Chapter 28 – [Day 9] – “Departure”

∼ Day 9 ∼

Sitting in the crown of a tree I watch the scene down below.

From the tree foliage, a hunting party of seven goblins emerges.

They seem to have had a successful hunt as they were carrying the corpse of a dead rock beetle. But it apparently had come at a price as most of them were wounded and one was even missing an arm.

I doubted that he one missing an arm would even survive much longer as the pale complexion of it's face indicates that it's in pretty bad shape.

Bickering amongst each other, the goblins were laughing and jeering because of their oh-so successful hunt.

But they all stopped as they saw a lone goblin walking over to them.

[Language - Rathian/Goblin Dialect, has been learned 50%]

[Language adaptability has reached LVL: 2]

Nice, it would seem that the exposure to the goblins over the last few days have really done a number for my language adaptability skill.

Listening to the goblins I realized that I could understand the vast majority of their words.

"Oi ya git! Wat you want?" - Goblin

Not responding Bob simply continued to walk towards them.

"GIT WANT BEATIN'?!" - Goblin

Seeing that Bob ignored it, the goblin in front puffed his chest up trying to be as big as possible to show his dominance.

Standing right before him, Bob stopped with a slightly nervous stance.

Seeing Bob's fearful state he smirked arrogantly.

"OUT ME WA- KURGH" - Goblin

The arrogant goblin was suddenly cut off as blood began flowing spilling from his mouth.

Just now, Bob had reached back and pulled out the blood dagger held in place with the thin piece of cloth around his waist.

Before the arrogant goblin could even react, Bob had plunged the blood dagger up under his chin and all the way into his brain.

[LVL: 7 Goblin has been slain by another under your control!]

[You have been rewarded with the split 20 points of EXP]

I knew that this many goblins would be troublesome for Bob even though they were injured and exhausted, so I gave him the blood dagger which I had created from before.

With his superior intelligence and equipment, he should be able to succeed.

Another small surprise I had in store, was when he swallowed the contents in his mouth which I had ordered him to keep until he attacked.

Immediately his muscles enlarged a bit and his veins puffed out. Followed by that a mad glint in his eyes flared.

Infused with the strengthening variant of my blood, Bob quickly retracted the dagger and dashed to the closest unsuspecting goblin.

Before it could react and drop the rock beetle that it was helping hold with the other six goblins, Bob charged into it making it fall back over on its back.

Sitting atop the fear-stricken goblin, Bob relentlessly thrust the dagger in and out of the goblin's chest.

[LVL: 5 Goblin has been slain by another under your control!]

[You have been rewarded with the split 15 points of EXP]

Seeing the horrifying end of their leader and the other goblin, they all looked fearful, hesitating if they should run or fight.

While they were five times as many, their low wills didn't help much after witnessing that scene.

If they were unable to be the first ones to activate their battle frenzies, then they would be at a grave disadvantage.

Dropping the rock beetle corpse simultaneously with Bob rising from the bloody corpse beneath him, they steeled themselves and charged with their rocks and wooden clubs.

Without hesitation, Bob lunged for the closest one.

Only getting hit by a strafe from a wooden club, Bob managed to shank its stomach.

Quickly pulling back the dagger, while the goblin crumbled to the ground clutching its stomach, he continued to his next victim

This time managing to actually dodge the attack, he slices through the meat of the attacker's arm.

Dropping its weapon while reeling in pain, it clenched the bone-revealing wound, which now spilling blood down the arm.

Ignoring it for the goblin, for now, Bob barely dodged away from the collective attack of three goblins.

But he ended up getting blunted by a rock thrown by one and stumbled.

Luckily he managed to right himself before they could continue the assault.

Immediately regaining ground, Bob slashed out with a countering attack.

This time he managed to catch a goblin off guard, as it tried to pathetically block with his wooden club.

But due to Bob's strength boost from my blood and coupled with superior weapon handling and equipment, he easily managed to pass the guard and slit the throat of the goblin.

