Chapter 20 – [Day 7] – “Crimson Core”

∼ Day 7 ∼

Flying through the air, I scouted the land beneath me.

I had already tried to sense the infected goblin again but it was to no avail.

Either he's dead, not infected anymore, or simply out of range.

I already thought of leveling my blood plague up on the rabbits.

But as a mosquito, it was a bit hard to open a wound on myself and to do it consistently, so I just decided to put it on hold.

Now that I have healing surge I don't have to worry about smaller wounds, but I'm still unsure if I should try and level the blood plague skill just yet.

I think I'll wait until once I manage to evolve since that is, after all, my top priority at the moment.

I fly for another 30 minutes ignoring pretty much all rock beetles I see.

But then I find the perfect opportunity.

I see two goblins sleeping against a tree wholly unaware.

Sure it might be the first time I try and take something out that's more than 1 at the time since I pretty much have avoided all fights with more than 1 rabbit in the glades.

Well, now I'm a lot stronger and besides they're sleeping so I have the advantage of surprise.

I get into position, on the side of the closest goblin slumped against the tree.

Suddenly I burst out into speed and buzz by the goblin, rending my bladed claws across its throat.

[Goblin takes 32 damage, critical hit!]

[LVL: 5 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 180 points of EXP]

Something I've already learned by hunting the rabbits is that a critical hit isn't based on chance but rather when you hit a vital area of a creature.

As such it does much more damage since your attacks only do as much damage as you are able to apply them.

For example, decapitating a human would mean an instant critical hit of their entire health since they simply wouldn't be able to live with their body separated from their head.

And now with the advanced slash coupled with my higher attributes I practically rip open half the goblin's neck.

The sleeping goblin doesn't even manage to make a sound but due to my drive-by making some sound, the other goblin manages to wake up and stare around in confusion.

Just as it manages to spot its dead brethren I slit open its throat as I had already managed to circle around.

[Goblin takes 32 damage - critical hit!]

[LVL: 4 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 162 points of EXP]


The goblins might be a bit trickier to kill with their resistance to paralyze compared to the jackalopes and almirajs.

But a goblin's vitals are much more exposed compared to them.

I wouldn't be able to do this drive-by trick with a jackalope or almiraj and kill them this easily since their vitals are much more compact and squished together, not to also mention that their fur is in the way.

Well, anyways I go to town on these goblins before they lose all of their blood.


[You've consumed the blood of Goblins twice]

[234 points of EXP has been acquired and stats have been added]

Moving on, I begin searching for my new prey.

For a full hour, I see no viable prey.

Mostly because I'm beginning to spot more and more goblin parties but all of these are all over 3 and awake, unfortunately.

But it was then something very strange happened.

All of a sudden I feel as if something is resonating with my body.

I immediately could feel where the feeling came from.

About 100 meters away was a larger hill with a rock-faced side.

Looking closer I spot a cave, where there is goblins milling about.

Approaching the cave, I sit on a tree branch 20 meters away, scouting out the situation.

From what I can see there are six goblins here on the outside but I don't know how many are in there.

Feeling the presence of whatever is resonating with me ever stronger and permeating from inside that cave, I know that I simply have to investigate.

Luckily the cave seems to have a 2 meter tall and wide entrance.

Knowing that goblins are incredibly stupid, I begin to approach the entrance from another angle.

I had activated obscurement and approached the entrance from above.

Clinging on to the ceiling of the cave I get right past all of the goblins without them even knowing.

I have a limited time with obscurement so I have to make this quick.

Moving deeper into the cave I begin to see offshoots of the cave tunnel into smaller rooms where goblins are sleeping and some are even fucking amidst all of the others.

Nasty ugly bastards, it doesn't help when you're that fucking ugly too.

Moving by a total of 3 chambers like that, with about 13 goblins and another two of them walking by beneath me towards the outside, I begin to see something very interesting.

At a curve in the cave tunnel, I see some weird red glow pulsing on the walls and hear the clattering of goblins laughing and ooing at things.

What the hell is that?

Is that light what's resonating with me? It feels even stronger now as I approach it.

Turning the bend in the tunnel I finally see what's causing all the commotion.

As the tunnel turns into a big open room filled with 15 goblins I become amazed.

But what really catches my attention is the small and round red crystal embedded in a naturally formed rock pedestal, pulsating a red glow.

