Chapter 24 – [Day 8] – “Power”

∼ Day 8 ∼

Hiding amongst the foliage, I look at the goblins mindlessly walking along a worn path.

While I was itching to try out my magic, this first round of combat was going to be solely physical.

Walking out into sight, I speak loudly.

"Hey, fuckers!" - Me

While I know I can easily slaughter them by ambushing, I needed to experience actual face to face combat.

For all the time I've been surviving, I've been doing so stealthily, never actually fighting anybody.

So this is my first ever actual combat.

Turning around shocked at the sudden voice speak out, they held their rocks and wooden clubs up in an aggressive stance.

But as soon as they saw my small figure just as small as theirs, they immediately relaxed and began to laugh with mirth.

How dare such a little creature attack five of us mighty goblins, were running through each of their minds.

Seeing their brave demeanor, I was a bit surprised that they weren't scared of my appearance even though my stature was small.

But it was then I realized that my whole body still instinctively hid itself and its presence as best it could.

Finally not having to worry about creatures all around me, I fully relaxed my body.

In a split second, I removed any form of masking of my presence and directed all of my killing intent directly at them all.

The effect was instant.

Staring directly into my red pupil-less eyes they completely froze.

Some immediately let loose of their excrements in sheer terror, other fell to the ground unable to hold themselves up.

While it might have been because their wills being so low that my pressure and killing intent was so effective. But I myself could feel the palpable pressure radiating from me.

Slowly beginning to approach the five goblins, acting like deer in headlights, I bare forth my razor-sharp claws.

Managing to walk directly in front of the closest goblin, it simply stood there frozen in terror.

Smiling at the helplessness of this little ugly fellow I lessen the pressure emitted, just enough for the goblin to regain some sort of motion.

Like a rat cornered, the goblin lifted up his wooden club and swung it down onto my left shoulder in a desperate attempt to strike my head.

Allowing the club to hit, me I smile at the result.

[You have taken 1 damage!]

As soon as the club strikes my carapace-like skin it completely rebounds and makes a small fracture on the club. But that was only the damage done to the club, for the poor goblin's hand it was another story.

While goblins had very dense muscle tissue compared to humans, their bones were much more fragile and small.

The goblin had put all of its strength into that desperate strike, and the rebound from it had shattered most of the bones in its hand.

While getting hit like that did hurt a bit, my body was practically unscathed and skin unblemished.

It would seem that the goblin had taken a lot more damage from his own strike.

Reeling in pain the goblin falls on its ass and immediately tries to crawl away.

Walking slowly over to the desperate goblin trying to make as far away as possible, I grasp its throat and pulls it into the air.

Struggling to get some air and remove the hold of my grasp, the goblin clawed at my hands.

Looking over to the other four still frozen in place goblins, I meet their gaze.

Holding that gaze, I draw up my remaining hand. Flattening out my hand, and with a sudden motion, I thrust it straight through the goblin held I'm my grasp.

[Goblin has taken 29 damage, a critical hit!]

With my clawed hand appearing on the other side of the goblin's body, puncturing straight through where the goblin's heart was supposed to be, I see the life quickly drain out of the eyes of the little green beast.

[LVL: 4 Goblin has been slain!]

[You have been rewarded with 32 points of EXP]

Throwing my arm to side on which the goblin was impaled on, I let the momentum slide the goblin corpse off my bloodstained arm.

Licking some blood off one of my claws, I become slightly surprised.

I completely forgot about taste ever since becoming a mosquito.

But contrary to my first thought that the blood might now taste awful, I was pleasantly surprised that the taste was rather pleasant.

Returning my attention back to the remaining goblins I test out my speed.

Using my new skill, dash, I in almost instantly appear by each goblin's side promptly followed by splatters of blood as I cleave right through them with no resistance.

[You have slain 4 Goblins!]

[You have been rewarded with 122 points of EXP]

[Dash has reached LVL: 2]

Holy fuck, this new power I wield is intoxicating. Ever since I've arrived in this world, I for the first time in my life actually feel alive and like I've accomplished something.

Anyways, these goblins give me practically no EXP anymore.

Well, it does make sense since they are literally like ants in front of me now.

Going over to the goblins again, I pick one up to drink.

Remembering now that I don't have my needle-like appendage, I wonder if it's going to be harder drinking now.

Wait, how are my teeth even?

Opening my mouth prodded my teeth.

Upon touching them, I became quite surprised.

Two rows of razor-sharp teeth lined my mouth. But what was most interesting, was that I had two very long canines.

Reminding me like that of a vampire of sorts. But these did seem quite a bit longer and more like that of a dog's canines.

Well, the Azde are race of bloodsuckers, so I just followed my instincts and bit into the goblin.

Immediately after biting into the flesh of the goblin, I felt a weird sensation in my new canines.

It almost felt like they were literally sucking the blood into them without me even doing anything consciously.

It would seem that the canines have some organ or tube that sucks and transports the blood straight into my body.

With my canines relentlessly sucking blood and my mouth lapping up anything that overspilled, I drained the goblin just as fast as when I was a sanguinite, if not even faster.

Surprised that my canines were that effective but when I think about it, it might have something to do with an azde's natural power over blood if I were to guess.