Seeing that their attempts were futile and that the goblin missing an arm had already turned tail, they crumble into their fears and begin to run.

Already expecting this, I had placed myself behind the goblins.

To make sure that Bob would have a full fight to prove himself, I turned on my killing intent.

Not so much that they couldn't move. But rather so they knew if they continued to run this way it would mean certain death.

Luckily it had the intended effect.

Just like cornered rats, the goblins turned back to Bob and launched a desperate assault.

Taking advantage of the desperate nature of their attacks Bob blocked and countered them easily.

From all I've seen up until now, it seems like that the battle frenzy induced by my blood doesn't actually cause Bob to lose complete consciousness since his battle performance says otherwise.

Making quick work of the closest goblin by splitting open its gut and letting the entrails flow out, he spins and directs a block towards the next goblin.

Unfortunately, he could only block one attack at the time. The next moment he was hit in the head with a rock from the other goblin, dazing him.

Stumbling back, Bob tried to retreat before the next series of blows reached him.

Managing to get a foothold Bob counters with a quick slash which catches the goblin, who had just hit him with a rock, completely off guard.

The next moment Bob was sitting on top of the goblin eviscerating it with dozens of slashes to the face and neck, completely tearing the goblin up.

Before Bob could finish his rampage he was once again thumped over the head with a rock. But this time, he struck the ground and did come back up.

About to deliver the final blow, the goblin suddenly adapted a confused expression.

Although its intelligence was on the "lower" side, it was quite sure it had a pair of hands not too long ago.

Now it was just two stumps spouting blood, which led the goblin to scream in agony.

Besides the now crumbled goblin laying on the ground, stood I.

Bob had already more than impressed me, so I wouldn't let him die here.

He had managed to fend off six goblins and killed five before faltering.

There were only two remaining goblins. One remaining whose hands I had just cut off, and the other one who had been missing an arm from the get-go.

But that one had already passed out from running away and was laying on the ground right now, most likely dead.

Checking on Bob, I see no serious injuries other than some blunting and what looks to be a concussion. But I also pull up his status to check.


[Appraisal - Goblin]

Name: "???"

Race: Goblin

Sex: Male

Rank: H-

Level: 6/10

Health: 17/30

Stamina: 3/13

Mana: 0/0


STR - 5 ⇒ 6

VIT - 4

AGI - 5 ⇒ 6

DEX - 4

INT - 5

CHR - 1

WILL - 2

MAG - 0.01

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 4

Traits - 2

Titles - 0


Phy. Resistance - 3

Mag. Resistance - 0.084 ⇒ 0.086

Men. Resistance - 1

[Afflicted - (Domination)]

Okay, he doesn't seem to be in danger, and he has finally reached level six.

Seeing now that each goblin had already died from blood loss and such, so I pulled up the prompts.

[LVL: 4 Goblin has been slain!]

[You have been rewarded with 26 points of EXP]

[5 Goblins has been slain by another under your control!]

[You have been rewarded with the split 77 points of EXP]

Looking towards the unconscious Bob, I ponder our next course of action.

But it doesn't take long to decide.

Picking up Bob by locking my arms under his armpits.

Slightly gagging at the smell of goblin radiating off him, I collect my composure and lift off.

Easily carrying his weight while flying we set off for a little journey.

========================= 30 minutes later =========================

Somewhat exhausted from flying that long with a load, I land at my sought after target.

Before me was a relatively large lake.

Checking to see if there was any monster in it, and finding none, I unceremoniously dump Bob into it.

Immediately disgusted by the sheer amount of dirt and other unrecognizable things drafting off him into the water, I shudder.

Waking up upon hitting the cold water, Bob frantically looks around scared.

Catching my gaze standing to his side on land, the gears in his head begin to churn.

"Reward?" - Bob

Hearing him, I burst out into a chuckle

After waking up, that was the only thing on his mind?

"You made me proud Bob. So I'm going to make you into a big and strong chief, Bob." - Me

Seeing his eyes go wide, I couldn't help myself as I burst into another series of mirthful chuckling.