Chapter 192 – [Day 209] – “Another Step”

∼ Day 209 ∼

-Skill Advancement, Stealth!-

[Skill advancement (Greater) - Stealth]

Choose one advancement

-Stealth Mastery-

The true master is always who remains ever unseen and unsung ∼ Massively increases the effects of all stealth capabilities, skills, and concealment of objects and others.

-Presence Concealment-

Through control of presence, not even the divine will be able to peer at your soul from the aether ∼ Massively increases all capabilities and effects of presence concealment and soul suppression regarding stealth.


Enshroud yourself from the world's prying eyes ∼ Provides innate stealth and significant increases to all stealth-relating capabilities; including magical. The active part of this skill consumes stamina but can be infused by mana to boost all effects.

-Shadowed Veil-

The hidden land is the one that sees no war ∼ Significantly increases all effects and capabilities of hiding large areas in an impenetrable and unnoticeable veil. Provides great increases to stealth capability, skill, and magical concealment.

I read through the listed options, noting each one and finding all the choices surprisingly good in each regard. One would allow for me to entirely master the presence of my aura and my soul for the powerful who are generally adept in sensing the presence of other powerful individuals.

Then there was also one that offered up the complete control and skill needed for becoming a true master of stealth which in practice probably on its own without any magical or other skill-empowering assistance would be just as powerful as the others. But the two other were the ones stealing the limelight for me.

Enshroud and Shadowed Veil.

Enshroud was the most obvious one for me, a continuation and tailor-made adaption for what I was already using Stealth for. But as for Shadowed Veil, that provided a new avenue to walk down and its application could potentially be incredibly useful for me. It needed no explanation of how this could possibly be applied to the settlement back at the basin, but that question was if I would risk going out on a limb here by choosing a skill of dubious promise.

The answer was 'no', but not just because of that reason.

Another problem other than just not knowing if the skill would truly turn out applicable to my needs, there was the reality of the settlement ending up relying on such a skill. It would without a doubt not be able to hide us from the true monsters out in this vast world forever, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it would only prolong the inevitable if we were to shy away and hide.

Therefore, I picked Enshroud.


[Skill - Stealth has been advanced to Enshroud!]

[For advancing a skill, you receive 4 skill points!]

I went on, itching for the remaining two advancements.

-Skill Advancement, Lesser Eldritch Vitality!-

[Skill advancement (Greater) - Lesser Eldritch Vitality]

Choose one advancement

-Eldritch Vitality-

An anathema to the ordered and restrained aspect of life, your body has become defiant to the restrictive laws of the so-called 'natural course of nature' ∼ Effects of healing and vitality are massively increased, allowing your body to acquire a monstrous constitution and regeneration capabilities.

My excitement mollified at the complete lack of choices, I pulled up Blood Born's skill advancement with somewhat of a speculation as to what would be presented.

-Skill Advancement, Blood Born!-

[Skill advancement (Greater) - Blood Born]

Choose one advancement

-Pure Blood Born-

Body and blood become one, a fusion between both to create a greater whole of symbiosis ∼ Increased constitution, potency, and control over the body. Consuming blood will temporarily strengthen, toughen, and heal your body.

It was just as I had thought.

Despite the skill advancement to the fourth-tier, both skills had a prohibitive selection of options, to put it mildly. But, however, unsurprisingly so...

Practically since I acquired both skills, before even gaining the Synergize skill, I had pictured a form of symbiosis and synergy between to two skills. They worked perfectly together, and I've had in mind to fuse them both ever since I got the opportunity to combine skills and make a greater whole than the sum of its parts.

Through experiments, experience, and everything I now know about the system and how it operates, I needed no one to tell me that both this mindset and course of actions had all definitely affected the progression of these two skills. They are virtually now adapted for each other so that they may combine.

This of course was also a relief of sorts, especially since the prohibitive costs projected by Synergize of combining the two before even becoming tier-4 skills. Despite their incredible compatibility, the cost of combining the two was upwards of thirty-forty skill points as they reached their peak levels. No doubt because of both the fact that they're instrumental to my power and what might be the outcome of the both if I truly were to fuse them, would be stupendous.

I took in a deep calming breath.

