
YaoYao received a text from Felix saying the team will take a week of until we get the feedback on the draft hence she is lost at what to do when she woke up this morning. She has slept for one and a half days straight after submitting her assignment. How can love making be so tiring is beyond her maybe she should start exercising to improve her stamina. Her grandparents were still at Central City and she has lost contact with her only best friend. She has a stable job now and even a nice apartment to live in. All this come with a husband as well. It has never occur to her the day where she has nothing to do will arrive.

She decided to walk around the shopping junction. Since Steven core business is shopping malls, it wouldn't do harm if she could do some survey to the closest competition they have next to the old quarters. Thinking of a whole day walk she slipped into comfortable jeans and shirt with a ponytail.

She stop for lunch in the third mall because the food court was on the fifth floor with full glass window facing the street. She realised the biggest difference between the old Emperor Empire mall close to her old home was frequent by more influential people who are more discreet while this shopping junction was full of young crowd and students. Steven mentioned about it when she was thinking about the design concept for the project. Now she grabs the difference better through her own observation. He was right there is no point fighting and targeting the same customers when you already have the money falling where it is. People also follow what is trending, she notices shops tend to sell similar items when it is popular. They just need to refine what they offer and attract more upper class and upper middle class with their concept city and the rest of the population will follow.

After lunch, she thought of getting a gift for her husband. He has given her many things but she has never get him any. She took out her black sparkling card from her wallet and wonder how much money was in there. He didn't actually name a figure for her salary now that she thinks hard about it so she has no idea how much money she had in there. Technology has been thriving nowadays that it is just touch and go for all her expenses. He even mentioned her allowance will be transfer directly to the account linked to the card when they got married. With six month of salary under her belt maybe she will have sufficient funds to buy something nice but not too expensive.

It was easier said than done. Although Steven mostly dressed up casually out of the office, the things he wore is still elegant plus her designer instinct, it was absolutely impossible to find something that she like. It took an hour plus after lunch before she spotted a luxury tie shop. With high hopes she went in to browse around but the shop assistant didn't seem to be to enthusiast to welcome her. Probably she looks like a student with her getup, she laugh internally. To her delight, she spotted a copper tie pin with a blue crystal which matches her husband hair colour.

"I would like to take a look at this tie pin please,"she requested.

"Look who is not working but out shopping instead,"the remark was made as someone elbow her side at the same time. It was Veronica.

"What are you doing here? Just yesterday you pretend to be the young madam of Lee Group and today you are shopping? Did you sell yourself just to shop? Otherwise I don't think you can afford anything in this shop,"Veronica mouth was vicious.

Since she has already been fired, YaoYao didn't want to create another drama in the mall. Unfortunately Veronica has other ideas, she grab the tie pin from the sale assistant who took it out from the showcasing. "Perfect for Steven, I will take it. Gift wrap it nicely." Veronica instructed.

"Hey, I saw it first. Besides why are you buying it for Steven?,"YaoYao was unhappy with the interception.

"You saw it but did you pay for it? It's not yours until you have paid for it. I was suspended from work because of you! Of course, I need to bring a gift to apologize to Mr. Steven about the inconvenience between us and Lee Group,"Veronica sneered at her.

"What are you standing her for? I don't have all day, go wrap it up,"she further shouted at the shop assistant who scrambled to do her bidding.

Another assistant came with the bill . "Are you kidding me?! A tie pin cost eight hundred thousand dollars?! Check your bill again!" Veronica eyes almost popped out of her socket when she sees the bill.

The sale assistant was not amused and immediately call for the manager who was busy at the back office. The manager hurried out to see what is happening at the shop front.

"Miss, you should check the price before asking us to gift wrap the item. It is set with a top quality blue sapphire stone. Would you like to change your selection to another item? I believe this other Miss was interested in the item before you,"the manager showed impeccable courtesy to both customers.

"Look at me and look at her. Does she look like she can pay for the item? She was an orphan and didn't have a job until six, seven months ago,"Veronica mocked YaoYao.

"Miss, we don't judge our customers. Can you pay for the tie pin or not?" the manager started to get annoyed.

Veronica took out her credit card and look at it hard before passing to the manager but after two failed attempts,"Miss, your card transaction failed. Please feel free to leave our shop or choose a more affordable item."

Veronica was very embarrassed by the situation but turned angry when the manager took the tie pin place on a cushion tray to YaoYao instead,"Miss, are you still interested in the tie pin? Would you like a closer inspection?" The manager of the shop conduct is fairer than the two shop assistant which impressed YaoYao a lot. The society is cruel, people always judge. She learnt it the hard way after her parents passes away.

"Yes please,"she pick up the pin to have a closer look. She really like it although it is way above what she thought she would spent. With veronica glaring at her, she didn't want to look bad in front of other people and crowd start to gather at the entrance of the store too. She took out her sparkling black card and decided to give it a try,"Erhm....can you try to swipe my card sir?"

The manager stood holding the card for awhile before reacted,"Miss, we have a special discount of 10% for diamond card holder. Please wait here while we wrap the tie pin for you. Would you like to have coffee or tea while waiting?" His doubtful behaviour disappear totally the moment he laid eyes on her card.

"Is this a trick to embarrass me in public?! Why did she get a discount and not me? Give me back that tie pin,"Veronica became hsyterical.

"Miss. This Miss here hold a diamond black card. It is real diamond sparkling on the card which is enough to buy everything in this shop. There are only around ten of them in the country. The card guarantees payment for everything even if she wants to buy ten ferraris. If you do not stop harassing this young lady, I will call the security,"the manager appear to have run out of patience.

YaoYao was surprised to hear the explanation. The feeling of being protected is really wonderful. No wonder Steven never mentioned about the card limit. She was about to walk away from the scene to the couch when Veronica push her. Luckily she supported herself with her hands when she fall onto the floor so she didn't fall face first.

Four men in black appeared before her with Lucas. He help her to get back on her feet and on the coach while the other four restrained Veronica.

"Who are you people?! You can't simply do this!"Veronica couldn't understand as she was drag away from the shop.