Chapter 101 – [Day 55] – “Passion” (Explicit)

∼ Day 55 ∼

Collapsing into the furs of my newly restored hut, I almost succumbed to an instant slumber.

It's been far too long since I had enjoyed the comfort of a bed.

All the exhaustion and weariness I had been accumulating ever since I was taken prisoner by that manic woman had finally caught up with me. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to drift off to sleep.

That maybe wasn't true; there was something else I wanted.

In my thoughts, I hadn't noticed a figure entering the hut nor them slipping in under the blankets of beast furs. I first realized I wasn't alone when the soft and warm hands of someone crept up the flesh of my inner thigh. Almost like a bucket of water being dropped over my head, the fatigue was washed away like a flood; now replaced with an intense and burning lust that burst out of a hidden corner of my heart.

I didn't move, letting the caressing hands slowly make their way upwards. It was evident that it had been far too long since I had gotten to let off steam as these small actions were already more than enough to arouse my libido, causing me to slowly but surely pitch a tent.

Reaching my crotch, the hands caressed and stroked the sensitive flesh around my rising embodiment of lust. Teasing euphoria running through my body all the way.

As I barely could restrain myself anymore, the sudden feeling of a hot and heavy breath hitting my shaft caused me to shudder involuntarily.

The exploratory wet lick that grazed my member was the only precursor to the warm and wet sensation that suddenly engulfed my entire length in one - fluid - motion. With the previously caressing and teasing hands also gently cupping my jewels, I let out a reflexive groan of pleasure.

This was simply divine.

The lips touching my base slowly rose to crest the head, then once again went the entire way down; without even the slightest hitch. Astonishing me even more.

The motions repeated, slowly increasing in pace as the hand around my balls fondled away, which simply increased the intensity of it all.

Wet and sticky saliva ran down my cock, coating it in an aroma that unbelievably enough, made my already rock-hard shaft, even more sensitive. Squirming under the attention I was getting, I let myself drown out in the pleasure, the exhaustion, trauma, pain, all disappearing as if they had never even happened.

With the motion around my member ramping to a fever pitch, I recognized that if growing stronger allowed me to be more powerful, then it also let me experience things magnified to a level that I previously couldn't even have imagined. The intense amount of pleasure I felt almost turned to pain as it overloaded my senses.

Rising to the climax, my hands slipped under the beast furs. Letting my fingers flow through the silky locks of the head around my cock, I gripped tightly as I was bout to let out my seed, wanting to completely coat the backside of the throat in my built-up cum.

There wasn't any resistance to my hold. Instead, I was just met with lips that eagerly stuck to my base as the mouth took every ounce of my essence down the throat. With the gentle tug on my balls as I climaxed, the overwhelming sense of pleasure flooding my mind made my groan turned to a growl.

Coming down from my extreme ecstasy, I just laid there as greedy lips roamed my sticky flesh and a wet tongue lathered up the remnants of my seed around the whole length of my member. The experience had been so intense that I was already panting with steam rising to the air even though it wasn't cold out tonight.

However, I wasn't done.

With my shaft rapidly hardening once again under the administration of the mouth to my now very sensitive cock, lust started flooding back. I couldn't see what was happening under the covers, but my still rock-hard member got an approving giggle from down there.

"Eeep!" - Mia

With one swift movement that elicited a yelp and a girlish giggle, I yanked Mia up from under the cover to meet my gaze.

She was laying on her back with her silvery locks splayed out and crystalline ruby eyes filled with lust, creating a beautiful tapestry. As I hovered over her with my naked form and lust bare for her to see, I wanted nothing more than to rip off the loose clothes hiding away her body from my gaze.

It had been all too long since I've felt the touch of a woman and I wanted to once again witness the beauty and love of my mate.

Her passion was equally reflected in the heated gaze she used to roam my body. We would've ripped off her new clothes if not for the smallest amount of rational thinking that still teetered on the edge of becoming wholly insignificant in the face of our lust for each other.

In record time, her clothes had been removed, leaving only a small strip of cloth covering her entrance. Taking in the sight of her toned but petite body, I realized that the small piece of cloth was already soaked through and through; the aroma of her juices making my senses drown me in desire.

Extending an exploratory hand, I cupped her cheek and let it slowly slide downwards. Over her collarbone, down her chest, across her taut abdomen, and onto her crotch. As I stopped right above her pleasure spot, her breath caught with bated anticipation.

Smiling deviously as the drow squirming beneath me was already panting, a glint of tease in my eyes, I let my finger slip in under the damp patch of cloth. A cute and short moan managed to escape her lips as soon as I grazed the sensitive and wet lips of her tunnel.

Letting my fingers start trailing a pattern, I quickly had her moaning and squirming under my touch. Kissing her deeply with our tongues exploring each other, I continued my onslaught as she could only moan into my mouth, her pleasure no less than what I had experienced just moments before.

Breaking the kiss as a string of sticky and hot saliva extended out from our wettened lips, I was about to trail my tongue downwards, however, the sudden vice she had on my jaw stopped me.

"C-can't wait a-haah-any longer" - Mia

Grinning devilishly at the almost delirium of desire that was clear as day in Mia's expression, I got to my knees and pulled the petite drow who was drunk on lust up with me. With her soft and warm back against my chest, I embraced her body and all its curves from behind.

Slowly and gently, I lowered her until I was right at her entrance, and then plunged in with a steady motion.

"Aaaa∼" - Mia

As her body locked up from finally having me inside once again, she clenched the back of my hair with a fistful of locks as I kissed her slender neck. With a hand cupping her breast and the other sliding down to stimulate her clit while my member invaded her depths, I began moving.

It didn't take long before we were both going full throttle, our already thin patience having completely run out. And as she was moaning loud, I was only egged on to increase the intensity; mind-boggling pleasure running rampant through my body.

Ever since having become a strigoi, my body had become fundamentally different. And as the bond between me and Mia has become just that much more potent, the pleasure we experienced resonated with each other.

Time and worry became distant thoughts, wholly inconsequential, as we indulged in the touch of each other's flesh and the nature of our love. I didn't know how long we had been going at it, but as we began reaching the acme of our lovemaking, Mia's voice broke through the haze clouding both our minds.

"D-don't stop. Fill m-e." - Mia

As I heard her words, I got a sudden intense instinctual need and I had barely any time for conscious thought. Revealing my canines, I bit into the dark flesh of Mia's neck, causing a moan of her's to reach a fever pitch.

Drinking her bewilderingly delicious blood, I came inside her, the high I got from her blood and my climax flooding my hazy mind. As for Mia, who was under the intense pleasure of both my fanged bite and her orgasm, she started trembling and convulsing with raw inundating pleasure.

A small trickle of blood ran from my mouth and down her back as I lathered her succulent blood, but I didn't take much although she tasted divine. Collapsing to the bed, we both lay there utterly naked, panting and tired.

Before we both succumbed to a deep slumber, I barely managed to pull Mia into a spooning embrace where she cuddled up close to me. As darkness claimed me, one stray thought was the only thing I could remember.

Now, this is life...

Why I fight...