Chapter 218 – [Day 237] – “Heirloom Evolution”

∼ Day 237 ∼

[Heirloom of Realm]

-Do you wish to claim ownership and convert the heirloom?-

[WARNING - This choice is permanent]

[Heirloom will dissipate in - 25 seconds]


[Heirloom of Realm - Stored]

[Heirlooms collected - 3/3]

∼[System Notice]∼

[Promethan Candidate - Xavier Tal'chor, The Sanguine Lord, has passed the Trials!]

Reading the rapidly appearing prompts as they came, I barely had time to read the last before the System swept away my body and consciousness.


Standing in the familiar space of where the System had stowed me away between each stage of the Trials, neither pure white nor pure darkness suitable to explain the expanse, the ivory pedestal stood once again before me.

Already, the three pilfered heirlooms turned relics had been placed atop it, liquifying and following the intricate pathways that seemingly changed at will as the relics slowly fused together to create a whole.

And there they were, three Secondary Relics, markedly different from their tertiary predecessors.

I almost wanted to reach out and touch their smooth-looking surfaces as they rested in indentations of a three-part pyramid. But before I even managed to do anything, they all began the process of liquefying yet again. This time, however, they did not combine to make another relic. Shockingly instead, goo-looking tendrils of the now silvery substance unexpectedly shot at me.

∼[Heirloom of Sanguinity - Evolving]∼

Feeling no danger and being reassured by the prompt, I did not panic, though I watched the liquified relics with a curious but wary eye as it morphed and spread across my chest, arms, and waist.

With my [Heirloom of Sanguinity] having already taken form to encase my right arm as a plated gauntlet of silvers and glowing red streaks running underneath each plate, it saw it fuse with the new relics and become further complete.

But as the intricate pieces of armor shifted and morphed, the previously silvery gleam that had been so synonymous with relics began becoming matted - turning black as midnight.

The plated armor, now framed by an overlying material that was more cloth and leather than metal which partially hid the hard plating underneath was a mixture of crimson undertones, black dominance, and silver linings.

Mirroring itself, my armor covered both arms, shoulders, chest, waist, and upper legs. From sleek pauldrons to tight-fitting tassets. It was obviously still incomplete in nature as my abdominal and lower legs were still naked, but daunting nonetheless as it gave a more savage feeling more than anything. Then again, it wasn't like I was worried about my body taking direct damage by now as that had literally been my only defense ever since coming to this world.

Armor had never been something I had used as my body had always been the greatest and most reliable defense available to me.

Yet, no matter how eye-catching and impressive my new suit of armor was, it did nothing to draw my eyes away from the weapon now clutched in my gloved fist.

A spear, its shaft as black as the abyss, stood a head taller than me from bud to tip. Following the crimson lines that felt like mana veins running up its length, I laid eyes on the peculiar spearhead adorning the top. It was a short and thick silvery steel-like spearhead, adorning a more marquise shape than a sleek and slender spearhead.

But what was really curious about the spearhead were the faint holes along its base, hinting at the spearhead being actually hollow. I couldn't help but draw the connection between how the incense burner of the spirit necromancer looked and this spearhead.

I was broken out of my thoughts as a prompt invaded my mind.

[Heirloom of Sanguinity has achieved and finalized its 2nd-stage!]

[Heirloom Fragments bestowed upon followers - 0/5]

"Heirloom Fragments... I really did need to figure out how those worked..." I mused to myself.

But as I found my eyes being drawn back to the imposing and impressive-looking weapon in my hand, I found myself itching to figure out its capabilities.

My mind brushed against that, I should probably be taking a look at that skill advancement and the new title, and just in general touch up on some things needing my attention regarding my time in the Trials. But it appeared that the System had other plans as I was swept away yet again, my consciousness eluding me for a few moments.


Finding myself walking out a portal of shimmering blue light, much akin to the special prompts I got directly related to the System, I tried to get my bearings.

I was back in the basin, the exact same place from where I had departed to the Trials. The changes in the town were immediately noticeable as it was barely recognizable from its previously under construction and undeveloped looks. But with paved roads and buildings glare that rose high to cover the sight of the surroundings, it was obvious that Mar'v, the head construction chief and city planner had not been slacking with his original drawings of the future city.

But even so, no matter how joyous I wanted to be with how magnificent my budding settlement had become, there was something glaringly wrong that had my mind at unease.

It felt... empty.

There weren't many people around, barely enough to justify and match the size of the city. In fact, a great deal of the population I had left the settlement with was... not here.

That was when I smelled it - an all too familiar scent in the air.

The smell of blood and war.

Turning into but a blur as I rose into the air on wings that sprouted from my back, my tumultuous mind reached out for the connections much precious to my life.

What I found gave me both relief and dread.

Bob and Mia were not far, and their presences still burned strong within the landscape of my mind. However... Lily felt like a faint candle in comparison.

She was in no fatal danger, I knew that from the connection alone. But she must've been severely injured.

Heart clenched in a sensation unlike most others I've felt before, I darted through the skies towards the weak candle in my mind's eye. What I saw once approaching the towering peaks of the mountain range encasing the basin had my eyes darken.

Total war and death.

Several battlefields lay before me, many old and silent, others embroiled in heated battle. They had to have been fighting for days, and from the mountain pass that lay in ruin and occupied by unknown flags, it was obvious that our forces had been pushed back into the basin after losing the hastily erected fort made there.

"Had I truly been gone for that long?" I couldn't help but wonder with an ache in my heart.

I was also shocked by the fact that the enemy forces were still kept at bay as they were literally tens of thousands of combatants swarming our greatly diminished force. It was even more than five to one, but they still held out. It was then I realized, besides simply my forces, thousand upon thousands of roots supported my forces.


Mind suddenly refocusing, I dove, my attention on the conglomeration of tents a distance from the multiple battlefields spread out to keep the enemy's advance further into the basin from the pass.

"Halt!" Two bewildered great orc guards commanded as I landed like a meteor before one of the larger tent's entrances.

I didn't even bother to waste time to explain as I pressed onto the power of the Blood Plague, the power of my blood within my subjects. Both of them lost consciousness within but an instant, falling to the ground limply like puppets with their strings cut. Stepping into the tent, I spared the sleeping guards, not another thought.

Inside lay Lily, but the sight of her made my face drain of color and my heart quake.

She was covered in numerous bloody bandages and visible wounds.

And one of her arms was missing.