Chapter 228 – [Day 252] – “Fragments”

∼ Day 252 ∼

Twelve days later, of hard work and setting the clan back on track, I stood before a massive complex on the edge of town. From massive chimneys spewing hot smoke to the clatter of metal against metal, the sounds and smells were enough to make one recognize it as a forge or a smithy.

However, this one was quite a bit larger. And by 'quite a bit', I of course meant huge.

Mar'v, the architect, and the ring of master craftsmen had been working on this project just before they had to put it off before completion when the enemy attacked the basin. Preoccupied with erecting defenses and a makeshift fort, this complex of smithies, forges, and workplaces had been left at near finalization.

But now the forges were up and running, the whole place had come to life.

For the last twelve days, I had been working on something with the blacksmiths and craftsmen. Actually, even before that, I had been discussing plans with them of the project I wanted to get done ever since recruiting them in the first place.

And now, it's all finished.

Hearing the approach of footsteps, I turned to face Bob, Mia, Lily, and Ursa.

"Master, you called for us?" Mia said as I met her gaze.

"Yes, I have something for you all."

Eyes glittering with interest, everyone but Ursa took steps forward with eagerness as I gestured to a huge stone workbench behind me. The big bear woman looked hesitant as if she was unsure why was even here.

"You too Ursa - but you don't have to accept it, it's merely a token of my appreciation for a friend and you defending the basin."

As eyes turned to her, Ursa suddenly seemed much more anxious, looking from side to side as if she was searching for a place to run and hide. But I managed to disarm her with my smile, her mind slowly recognizing this as not an ambush - but truly for what I said it was.

I couldn't fault her though. Her personality of mistrust and survival had been ingrained in her for her entire life spent alone in the wastelands as an outcast to both sides of the line. An abomination to both Enlightened and Monster. At home nowhere.

Everyone else understood clearly and they too waited patiently as she took hesitant steps over to the table with us.

Going back to the clothed bundles atop the massive workbench that had been worked into the structure of the smithy complex itself, I unveiled one item after the other.

First, two sets of five rings strung together in an intricate mesh of crimson strands connected to an engraved red triangular plate. They were an improved version of the string weapons I had made for Mia, with both the ingenuity of the craftsmen and my new powers creating a product beyond anything its predecessor was capable of.

Next, the item that occupied most of the workbench - an absolutely massive cleaver of blood. Slightly larger than Bob's old cleaver, this one was many - many times more destructive. From a handle wrapped in white bonds to a dark red blade - that although wasn't pointed to the sharpest of edges, withheld so much force and destructive potential that nothing could ever hope to stop its path.

It had been the simplest one to make, but arguably the one that had required the most effort.

Third, two cylindrical wrist cuffs and two matching shin cuffs. They too had engravings, mystical in nature.

Lastly - and what had truly taken most of the craftsmen and blacksmiths' collective efforts, an arm. A red, nearly metallic-looking, prosthetic arm. It was of intricate design, a true marvel of ingenuity. With the genius offered by the workers and me being able to shape and forge items with my literal mind and blood, it was proved that nearly anything was possible to make. It was a beautiful piece despite it being a prosthetic. Yet just its appearance was far from what was truly magnificent about it.

Everyone who had marveled at their own respective gifts stopped to stare in muted shock at the last item, Lily whom of all seemed the most surprised. She had teary eyes as she touched its smooth surface.

"Here, let me," I said as I walked over and picked up the prosthetic.

There were inbuilt harnesses to strap around her shoulders, and despite its make being entirely from my blood, its weight was surprisingly light. Made specifically to mimic that of a real arm.

"I haven't given up on finding a way to restore your arm, but this will substitute it in the meantime - until I am powerful enough."

She didn't say anything, just settling to stare at her new arm as I fitted the last strap. She looked to be in a mix of awe and confusion as she inspected the dangling arm by her side, clearly not sure what to do.

Knowing what she was thinking, I walked to the front of her.

"It will take some time getting used to, but we've specifically made it so that it will respond to my power within your body."

"B-but, I don't have any magi-"

"No, no - you don't need that to use it." I smiled. "Just try and envision the power flowing through your veins."

Looking at my eager and encouraging expression, Lily hesitantly closed her eyes.

"Okay - good. Now, try and move your arm as you normally would. But this time instead, convey the command through the power of my blood rather than just your mind."

She was focused as her face scrunched up with concentration, attempting whatever I had just said. For a long minute, she stood there, seemingly straining to make her mind work through the exercise.

However, she suddenly let loose a heavy sigh, shaking her head rather discouraged.

"It doesn't seem to work..." She said, opening her eyes to look at me.

But instead of the pitying look she had been expecting to see on my face, she saw only joy. It was first then she realized that her arm - her new arm, was raised in front of her.

Shocked, she wasn't sure what to do. Apparently, the surprise of the prosthetic actually working was what broke whatever unconscious thing holding up the arm, making it fall back limply at her side.

"The gift isn't complete yet," I said. "If it works as I'm hoping it will, then you will probably find this a lot easier."

Lily was at a loss for words and she didn't even react when I put my hand on her chest right beneath the base of her neck. It was only with a mental thought that I conjured at a prompt.

∼[Heirloom of Sanguinity]∼

[Heirloom Fragments: 0/5]

[Do you wish to bestow and imbue Lily Tal'chor, The Song of Storm and Ichor, with an Heirloom Fragment?]


As the prompt disappeared, it was only a second later when a red power began enshrouding Lily's new prosthetic arm.

∼[Heirloom of Sanguinity]∼

[Heirloom Fragments: 1/5]

[Heirloom Fragment - Wing of Ichor]

When the glow faded moments later, I was not surprised to see that it had changed ever so slightly, but immensely shocked that the harness and straps no longer were there. In fact, it appeared that the crimson material of the prosthetic was actually now a part of her. Fused with her flesh. Excitement gone - as that was definitely not what I had been expecting, I was about to sputter out apologies to Lily for having done something so rash. But the wide grin that came to her face as she started effortlessly moving the crimson appendage with natural ease stopped me in my tracks.

She flexed her fingers and stretched her arm without a hitch. Although I believed she would've eventually also have been able to control her new arm with some time and training, it appeared whatever the System had done when I made the arm into an Heirloom Fragment had transformed it into an actual part of her. Not just a tool depending on the connection between its material and my blood running through her veins.

"I - I can actually feel it now..." She muttered absentmindedly as she grazed her fingers against the glossy exterior of the arm.

I let out a relieved breath as she wasn't mad or sad that this had happened. I tried to school my face, but it didn't go unnoticed despite Lily's apparent distracted focus.

"Don't worry so much, my love - I accepted your offer and the consequences that might follow." She giggled as it had been rather obvious why I had been nervous when the arm unexpectedly fused with her.

"You... got a prompt? It was just accepted so fast, I didn't know - I really thought I had forced in on you..." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh - well, it's not as if I don't like it when you... force things on me, or in me." She smiled lasciviously, using her new arm to caress my cheek as she walked by me.

I could only stand there, coughed awkwardly as a stupid grin found its way onto lips, realizing that the Lily who I had taken home to the clan with my had come back in full force as it appeared.

I doubted I'd get it easy around here any time soon.