Besides the red crystal on the pedestal is a somewhat bigger goblin decked out in a rock beetle helmet on top of his head.

It seems that he's talking to all of the goblins very imperiously, probably since he's the leader or chief of this goblin tribe.

Suddenly the goblin chief barks out what seems to be a command, and following that is two goblins dragging a slightly smaller goblin towards the chief.

Grinning menacingly the chief grabbed the arm of the goblin screaming and struggling to escape.

Holding the flailing goblin in a firm grip the goblin chief looks to the crowd and yells something that makes all of the other goblins cheer in utter excitement.

Suddenly the chief thrusts the goblin's hand onto the red the crystal and then quickly letting go and hopping away.

The goblin's hand hitting the crystal gets immediately stuck to its surface now allowing the goblin to retreat.

And then shrieks of terror erupt from the goblin.

I didn't even know a creature could produce a mind jarring scream.

But looking at the other goblins, who stared in bated breath, seemed to be enjoying the scene very much.

Looking onwards to the goblin shrieking something that astonished me happened.

Starting from the hand of the goblin, it began shriveling up and continued to move up the length of its arm.

The goblins screeches only increased in volume and pitch as its mind couldn't bear the pain even though it wouldn't let the goblin pass out for some reason.

Some seconds later the screams died and the shriveled form of the goblin fell to the ground of the cave, only now released from the grip of the red crystal.




Was that?

Stunned from the scene that just played out in front of me, I try to collect myself again whilst surrounded by the hollering of the goblins.

Is it just me or did the glow of the crystal become stronger after withering that goblin?

[Language - Rathian/Goblin Dialect, has been learned 10%]

Rathian? Is says goblin dialect, so is rathian the language of the greenskins like orcs and other like that?

Oh shit. I'm close to running dry on stamina I have to get out now.

But before I manage to turn around and escape, I see a smaller tunnel entrance with cloth covering it on the opposing side of the big chamber from where I am.

That seems to be the entrance of another smaller chamber.

Immediately as I see that a dark Idea begins to form in my head.

Seeing the goblins beginning to leave the big room back towards the outside or sleeping chambers, I spring into action.

Quickly making my way over and into the room, I make sure not to disturb the cloth covering the entrance too much.

Luckily the goblin chief was simply staring with an imperious air at the goblins leaving the cave as if he's a literal god. So he didn't notice me slipping into the room. Which I guess is his.

Entering the room is still quite spacious and a lot of crap is strewn about, and looking at what looks to be a bed I notice bloodstains strewn about it.

Oh god, what the fuck.

Not wanting to imagine any further I disable obscurement and find a place where I can commence my plan.

I don't have to wait for too long as two minutes later I hear the slapping of bare footsteps on the smooth rocky surface.

Having recovered some stamina again, I activate obscurement.

Seeing the cloth being pull to the side and the goblin chief entering I grin menacingly to myself inwardly.

As soon as he had stepped properly into the chamber, I dropped down directly on top of his rock beetle helmet.

Before he can even react from the stun of me landing on his head, I draw my only remaining front leg down and across his throat.

[Goblin takes 35 damage - critical hit!]

Oh, not enough to kill him?

Not worrying too much that it didn't him take him out on the first strike since I ripped open his throat so he wouldn't be able to produce a single sound.

Clutching his throat with his hands he falls to the ground trying desperately to keep his blood inside his body.

Having already jumped off his headgear before he struck the ground, which made the beetle helmet fly off to the side.

The last thing the goblin chief sees if my form as I slash once again.

[LVL: 10 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 180 points of EXP]

Wait it was level 10?

Why hadn't it evolved yet?

I know that a goblin's level cap is level 10, how come it hasn't?

Nevermind, this is not the time to wonder about that.

I don't start drinking the goblin chief's body dry because I can't complete my plan if I'm full of blood.

Hearing two new pairs of bare feet on the ground approaching the chamber I quickly drag the chief's body to the side corner of the chamber.

Luckily I don't have to worry about the goblins smelling the blood since the absolutely foul stench of feces, piss, rotten food, and much more disgusting things are masking it like a champ.

Hearing the cloth being pulled to the side I get into position.

I see two female goblins enter the chief chamber, most likely his bed warmers.

They both come in with a comically unsexy walk, or at least sexy in their opinion.

