Chapter 30 – [Day 9] – “Talent”

∼ Day 9 ∼

Only hesitating for a moment Bob launched the first attack.

Holding his new dagger very clumsily, he lunged towards the hobgoblin.

Seeing the shoddy attempt made by Bob, the hobgoblin quickly regained his composure and began to smile at this must-be easy victory.

Who would've thought that the terrifying monster who had killed all his underlings, would let him get off this easily?

Preparing to counter the pathetic display of an attack, he strikes down.

But to the hobgoblin's amazement, instead of parrying the stupid goblin's attack, he only saw a spray of blood.

Reeling back in pain the hobgoblin managed to just barely hold onto the ragged dagger before moving it to his other hand.

Creating some distance between the smaller goblin and him, he looked down at his now cut-up hand which showed bone.

Bob's attack wasn't a clumsy and inexperienced one. But rather a deliberate fake, to feint and strike the hobgoblin when his guard was down.

Suddenly realizing his own stupidity, the hobgoblin adopted a defensive stance, finally now taking the fight seriously.

Once again it was Bob that initiated the next attack.

Striking out with his dagger which calls for the hobgoblin to defend.

And a flurry of small strafing strikes ensued the hastily put up a defense, as Bob simply continued going loose on the hobgoblin.

At first, he was confused as to why Bob was adopting such a tiring strategy for himself but soon he realized what the small bugger was up to this time.

With the hobgoblin's superior attributes in strength and stamina, he should have no problem in playing the game of attrition. But he noticed something that happened each time the clinging of their weapons sounded out.

Seeing small flakes of metal each time his dagger struck with the blood dagger, he knew that the goblin was trying to break his weapon.

Immediately the hobgoblin stopped parrying instead started to primarily dodge attacks instead.

But it was pretty much already too late, the weapon was barely holding on. It had started showing cracks and chipping in the blade.

Seeing he was running out of options, the hobgoblin had to take the initiative before losing his weapon.

With his bigger size and frame, and coupled with better stats, he decided to take it close quarters dropping the goblin's advantage of better equipment.

So he charged the goblin knowing that he might take a hit but also knowing that he'd easily win in a hand to hand fight.

Unfortunately for the hobgoblin, this was something that Bob had anticipated.

Upon charging him, Bob had kicked up a loose patch of sand-like dirt, straight into the eyes of the now blinded hobgoblin.

Dashing to the side, avoiding a desperate blind slash, Bob spun and cut the hobgoblin's achilles heel on his right foot.

Falling to a knee now unable to fully support his body, the hobgoblin launched another desperate sweeping strike accompanied after a pain-filled howl.

Not wasting another second, Bob easily evaded the strike and cut the hobgoblin's outstretched hand, effectively severing a tendon making the hobgoblin drop the dagger.

Now immobilized and disarmed, Bob jumped onto the back of the blinded hobgoblin pulling him down to the ground on his back.

Legs wrapped around the torso and forearm holding down the head on the hobgoblin's forehead, Bob wasted no time was dragged the blood dagger across the hobgoblin's throat.

Laying there, Bob keept the gurgling goblin in place on the ground as it bled out.

Followed by a few last pulses of blood being pumped out of the ever slowing heart, the hobgoblin's eyes faded into dullness.

And then I received a prompt.

[LVL: 4 Hobgoblin has been slain by another under your control!]

[You have been rewarded with the split 121 points of EXP]

Slightly stunned after witnessing this absolute victory which Bob had achieved, I don't even notice the prompt at first.

Letting go of the dead hobgoblin, Bob got back to his feet and turned to me with a bashful look on his ugly little face.


"That... was amazing Bob!" - Me

Seeing the sheer joy sparkle in his eyes after hearing my praise, I chuckle.

This little fellow probably will never get tired of me praising him.

But yeah, no kidding.

Bob is a natural fighter, and with the skill he already wields this dagger, it's staggering.

I'm extremely satisfied in my choice of making him an asset for me, I doubt that this weakling hobgoblin could ever match up to Bob's potential.

Done with the mental praising of Bob, I approach the hobgoblin corpse.

With some of the mana that I had generated while spectating, I conjured the hobgoblin's blood up into my mouth.

This was extremely convenient and didn't even waste the blood that had already spilled.

While conjuring the blood, I made sure to only bring the blood and not the dirt and other filth it had touched, which I had found out before was surprisingly easy.


[You have consumed the blood of a Hobgoblin]

[You have acquired 210 points of EXP and stats have been added]

Reminded now of the substantial increase in the EXP acquired from the hobgoblin I turn to see the giddy goblin behind me.

Wondering about what he got from this, I appraised him.


[Appraisal - Goblin]

Name: "???"

Race: Goblin

Sex: Male

Rank: H-

Level: 10/10

Health: 35/38

Stamina: 5/17

Mana: 0/0


STR - 7

VIT - 6

AGI - 8 ⇒ 9

DEX - 5 ⇒ 6

INT - 6

CHR - 1

WILL - 4

MAG - 0.01

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 4

Traits - 2

Titles - 0


Phy. Resistance - 3

Mag. Resistance - 0.094 ⇒ 0.098

Men. Resistance - 1

[Afflicted - (Domination)]

He reached his level threshold!

