is my breast showing?," I tried to look at myself. This is the first time I have worn a sleeveless dress with sewn on cups after all. I am getting restless. I walk in front of him and close his face in between my palm,"What's wrong?"

"You look like an angel,"Steven eyes was full of admiration.

He kiss me,"We need to get this done before I come undone."

There he goes again with the sexual innuendo. Maybe I should study how to jump him instead. Lucas was waiting for us downstairs with the car.

Unexpectedly, we arrived at am empty government marriage registration hall. My grandparents were already there with another couple in their sixties maybe. The lady must be a beauty when she was young, I hope I could age as well as her. She wore a beautifully crafted kimono too. The man look just like an older Steven.

I pulled Steven to a halt,"Are they your parents?"

"Yes"that's all I get.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I should be prepared!"

"You are prepared. You are the most beautiful bride ever,"Steven exclaimed.

"Hello, don't be a stranger. We are Steven's parents. I am Raymond and this is my lovely wife YiXin. We are glad as least one of our son invited us to a his wedding,"he remarked playfully.

My mother in-law took my hand and lead me to a chair. She fumbled in her bag and pull out a powder box. She apply some on my face and a lipstick of rose colour was put in my hand. "You are very pretty but a little colour for the photos on your unforgettable occasion is important. My son can sometimes be impatient and forget these things. You are good for him, you anchored him, stop him from floating. Please take care of him for me,"her words as a mother is very emotional. I wonder what will my mother said on this day, perhaps something similar?

As if Steven knows what is on my mind, he gave my hand a squeeze before leading us to the notary waiting with our documents. My grandfather and his father signed as witnesses and we are officially married. My marriage band was just a plain simple ring without any ordonance compare to the big diamond engagement ring no matter how short ours was. However Steven made me promised never to take it off even in the bath. The photographer I presumed hired by Steven took a few more snaps of family photos before we leave the hall.

A private room at the luxurious restaurant we had been before was arranged. Finally I see the name sign of the restaurant. It is called "Hong" as in red in chinese. As always the food was superb, even my grandparents who claimed to have eaten the best food over the years are impressed. My parents in-law said they will visit again once our quarter is set up meanwhile we can always fly home. Their main purpose this visit is also to escort my grandparents to live in the family hot spring farm beside our wedding. The flight is scheduled for tomorrow morning. My grandparents readily agree, maybe I was the one who has held them back instead of the other way round. What if they stay put just to take care of me all these years.

Too late to pondered as they will be able to do whatever they wish. Internally I was blown away at all the arrangements by Steven at lightning speed. I hope with the time we have in front of us will allow me to know him better. This man who not only talk the talk but walk the walk as well.

I hug my family before departure from the restaurant. Arrangement of flying off tomorrow has been discussed during dinner and knowing Steven and his family, I am at peace. My grandparents are in good hands. I hope they will enjoy themselves doing what they like.

Suddenly Steven carry me up in his arms when our apartment elevator door open to our unit,"Tradition must be followed." He carried me all the way into his room then gently release me, sliding down his lean body. He look down and our gaze met. A spark of fire seems to lit up as he slowly lower his head to kiss me. Both his hands rested on my hips pull me against his body. His warmth seeping onto me gave me hope that this time he will not stop at kiss.