[You've consumed the blood of Goblins 5 times]

[105 points of EXP has been acquired and stats have been added]

Scoffing at the somewhat pathetic EXP gain, I move on to the next objective on my agenda.

Now is the time for magic!

Just about to take off, something catches my attention.

To my side, I feel a presence gazing at me.

Redirecting my senses towards there, I smell the familiar scent of a goblin.

Smiling wickedly, I instantly turn my head straight in the direction of the goblin hiding in the foliage watching me.

In the foliage was a slightly bigger than average goblin, looking at me.

Seeing that I've spotted it, it immediately blanches and falls backward in an attempt to make its body scurry away.

In the next moment I've disappeared from its sight.

Looking around in confusion and horror, it began slowly retreating backwards.

Suddenly coming to an abrupt halt as the goblin walks into something, it turns around.

Standing right there, blocking its path, stood the smiling me.

Realization flashing in his eyes, I was surprised by the next series of motions he performed.

For some reason, he could move relatively fine under my pressure, although suppressed quite a bit right now, was still impressive.

Drawing a dagger from a makeshift belt on his hip, he hurled it towards my face as he turned tail.

Flicking the dagger away with the back of my hand, I take a scrutinizing look at the goblin.

First now noticing that his clothes were not that of ragged barely hanging-on clothes that goblins usually had.

Although I did want some clothes, these didn't quite fit me with my wings. Also, I'm never going to wear something a goblin has worn, goblins are abnormally disgusting creatures, I don't even want to imagine what those clothes have gone through.

Anyways, this goblin had even managed to acquire a dagger. Seeing the equipment on the little fella, it would seem that he made it himself.

Amused at the green little guy's intelligence, I appraised him.


[Appraisal - Goblin]

Name: "???"

Race: Goblin

Sex: Male

Rank: H

Level: 9/10

Health: 42/42

Stamina: 38/38

Mana: 0/0


STR - 8

VIT - 8

AGI - 5

DEX - 5

INT - 8

CHR - 3

WILL - 8

MAG - 0.01

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 4

Traits - 2

Titles - 0


Phy. Resistance - 3

Mag. Resistance - 0.200

Men. Resistance - 4

What the hell is with this goblin?

Why are his stats so high for a goblin?

Not to mention also is his stamina being wickedly high.

Huh... interesting little guy.

It would be a waste to kill this one, he might have some special ability or quality about him.

The clever goblin was still running but he had only managed to stray about five meters away in all that time.

Hmm, my mental processes have really sped up with my high intelligence stat.

Using dash, I appeared right next to the running goblin and grabbed his throat with an iron grip.

Not being able to even make a sound, the goblin struggled.

Clawing at my hands, the goblin suddenly felt a shock of force as it was slammed to the ground on its back.

[Goblin takes 4 damage!]

Pinning the goblin to the ground, I crouch beside it and show a finger signaling it to stop.

Hoping that he'd be smart enough to understand the expression, or else he'd get hurt, I became very surprised as he immediately ceased any form of struggle in fear of what would happen if he continued.

Seeing his obedience, I pulled up my left arm.

Slowly releasing the grip on his throat but still making sure he didn't try and escape or make any sounds, I draw one of my claws across a joint in my carapace.

Surprised that I even had trouble drawing blood on my own skin, I saw a small trickle of blood begin to flow.

Seeing the obvious confusion in the eyes of the goblin at my actions, I smile.

Suddenly grasping the goblins jaw, I pry it open by applying pressure.

Opening his mouth wide open, instead of letting me crush his jaw, I pull my arm over his head.

Letting blood drip down into his mouth, I stop after a solid ten drops.

Now wanting to finally use my healing gland, I activate it.

Surprised at the stopping of my blood, and the slow process of my blood clotting over the wound that was easily visible, I get a prompt.

[LVL: 9 Goblin has been afflicted with the Blood Plague!]

[Blood Plague has reached LVL: 2]

[Healing surge has reached LVL: 2]

Feeling the presence of the goblin, I become satisfied.

But suddenly, another presence appears along with it.

This one was distinctively more vague, as if it was far away.

There you are, you little shitter. Happy that my hypothesis about leveling blood plague would increase the range of my connection was correct, I rise to my full height.

Although I had wanted to experiment with the blood plague skill on this goblin. But since his intellect, will and mental resistance was so high, I doubted it would be as good of an experiment subject.

And when the perfect one had just presented itself yet again, I decided to go revisit my old maimer.

Besides, I had yet to figure out how the sanguine plague affects their hosts. With a four day old subject, I needed to go and see what had might've happened to it immediately.

But it wasn't like I was giving up on this clever one since I was rather confident in my ability to find him again.

Looking at the goblin on the ground laying completely still as to not anger me and meet an untimely death, I smirk.

Beginning to walk away, I leave the still goblin behind while moving towards the tree foliage.

Getting back up in a sitting position with confusion written all over its face it began rubbing its sore throat.

Noticing the goblin's gaze at my back, I turn and make a small wave as a sign of goodbye.

The next moment, I disappeared from the goblin's sight, which did nothing to help appease its racing heart.

I'll be back for you, clever goblin.