Chapter 205 – [Day 220] – “Vessel of Light”

∼ Day 220 ∼

Reaching deep inside, I visualized the core within the center of my being. The source of my magic. The reservoir of my mana.

Once calm and potent, now chaotic and forceful. The mana that now resided within my core was no longer the same. Ever since it had been touched by eldritch, I had been unable to control my magic. And without the glyphs to mold and shape the mana into whatever spell I wanted it to, I've been left without control of many crucial abilities.

Only through skills and abilities could I use my mana over the recent days.

This, of course, wouldn't do.

In the visualization of my core, I distinctly remembered it as a calm sea of turpid water whenever I would meditate with Mana Condensation. Now, however, what laid before me was a raging storm of what I could only describe as primordial energy. I wasn't even sure if I could call it mana anymore as it was as if I had touched upon a much older and potent energy.

Or rather, maybe not a different energy altogether, but a much less diluted version of what mana truly is instead.

So what if the mana all mages in this world used was but watered-down energy, of one much more potent and wild?

Like that of the essence of life?


Holding onto that thought, I let my mind wander through the tumultuous winds of pure power, trying to grasp any reason to the madness. For even madness and chaos, there was a reason. But what is the reason here? What was this energy missing? Something that kept it from becoming something more. A thought passed my mind.

"Two sides of the same coin."

Life and death.

Light and darkness.

Chaos and order.

One is merely the lack of the other.

Without the existence of either, the cycle is broken.

Without reason.

In that moment of enlightenment, I projected my mind outwards, guiding a tendril of chaos along it as I put myself in its path. But just as the chaos was to run loose yet again, I pushed down on it with all the sheer force of will I could conjure, embracing the idea of domination.

The chaos struggled and resisted my command like it as a living being, but the harder I pressed, the calmer the chaos became. The more sensible it became. I was creating a semblance of order. I was creating reason.

Not destroying the chaos - not making it weaker, but creating harmony between the two and making a stronger whole.

I opened my eyes, watching as a pure tendril of dark red mana flittered about in front of me, its potency, unlike any other energy I've felt before.

When I thought about it, it truly wasn't much different from how the diluted version of mana worked. This was simply just a much more fundamental way to how mana existed. And as such, required a fundamental method of handling.

But instead of relying on glyphs to shape the mana for me, I had to with my mind, establish the order. Dominating the chaos.

I briefly noticed the new prompts that awaited my scrutiny, so I absentmindedly opened them.

[Skill - Dominion Mastery has leveled up from 5-10!]

[Skill - Mana Mastery has leveled up from 3-11!]

[Skill - Mana Condensation has leveled up from 5-7!]

Eyes open wide at the sudden skill level-ups before me, I could scarcely believe it. One tier-three skill and two-tier four skills, sky-rocketing in levels just like that. From experience, I thought that inconceivable mere moments ago. But here it was, before my eyes.

The only real thing I could say about this phenomenal development was the fact that I undoubtedly was walking in the right direction.


Fiddling with my magic, trying my best to replicate the technique of creating my blood puppets with my new magic system, I barely had time to react before the sudden presence of someone imposing billowed over my sitting form.

Outside the small cave where I had retreated to ponder upon my magic, some distance from the cavemouth, stood a figure. Their projected aura telling me that this person definitely saw straight through the shrouding shadows that should've hidden my presence.

From this alone, I could not underestimate whoever.

"Come out vermin, I am waiting." A voice, dignified and regal echoed through the dark cave.

My brow rose at the unnecessary belittling, wondering what exactly I had done to deserve being called a 'vermin'. While we were all enemies here, killing each other for survival and gain, we generally did so without any real animosity.

Getting to my feet and dispelling my shadows, I walked out into the morning light to see the figure who had interrupted my attempts at recreating my blood puppet army.

What greeted me made me pause to stare.

Standing tall and straight, bathed in the rays of sunlight, a figure outfitted in the shiniest and most noble armor I've ever laid my eyes on looked down his angular nose with unhidden disgust at me. He was a man, more handsome and beautiful than anyone I've seen before, even beating out the charming Fae from the first trial in raw appearance. Which quite honestly, was an astonishing feat on its own.

From his long and wavy white-blonde to the immaculately sculpted features that somehow balanced both sheer masculinity, and the grace only a woman could bear. But just as eye-cathing as himself, was the ivory and silver spear that stood an entire two heads taller than him, clutched in a gauntlet of flawless make.

To my fascination, I had never found the word 'perfect' more fitting as a description than in right this instant.

I would've admired the almost artificially created faultless appearance of the man longer, but the clear derision and revulsion twisting his perfect features stopped me from doing so.

"I assume you've come for-" I got out before the man in his shiny armor rudely interrupted me like I hadn't just been speaking.

"As champion!" He announced as if he was talking to a crowd, his voice rising to an imperious tone. "I have been tasked with an utmost noble deed, by my most divine of deities. To rid the land we walk, of the vile taint that is you!"

"Another fucking lunatic fanatic, you've gotta be kidding me..." I cursed.

It really was just my luck.

"I, Cain, The Hallowed Lord. Chosen of the Pure. Lord of the Baals. Protector of the Murdi-"

"Are you done?" I couldn't help but ask, effectively cutting him off as I wondered if his battle plan might be to pester me to death.

Maybe if he listed all his titles, I might even die of old age before he finished.

"You abomination, how dare you! Interrupting me as I speak - how despicable," He gasped, genuinely expressing shock at my apparent impudence. "Even with my divine edict to slay you from Tycus, Lord of Light and all that is holy himself, I'll be doing the world a momentous favor - cleansing it from you."

In an ever-increasing amount of surprise, I wondered if he truly was in contact with a god or he was just that luny.

This entire situation distinctly reminded me of the visage I witnessed during the choosing of my paths. Where the Paragon of Eldritch, a possible future version of myself of some sort, battled against an army with a 'righteous' objective. There I had watched myself converse with a religious zealot that had apparently been tasked with my murder for some notion that eldritch was the highest of affronts to the 'natural order'.

Thinking back on that, I couldn't help but scoff at the ridiculousness of that idea.

I absentmindedly used Codex, no expecting it to work, but did so anyway as I might as well try whenever I wasn't attempting to stay hidden. So when I actually did end up with his status, I was quite surprised. Pleasantly so.

Or at least I was until I got the gaze upon his stats...


[Codex - Cain Mortus Al'cuary]

Name: "Cain Mortus Al'cuary"

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Rank: C

Level: 134

Health: 2212/2212

Stamina: 1892/1900

Mana: 0/0


STR - 402

VIT - ???

AGI - ???

DEX - ???

INT - ???

CHR - ???

WILL - ???

MAG - ???

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - ???

Traits - ???

Titles - ???


Phy. Resistance - ???

Mag. Resistance - ???

Men. Resistance - ???


-Main Class-

Champion of Light / Tier - 6

-Sub Class-

Arch Paladin / Tier - 6

"Level 134..." I thought to myself, a slight sense of dread creeping up my spine.

Despite the ridiculousness of this individual, he had the power to justify it, and then more.

Meeting his gaze once again, it was obvious that he had intentionally allowed me to gleam his status, a self-satisfied and assured smirk on his lips.