Looking to Bob, I ask him a question.

"Bob can you evolve?" - Me

Putting a confused expression on his face, Bob slightly tilted his head like a puppy would.

Before I could answer a clarifying answer, I notice something about our link.

Looking into the connection between Bob and me with my mind's eye, I discover something.

A feeling almost akin to a pending notification was in the connection, so I tap into it.

Immediately followed by that, I get presented with a prompt.

[Your dominated creature has reached the level threshold]

[Due to your trait "Limit Breaker" your dominated creature can already evolve without meeting its naturally imposed requirements]

[Do you want to choose the evolution for your dominated creature, or allow it to choose itself?]


Stunned by the unexpected information, I ponder.

So it definitely is correct that other creatures have it harder when leveling and evolving from reading this prompt. But it seems that my trait can even help my minions!

Or at least to some extent.

Almost accepting to choose the evolution, I stop myself.

While I definitely know that I could choose the best option for both his and my own future, I saw this as a possibility to establish better trust between me and Bob.

Looking away from the prompt and ask Bob.

"Bob, you've reached your maximum level as a goblin and can now grow into something more powerful" - Me

Upon hearing my words Bob's eyes widened.

"Me stronga?" - Bob

"Yes, an option could possibly something like that hobgoblin over there" - Me

"Huh? But meh already stronga than stupid big goblin git" - Bob

Hearing Bob's words I chuckled

While a genius in battle, his brains didn't always seem to help him outside of it.

"Yes, you outsmarted and outskilled the hobgoblin. But he was physically stronger, imagine what you could do with his body instead of your own small one." - Me

Realization hitting him like a brick to the face, he was about to say something. But I cut him off.

"Bob, right now you can have the choice of choosing which evolution you want. Or I can choose one for you based on my own opinion." - Me

Without hesitation, Bob answered with an answer that surprised me.

"Masta choose" - Bob

"Bob, are you sure? This is an important decision" - Me

"Ya, masta very smart. Masta strong, m-asta know best" - Bob

Somewhat stunned by his very honest answer, I smile.

"Okay Bob, I will choose the best and most powerful evolution for you" - Me


[Available evolution paths - Goblin]

Lesser Draugr (Rare): Rank - G+ / Primary Attribute - STR, VIT, AGI / Requirement; High natural weapon talent, Exposure to life aligned substance

The Draugr are weapon-wielder masters who harness the power of life and death to become unparalleled fighters. The Draugr serves and fights for their masters.

Gremlin: Rank - H / Primary Attribute - INT, DEX / Requirement; Lesser greenskin race, INT - 5

Cunning and smart small creatures, who are known for their sheepishness and their traps. Not worth being pursued by almost any, gremlins are mostly a race ignored and left in peace by others.

Hobgoblin: Rank - G-/ Primary Attribute - STR, AGI / Requirement; Lesser greenskin race

The natural aftercomers of goblins, and the bulk of the greenskins' working force. With their slim but taught and wiry frame, they excel in combat and craftmanship as their cunning is nothing to scoff at either.

Hobgoblin "Bloodthrall" (Rare): Rank - G / Primary Attribute - STR, AGI / Requirement; Exposure to life aligned substance, Lesser greenskin race

A rare variant of the hobgoblin race who has been dominated by another powerful individual. Bloodthralls become more powerful as their blood grows, gaining abilities and even magical capabilities.


Even my blood has affected his next evolution.

First and foremost, we can already exclude the gremlin and the hobgoblin since they simply weren't up to par compared to the other two options.

So moving on, the lesser draugr evolution right off the bat seems extremely enticing. I already know that Bob seems to have an abnormal talent for weapon-wielding and fighting in general. Imagining an undead Bob simply ripping through his enemies with all manners of weapons, I can't help myself from smiling.

The bloodthrall variant also seems to promise very much, considering the fact I'm leaning towards magic quite a bit. Besides someone under me with the capabilities of magic would help me immensely since I already know just how powerful it can be by just glimpsing at a bit of my own.

Unable to immediately make a decision, I ponder over what would be best for not only me. But also Bob.

I already know that Bob's greatest quality lays in his ability to fight, so wasting an opportunity like the lesser draugr I don't think I can.

And thinking about it a bit more, it makes more sense to pick the lesser draugr.

Number one is that it's seemingly a rare quality to have such a natural talent for fighting which might also have something to do with his higher than average intelligence for a goblin.

And number two is that I won't be able to easily find such a talent again, while the requirements for a bloodthrall seems like I can easily replicate simply with my blood and a goblin.

Done pondering, I choose the lesser draugr. Besides, I think Bob will be satisfied with my choice since he really doesn't strike me like the magic-wielding type.

Stopping myself right before choosing, I meet gazes with the expectant looking Bob by my side.

"Um... Bob, you might want to sit down for this one" - Me

Once again doing the confused puppy head tilt, I simply direct him to sit over by the trunk of a tree.

"Sorry bud, this is going to hurt" - Me

Before he could reply, I accepted the evolution.