Seeing them standing side by side looking towards the bed, I realize that they don't even notice the pool of blood right next to them.

At first, they seem confused not to see the chief in his bed and are about to scan the room for him.

But suddenly the throat of the female goblin closest to me had her throat ripped open as I buzz by her and crash directly into the other female goblin.

[Goblin takes 28 damage - critical hit!]

[LVL: 4 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 155 points of EXP]

[Goblin takes 3 damage!]

Before the female that still has her throat intact can scream or make any sounds I had already gotten one of my other legs pressing down on her windpipe almost crushing it with the force I was supplying.

Before the dead female goblin even hits the ground I've already brought my front leg with its claw back up and across the throat of the one I'm currently pinning.

[Goblin takes 23 damage - critical hit!]

[LVL: 2 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 131 points of EXP]

[Congratulations! You've reached level 17]

[You've been rewarded with 1 skill point for reaching level 17]


Now that was intense.

Dragging the bodies of the female goblins over together with the goblin chief as I recover my stamina.

About 20 minutes later I've completely recovered my stamina and I begin making my way back out into the big room.

Already with obscurement activated, I see a single goblin looking dumbly looking the crystal with awe-filled in its expression.

Quickly dispatching the goblin I drag him over in the corner where it won't be easily discovered.

[Goblin takes 24 damage - critical hit!]

[LVL: 2 Goblin has been slain]

[You have been rewarded with 121 points of EXP]

Now for the next phase of my plan.

I pick up some rocks and activate obscurement again.

Although the process of managing to grab the stones were a bit hard due to having no hands. But I didn't take long before I managed to figure out a trick to holding the stone with my claws.

Walking through the tunnel leading outside again, I spot my first goblins walking down the hall.

Once I see goblin is isolated enough I manage to throw a rock towards it and to hit the back of its head.

Nice shot! It's quite hard to throw stuff as a mosquito, but with my high attributes, I don't need accuracy when the sheer speed in the throw makes up for it.

Now I'm chuckling inwardly at the angry and painfilled expression of a goblin rubbing the back of its head.

Seeing the stupid goblin begin walking towards where I threw the rock from, I run back.

As soon I see the goblin skirt the bend of the tunnel I chug another stone right at its face. Hitting face center.

Now the goblin was filled with absolute hatred as it rambled in what seemed like curses while running towards the big room in search of whoever dared to play pranks on it.

Immediately upon reaching the chamber it promptly dies.

And as such, I kill a whole 8 more goblins this exact way. Though once I accidentally drew two of them at once, making it a bit harder to silence them both at once.

But I managed.

Not seeing any more goblins patrol the tunnels, I relax for a bit recovering my stamina.

Now getting back to the sleeping chambers comes the hardest part of my plan.

Assassinate all of the sleeping goblins.

Thankfully when inspecting each chamber quickly I see that all of them had gone to sleep even those that were having sex.

It seems that after that performance by the goblin chief they all went to take a rest.

From what I could see, there are about 20 goblins split up into the three chambers.

The one with the most having nine goblins in it.

Firstly going into the of with least amount in it, a grand total of five goblins, I activate obscurement.

Already thought of the best way the kill them silently I approach the one farthest goblin from the other goblin, who was laying on some cloth on the rocky ground.

I puncture its skin almost imperceptibly, now very used to using my stinger skillfully and then I proceeded to pump some paralytic compound into the sleeping goblin.

While they do have a resistance to paralyze, they're not immune.

Also, the fact that my paralyze has gotten a lot stronger and that I only need a second or two to slit its throat, it's more than enough.

Quickly ending the first one I proceed to end each of the remaining ones.

As such, I completed both of the least populated goblin sleeping chambers without a hitch.

And now I stand before the sleeping goblins of the last chamber.

Unfortunately, I don't have much more of my paralytic compound left, and I can't risk waiting for it the recover since some might wake up by then or even some other goblin parties out hunting could come back.

I set upon the task of slaughtering the rest.

I make sure to use my paralytics sparingly and mange to off four of them before I run dry.

Well now that there are only five left but I shouldn't have a problem killing them without paralyzing them first.

I'm pretty sure that I'm able to kill them all quickly enough even if some sound is made.


Taking a steadying few seconds I slit the first of the five remaining's throats.

