Chapter 226 – [Day 239] – “Bubbly”

∼ Day 239 ∼

After assuaging the loving mother of my unborn child and having taken care of the clan's most urgent needs that needed my supervision or help, there was one more individual that took precedence over everything else.

Standing at the edge of the island in the heart of the basin, I couldn't help but stare up at what I had already spotted all the way from the settlement in nothing less than muted awe.

Nearly 75 meters tall with a crown of crimson that bathed most of the island in a red shade, creating a deep contrast with the thick albino trunk of the massive oak, Luna's tree had grown many times her previous size.

It was also clear from just the air and appearance alone of the island that the surroundings were saturated to the brim with power and vitality, having turned the borderline isle into a small paradise of magical life. The once dead and desolate grey mound of dirt that was Ursa's home had truly become unrecognizable.

Walking towards the tree in the center, I didn't rush to Luna - instead, I took my time as I marveled at the beautiful greenery and colorful flora. It was a very curious feeling as I could feel Luna's power within each plant, and by proxy, my own power. Like how I felt with my subjects and the power of my blood running through their being. So too did I feel the same with each living entity taking root here.

I was slow as I took everything in, pausing occasionally to inspect an enticingly colorful flower or glowing plant, and I could feel she was impatient to see me again through our link. But I could also sense that she was reveling in the pure feeling of my adoration and intrigue at the lush surroundings as much as if I would've been admiring her beauty itself. Then again, seeing as she was a sentient plant, that might as well have been the very same thing to her.

The small henge of irregular stones that cradled the heart of the island came into sight, though it was hard to make out as now all kinds of vines, roots, and plants decorated its face. As I crossed it, I traced my hand against a root thicker and broader than myself which had intertwined itself in the cheese-like structure of the stone henge with all its odd holes.

Luna's squealing giggle echoed out as if I had just tickled the underside of her foot.

A second later, I laid my eyes on the buxom beauty, standing by the tree and bouncing with such giddy enthusiasm that she might as well have been a kid about to be unleashed in a candy shop. Before I even had time to say anything, the tree woman rushed me, the bounce of her gravity-defying breasts and jiggle of her supple curves disarming me to the point that I was little more than a deer in headlights.


Being practically tackled as the woman, larger than me while being shorter, she smothered me in her divine softness. It was only with a couple of vines that the nipples of her massive chest and her privates were covered, though I could still very easily feel the prickle from two very erect points and heat from downstairs.

If I had been a man any weaker, then I would've probably just lost it right then and there, giving into more primal urges instead of seeing to why I had actually come here. Also, if not for the fact that I had a council meeting in less than a quarter-hour grom now, I would've had her through the night till the morrow. Though... it was with only the slightest edge that I managed to retrain myself from doing exactly so.

"Oh! I've missed you!" She beamed, rubbing herself against me in both all the right and wrong ways.

"How-did-it-go? Are-you-hurt? Do-you-want-to-mate? Is-Lily-okay? Oh∼gosh, I-really-want-to-mate. Did-you-deal-with-all-the-bad-guys? Will-you-seed-me, Keeper? We-can-do-it-know, right-here, mating-I-mean. Pretty-please∼?" She prattled off, one question following another without even a moment's pause between them.

At the absolute rapid-fire of questions with my already bewildered mind caused by her sensual presence, I found myself at a loss.

It was only with sheer force of will that I wrangled myself free from her charms which I first now realized were mostly unintentional from her side. She simply was just that bubbly and excited most of the time.

With a wrapping hug that kept her carressing body and roaming hands at bay, I kissed her on those oh-so full and fruity lips of hers. She was at first surprised but quickly melded into my embrace and kiss as a sigh bordering on a moan rumbled in her throat.

"I missed you too," I said as I pulled away from her.

It took a few moments before she registered anything as her eyes fluttered as if drunken.

"And I never did thank you for that lovely visit of yours," I added, giving her a slight squeeze before letting her go.

"Anything for my Keeper," She smiled,

Looking up at the towering tree and the crimson crown as the late sun rays of the setting suns bounced off its leaves, I shot Luna a look.

"You've grown a lot from when I first found you and began nurturing you,"

At that, I briefly pulled up her status, dampening my surprise as by now with both Mia and Bob, I had been also expecting some spectacular change with Luna.


[Codex - Luna]

Name: "Luna"

Race: Hemadryad "Blood Oak"

Sex: Female

Rank: C

Level: 28/75

Health: 5045/5045

Stamina: 5268/5268

Mana: 0/0


STR - 163

VIT - 402

AGI - 185

DEX - 137

INT - 54

CHR - 128

WILL - 65

MAG - 105

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 17

Traits - 9

Titles - 0


Phy. Resistance - 78

Mag. Resistance - 61

Men. Resistance - 32

She had grown to almost match me in level though it was to my expectation as she had huge advantages when it came to gaining power and levels as I did. She basically had her own equivalent of Siphon, plus she was being fed a constant stream of fresh bodies despite her race usually staying completely stationary and having to wait for prey to unwittingly step into her territory. But with the support of an entire clan, me, and the recent warfaring developments, she had been able to rocket her own level.

Then again, she wasn't even near my level in power despite that as had been proven when I confronted the Tyrant of the North, one who was far above my level and even an entire evolution tier higher than me. I simply had too much more strength placed not in my stats and levels, but skills, abilities, and masteries.

Having zoned out for a moment or two, Luna broke my concentration as I found her crimson eyes staring back into mine.

"I hope my appearance is to your satisfaction, Keeper," She said, no small amount of uncertainty in her voice even though I had been ogling her non-stop.

"Of-ahem, of course. I have a hard time peeling my eyes off you."

She beamed at that, her uncertainty washing away as if it had never been, replaced with her signature bubbliness.

As a sudden thought crossed my mind, I hummed to myself thoughtfully.

"So, I'm wondering, is the tree you or..." I gestured at her bodacious body. "Is this you?"

"Both Keeper! After my evolution, I was reborn with a body of how I mentally saw myself which I can then project outside my original form." She explained. "This body and my tree are one and the same."

"You really pictured yourself like this?" I asked, surprised.

"Well... I... I saw myself as what I thought Keeper would best enjoy..." She said a bit sheepishly.

"While you didn't have to do that, I do think you're quite wonderful and stunning to look at. If that was your goal, then you have shot above and beyond," I smiled taking another look to drink in the sight of allure that was her supple curves and enticing endowments.

She blushed at that, both my words and look, with an almost shy avoiding of her gaze even though her eyes gleamed with barely restrained joy.


I had been about to ask her a slew of questions about her and her now form when Luna suddenly jumped with a surprised yelp.

She seemed not hurt, but more so startled than anything. And as she looked to over behind me, back by the stone henge intertwined by plantlife, I realized what had been the cause.

"Hey! Sombra, stop that!" I barked.

The damn wyvern was gnawing away at one of Luna's roots like some chew toy. Although she wasn't actually just ripping it apart as I very well knew she was capable of with her power, she was still leaving furrows and bite marks in it.

Frozen with a mouth full of bark and tree fibers, Sombra stared at me with wide eyes with poorly portrayed innocence, like a dog guilty of chewing up something they shouldn't have.