From here on out, I would be taking another step along the seemingly endless path of power. There wasn't a shred of doubt that I'd be much more powerful when I was finally ready to take that one step out of this murky cavern.

"One step at a time..."

-Skill Advancement, Eldritch Vitality, Pure Blood Born!-

[Skill - Lesser Eldritch Vitality has been advanced to Eldritch Vitality!]

[For advancing a skill, you receive 4 skill points!]

[Skill - Blood Born has been advanced to Pure Blood Born!]

[For advancing a skill, you receive 4 skill points!]

[Trait - Minor Blood-Born Body has been evolved through the advancement of Pure Blood-Born!]

[Trait - Minor Blood-Born Body ⇒ Greater Blood-Born Body]

I flexed my hands, observing as my body changed before my eyes. There weren't changes in my appearance of course, but I could feel my body change ever so slightly in tandem with the increased powers that my skills offered me.

I wasn't just done here, however.

-Synergize, Eldritch Vitality, Pure Blood Born!-


[Eldritch Vitality - Pure Blood Born]

[Compatability rate - 99%]

[Cost - 52 skill points]

[Want to fuse?]


I hesitated for only a moment.


A few seconds went by with nothing happening.

But suddenly, a surge of energy shot through my body, electrifying my nerves and setting my body on fire like many small ants were biting me all over. But despite what would've otherwise sounded like an incredibly unpleasant sensation, I was in a state of euphoria as my body quite literally felt like an extension of my mind, no longer merely a vessel, but one and the same in nature.


[Skills - Eldritch Vitality and Pure Blood Body has been fused into - Eldritch Born]

[Skill - Eldritch Born has been added to the skill list!]

[Trait - Greater Blood-Born Body has been evolved by the fusion of Eldritch Born!]

[Trait - Greater Blood-Born Body ⇒ Eldritch Touched Body]

I fell to my knees and hands - panting.

It felt like my body had turned into a nuclear reactor, simultaneously stable and melting down. In a constant state of chaos and change to what had otherwise previously been the unshakeable and stagnating fundamental foundation of what my body was made of. Even so, my body was entirely fine, the only visual cues being the beads of sweat trickling off me from the rush of sensation coursing through me.

I felt fucking amazing, to be frank.

But once my body and emotions had calmed down considerably which took a bit of time, I fell into a resting sit, marveling as I could still clearly feel the changes of my body now unshackled from my unseen links of what was the laws of nature.

I let it all sift out of my system, letting my mind clear for the next and biggest step yet.

It was time.


[Available evolution paths]

[Name - Sael'ah (Mythical)]

Avg. Rank - C-

Primary ATTR. - CHR / VIT

Req. - Shaar Lineage / Eldritch Touched

The Sael'ah, beautiful and otherworldly in visage, but twisted and terrifying in nature. Considered to be one of the most feared amongst the Shaar, the Sael'ah, through their insatiable desires, quench their thirst and lust upon their enemies ∼ In euphoria and ecstasy, there is life - and in depravity and desire, there is death. Let not one of the entrancing Sael'ah cast their charms upon you, lest you become nothing more than feed for their seemingly endless ambitions of pleasure and power.

[Name - Sulnyr (Grand)]

Avg. Rank - C-

Primary ATTR. - INT / WILL

Req. - Shaar Lineage / Powerful Soul

The Sulnyr, obscure and ephemeral, one should never try to decipher the intentions of these creatures lest you wish for your soul to become lost in the madness ∼ Life in the unfettered pneuma - death in the mortality of the soul. Masters of the mind and soul, the Sulnyr of the Sultar Clan is the one clutch that is never to be trifled with despite their lack of power amongst the Shaar. Unless you wish for your soul to be condemned to an eternity of agony and amalgamation so gruesome and terrible that it'll have even the gods shy away they gaze in disgust upon witnessing.

[Name - Stragúl (Mythical)]

Avg. Rank - C-

Primary ATTR. - VIT / MAG

Req. - Shaar Lineage / Dual-Aligned Crimson Shadow Core

The Stragúl, war-faring and sinister warlords whom from the shadows unleash their legions on their enemies and feed upon the blissfully ignorant. These creatures have a thirst for power that is only matched for their thirst for blood ∼ Through the essence of their enemies, their blood - they master life. Through the darkness that is eternal whereas light is merely evanescent, they master death. Amongst the ancient lords lingering in the eternal darkness, the Stragúl is second to almost none of the mighty Stagia Clan. With their powerful familiars at hand and supreme mastery over the chaotic energies of the world, the Stragúl boast to stand unparalleled amongst their peers.