Not sparing any second I move onto the next, succinctly also killing that.

As I do it this time as small wheeze does manage to escape which wakes the other goblins.

Unfortunately for them, they're the only last three remaining.

In the confusion of the moment manage off one more leaving two extremely panic-stricken goblins left.

I charge at one, seeing it scrambling for a weapon closeby.

But it's futile as it gets slashed by me.

Although the strike due to it's awkward angle meant that it wasn't enough to kill it outright.

I needn't worry though since it was more than enough for it to bleed out soon enough.

Quickly returning my attention to the other goblin, I see it running towards the exit in pure panic.

It had even shit itself while running, making it run down its leg.

Before it managed to bend the corner to the tunnel leading outside, I latch onto its head from behind and draw my claw across its throat.

Oh god!

That was so fucking stressful and hard.

Slumping on the ground I take some time to recover both mentally and physically.

Urgh, now is not the time to rest.

Getting back up to my five legs I inspect my prompts that had been piling up every since this slaughter.

[You have slain 33 Goblins!]

[You have been rewarded with 4389 points of EXP]

[Congratulations! You've reached level 18-20]

[You've been rewarded with 3 skill points for reaching level 18-20]

[You're currently at the level threshold, you can choose an evolution path!]

[Due to continuous EXP hitting the level threshold, you've begun to approach forced evolution]

[Due to a large amount of EXP influx at the level threshold in a very short amount of allotted time, you receive a one time bonus for your next evolution!]

[Titles acquired: Ruthless Assassin]


A new title, level threshold, and a bonus!

But after all my hard and intensive work I really needed it, even though I would've never hoped for that much.

I'll just check my skill increases too.

[Lesser Enhance Organs has reached LVL: 2]

[Weak Infusing Slash has reached LVL: 3-4]

[Obscurement has reached LVL: 5]

[Paralyze has reached LVL: 4]

Hmm, obscurement has reached level 5 but it's apparently not enough for it to advance again.

While I definitely expected it to be so, I of course wasn't entirely sure. If I were to guess it would be a level 10 next time for an already advanced skill since it's a very reasonable guess.

Suddenly pulled out of my thoughts, I look back towards the big chamber where the red crystal lays within.

I can feel it resonating with my body at an even greater intensity now.

Slowly getting back to the crystal, I see it pulsating somewhat faster now.

Walking closer to it, I stand only half a meter away from it.

It's just high enough to be on eye level with me.

Somehow when I stare at the crystal I feel almost as if it's accepting me, which compared to the feeling I felt when I saw it devouring that goblin as completely opposing.

That feeling was simply it radiating that it wanted to consume the little green creature.

But towards me, it almost feels as if it wants me to take it.

Somehow knowing with my entire body that it won't hurt me, I stretch out my one front leg and another opposing back leg.

As soon as I touched the crystal, I felt a soothing warmth radiating from it not the pain that the goblin experinced.

Picking it up I focus on it as if wanting to inspect it. But as soon as I do a prompt pops up.

[Juvenile - Lesser Crimson Core]

[Compatability - Extremely high]

[Do you want to assimilate crimson core?]


A crimson core?


Could it be what I think it is?

Is this a mana source?

Trying to just make sure, I asked the system what a core was. But as expected it couldn't answer me.

Ignoring the prompt for now, I looked around.

But suddenly I felt something from the crimson core in my grasp.

Acting on what I felt from it, I turned to the goblin corpse pile in the corner.

Grimacing at the smell, from dead goblins all in one. Dying is no pretty thing I can tell you that, many movies and stories from back home usually excluded the part where corpses tended to release their bodily fluids and waste when they died.

Also, it being goblins that already stink in the first place, it really doesn't help.

But I push through the smell.

Getting closer to the pile, I see the crimson core increase speed the at which it pulsated. Almost as if it was a metal detector of sorts.

Getting close enough I touch the crimson crystal to one of the corpses, and immediately the crystal begins devouring the dead goblin.

Actually, when looking closely, it's seemingly only blood that it absorbs from the bodies.

Pulling the crystal away from the course, inspect the crystal closely.

Even though very faint, I definitely see an increase in the glow intensity of the beautiful little red gem.

Looking back from the crimson core, I stare at the pile of goblin corpses.

Smiling inwardly to myself, I get to work.

It's about time this place gets cleaned up.