Chapter 65 – [Day 24] – “Preparations”

∼ Day 24 ∼

With the entrance of a stray thought in my head, I suddenly realized I never actually got to peruse the skill shop to spend some of my stashed up points that had been so steadily increasing before my impromptu capture and imprisonment.

Although the idea of purchasing skills that would help further my power always helped me into a good mood, the realization that with the blockage of my magic, buying the skills I had been saving up for wouldn't really help. Namely, those being the Magic Talent skill and other similarily mana-dependent skills...

While I hated the idea of having to forego buying these useful and powerful skills, that could very possibly ascend my magic to a whole new level, I had no choice in the matter. I couldn't waste the points on the off-chance that I might regain my magic before I die in this shithole city.

So without any further ado, I quelled my internal protests and began perusing the skill shop for things that might help me in my goal of staying the fuck alive, if even just for a tad bit longer.


After a great deal of time of me being immersed in the ruminations and machinations of my greedy mind, I finally managed to narrow down the skills up for grabs to the most intriguing and potentially powerful skills.

I had to thin the skill selection greatly as most of the new skills and old skills filling the shop were now all magic-related, which was rather unfortunate but I could only turn a blind eye to them at the current time.

But that was not to say that I hadn't found some good skills, since these here were quite interesting, to say the least.

-Skill shop!-

Skill shop

Blood Born: Cost - 20 / Requirement; Crimson Alignment

Your body and blood become one, a fusion between both to create a greater whole. Consuming blood will temporarily strengthen, toughen, and heal your body. (This skill is partially locked! Other benefits and traits will be unlocked as the skill grows)

Weak Reflection: Cost - 5 / Requirement; Phys. Res. 10

Your body will take the brunt and absorb a portion of a force hitting it, to then reflect it back at your assailant.

Lesser Eldritch Vitality: Cost - 25 / Requirement; Crimson Alignment, VIT - 30, MAG - 30

Your body has become defiant to the laws of nature. Effects of healing and vitality are massively increased, allowing your body to acquire a monstrous constitution and regeneration capabilities.

Blood Burn: Cost - 5 / Requirement; VIT - 20, MAG - 15

Inflame your own blood to temporarily empower your body's strength and speed.

After sifting through a great deal of interesting and powerful looking skills, I finally managed to narrow it down to these four impressive-looking skills. Although I had to forego some truly intriguing magical skills, I actually managed to find some skills that were more than enticing on their own.

First of all, we had the two low-cost skills, Weak Reflection and Blood Burn. When looking at Weak Reflection, I simply couldn't find a downside to it. Although it wasn't as glamorous and special sounding as the other, it covered one of my big weaknesses that had been become known to me over the last few days of getting thrashed around.

Although my carapace was like an impenetrable shield against slashing and stabbing from enemies, that wasn't really what had been the problem over the last few battles. It was the fact that I only needed one good thunk to the head with some blunt force to daze me.

Being dazed a moment or two was a complete no-no in the heated throes of battle. Such one single moment was like a lifetime when fighting. Being prone for a second or two is more than enough time for your assailant to rain down lethal attacks many times over. Other than that, I was only five skill points.

Looking to Blood Burn, this one was more of a guess at what its potential was. This was because I assumed that the amount of power and speed I would gain from burning my blood was tied to how much of my blood and the quality of it that was used as fuel.

Seeing as my blood was already much more powerful and potent than my peers of similar strength, it could mean that I would get much more out of the skill than anyone else possibly would.

While I could pick up both these skills up for quite a low price, the other two remaining skills were what had really caught most of my attention, to be honest. Blood-Born was the first one I had found out of the two, and the description had staggered my mind for a solid minute or two.

The skill's description of being able to temporarily boost my power, enhance my defenses, and increase my healing by simply consuming blood was alone more than enough for me to make a mental note to buy it as soon as possible. But the added information about the skill actually being partially locked had almost completely captivated my attention.

I had never seen a skill like it amongst all the other skills in the shop, or even out of it. How it promised greater benefits and traits as it grew, led me to believe that the skill had massive amounts of potential innate to it.

Not only that, similar to the Blood Burn skill I mentioned before, this might also have an inadvertently greater effect combined with my already powerful and potent blood.

As for the other skill that had managed to occupy a great deal of my attention, it was Lesser Eldritch Vitality. I highly doubt that I need to explain the sheer amount of usefulness and benefits it promised.

Not to also mention that it was just the "lesser" version of the skill, even though it already promised such benefits. This meant that its potential could also be just as staggering. Other than that, it was especially good when taking into consideration how perfectly it matched with Mana Mending.