[Name - Scalrin (Grand)]

Avg. Rank - C-

Primary ATTR. - WILL

Req. - Shaar Lineage / Powerful Will

The Scalrin, the faithful and devoted. Change is sacred, and anyone standing in its way will meet the terrifying punishment of the Scalrin. Unquestioning and unfeigned in their belief, they draw power on the very hope and trust they themselves give to the cause ∼ In life, there is to be found faith - and in death, there is retribution. As a standing pillar of the Shaar, the Scalrin are the backbone who make sense of the chaos, nurtures it, and then brings it down to cause annihilation upon their enemies.

[Name - Baltarus (Grand)]

Avg. Rank - C-

Primary ATTR. - VIT / MAG

Req. - Dual-Aligned Crimson Shadow Core

The Baltarus, obscure in origin but mighty in history. These walking calamities have set great history wherever they brought their hordes, leaving a path of destruction in their wake and smears on the history records of great battles fought and lost. With the power of their control over their legions and the undaunting bodies, they themselves are armies.

[Name - Fa'ruun (Epic)]

Avg. Rank - D+

Primary ATTR. - VIT / AGI / MAG

Req. - Shadow Aligned Core

Fa'ruun, a creature of the shadows, terror of the darkness. These monsters prowl the nooks and crannies of the frail and fragile enlightened kingdoms and empires. Death lurking in the shadows of whom will never know what even happened when their life was extinguished and their bodies forfeit for the Fa'ruun to do whatever they want with it. A painless, but cruel death.

I read each choice thoroughly, marveling at the choices on the display.

Right out of the gate, it was obvious that the four first was all of the Shaar which I had been evidently moving towards ever since becoming a Strigoi. The two other choices just seemed to be monsters very similar to that which made sense when considering their descriptions, requirements, and main attributes.

Although I did give the Baltarus one hard think-over to make sure as it was the one who fitted me the most out of the two, I did end up scrapping them both.

They simply did not hold a candle to one of the mysterious Shaar races.

Of the four, they each specialized in their own areas, split into two dynamics of life and death apparently. Like how I found life in blood and death in shadow.

As I understood the concepts beholden to each of the four races, it was; Sael'ah - Desire, Sulnyr - Soul, Stragúl - Power, Scalrin - Faith.

While it of course wasn't as simple as that, I boiled it in general down to that. But even though I had given them all four a generous amount of consideration, booted the Scalrin from possible choice almost immediately. They simply did not suit me from the description, no matter how you looked at it.

So it was up to the Sulnyr, Stragúl, or the Sael'ah.

All of them spoke to me.

Sulnyr had a lot of potential without even how rare the use of the soul was and considering the rather generous amount of power my soul wielded. And then there was the Stragúl, the most obvious choice to pick that would take me further down the Stagia Clan of the Shaar lineage, the successor of the Strigoi.

Lastly, there was the Sael'ah, a race whose description given me both apprehension and a deep sense of curiosity.

Further deliberation narrowed it down to the Sael'ah and the Stragúl as the Sulnyr was just not all-around good enough. Also, they sounded vague as hell, and I had no idea what I would be signing myself on to by going down that road.

I spent a great amount of time, just thinking between the two - both having their own appeals and possible downsides.

Ultimately, there wasn't really a question as to which one of the two I would pick.

Deep down, I knew which one was the correct one, and I had already found my path - no need to go searching for it anymore.

-Evolve, Stragúl!-


∼[Evolution Completed]∼

[ALERT - Due to your traits "Limit Breaker", "Eldritch Touched Body", skill "Eldritch Born", Advancement Path "Paragon of Eldritch" and a multitude of other factors, your Elite Variant has evolved into a Legendary Variant]

∼[Race changed to Stragúl - (Eldritch Avatar)]∼

[Trait - Soul Familiar, has been added to traits!]

[Title - Eldritch Harbinger has been added to titles!]