But that combination didn't tickle my fancy nearly as much as the idea of acquiring and synergizing both Lesser Eldritch Vitality and Blood-Born with each other. That would simply ascend my healing capabilities and unkillable nature to a whole new level.

Unfortunately, I only had 23 points to spend. I couldn't even buy the Lesser Eldritch Vitality at the moment. But the skill was just something too useful too completely pass up without even taking it into consideration.

I also just barely fit under its requirements, but that reminded me of something else interesting. In the requirements for both Blood-Born and Lesser Eldritch Vitality, "crimson alignment" was mentioned.

While that did definitely remind me of a requirement I've seen before, but that one stated a "crimson aligned core", not just "crimson alignment".

I wasn't sure what the difference was but my guess was that it was either my race or body that needed to be crimson aligned rather than just having a core with said alignment.

While interesting, I had no idea what the meaning or ramifications were of it. But it seemed that I apparently was one such crimson aligned creature as I met the requirements to buy both these skills.

I had already put Weak reflection and Blood Burn to the side as the two high-cost skills were much more important and useful than either combined.

Currently, I was agonizing over if I should wait for another two skill points to get the Lesser Eldritch Vitality skill or simply take the Blood-Born skill right now.

Argh! goddammit- I simply have too many skills I want to acquire but my skills points are way too sparse.

With me wanting to buy basically almost all the magical skills due to each one being extremely powerful and/or useful, coupled with the fact I was being presented such powerful but expensive non-magical skills, I just realized just how insufficient the number of skill points I had was, but also just how precious they were at the same time.

After taking a deep breath to clear my mind, that had begun running loose with thoughts in every direction, I quickly came to a decision.

While Lesser Eldritch Vitality was something I really wanted, taking Blood-Born would be much better in my current situation. First of all, I had no idea if I would even survive this Mauling thing I was apparently gearing up for, so I might never even get the opportunity to buy the skill when I finally reached those 25 skill points.

Another reason was obviously that the earlier I acquired Blood-Born, the faster I would be able to unlock its potential. Looking at the standpoint of the future, this path promised the greatest survivability and potential.

Quenching my greed, I purchased the skill.


[Skill - Blood-Born has been added to the skill list!]

[Trait - Minor Blood-Born Body has been acquired through the skill, Blood-Born!]


I just got a trait from the skill...

It wasn't the first time I've gotten a trait due to something else, but I definitely wasn't complaining as traits seemed to always be very powerful and useful.

Before I could think about it anymore, I suddenly began feeling odd sensations coursing through my body. It was like as if my body had turned into a living hive of ants.

Although this sounded very unpleasant, in actuality, I was oddly soothing. My whole body felt refreshed and unhindered by things that I had never known actually weighed down my body.

It felt like my body had become in total harmony with itself, and everything simply worked better than before. It was hard to explain, but my body had definitely improved.

Wanting to get a better look at what the trait entitled, I pulled it up.

-Trait, Minor Blood-Born Body!-


-Minor Blood-Born Body-

Your body and blood have become one, a fusion between both to create a greater whole.

-Ah, the usual no minimal information...

Well, anyway. The trait has undoubtedly simply made my body better, and if logic followed, it should have some hidden benefits other than what's described as all my other traits.

Now done with that, I quickly fell back into a steady meditative state, trying to best prepare my mind for what's to come, including some attempts to remove this blasted blockage on my mana source.


With each passing minute, we could hear the murmuring and bellows of thousands upon thousands of bloodlust-filled voices echoing into our small room.

But suddenly...

With the loud gong of what sounded like a drum, everything went quiet. The voices, the hollering, the rumble of feet shaking the entire structure's foundation, everything went quiet.

In the dead of silence, I couldn't help myself, contrary to my seemingly dire situation a bit of anticipation managed to find its way into my heart.

Slowly, the slow hum of something began flinging off the walls of the colossal colosseum and bled into our room. At first, I couldn't recognize the sound. But as it grew ever louder, I understood.

They were chanting...

"Chog'nar, wranthian arniark, om-riggor - Mag'nar, oh'wranthian malakar, lok'thar - Rathian, wranthian gorian, gormak!"

This was more than a simple chant, they were calling for their gods...

"Chog'nar; till gold, we plunder - Mag'nar; till death, we fight - Rathian; till the end of time, we conquer!"

Standing up collectively, the orcs, the saurians, and the beastkin shared the same looks of determination and battle hunger.

It has begun...