Chapter 231 – [Day 252] – “Serpentine”

∼ Day 252 ∼

Forked tongue lapping at the air, a hiss escaped that massive creature. Although it was just a beast, the intelligence in those eyes proved it to be one of more than just instinct. The ire which it glared at me showed that it knew exactly who had slain her mate. Or at least, it blamed me for it since by projecting my aura, there was nothing else in this jungle that was more powerful than me and her. So to her, only could have been the perpetrator.

With us on either bank, it was evident that the serpent dared not cross over. Seemed like she had long learned to not mess with the [Flame Lily], yet the look in her eyes promised nothing but murder and mayhem the second I was to step beyond the island.

But what was curious was the fact that I noticed that her anger was not directed at me for slaying her mate, rather, it felt more like she viewed me as a threat as opposed to a nemesis. A threat to her unhatched children. She was not here to enact vengeance but to secure the safety of her spawn.

Fortunately for her, I had no intent to harm her or her children. Rather, I had something else entirely in mind, though she'd probably not like it. Scratch, she'd most certainly not like at first.

Sprouting my wings and giving a shrug to loosen out my muscle after the meditation by the [Flame Lily], I crossed the lake and landed on the bank of the clearing - right before the colossal basilisk that rose impossibly high up. For a few moments, nothing happened, not doing anything but letting her serpentine eyes survey me with that piercing stare of hers.

Yet the calm did not last long. A tail, lashing forward like a whip the size of a large train, was moving at near-impossible speeds. But [Sanguine Flicker] allowed me to evade the attack with ease. The latest skill advancement of my trusted [Blink], one of my most invaluable skills. Not much had changed from its original function, other than now instead of just accepting stamina and mana to fuel it, it also now was able to draw on my vitality, my health.

At the speed offered by the advanced skill when pushed to the limit, fueled by health, mana, and stamina, it was practically teleportation. Granted, it wasn't actually. Though, it might as well be to anyone else. The caveat was, however, that I was spending an absurd amount of each of the three resources to reach those speeds. The cost was exponential with both the distance and speed, so while essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card against almost certain death, it was not something I could ever rely on.

Hovering in the air, watching as an avalanche of dirt, vegetation, and wind tore through the clearing and far into the jungle, cast by the tail's attack, I raised my brow. There was truly just quite the difference between how attributes affected creature to creature. And with this beast's ridiculous size, it made more than good use of the points in its strength.

A hiss, more indignant and irritated than furious, assaulted my ears. Mama snake wasn't pleased that I had evaded. I locked gazes with her slitted eyes, watching the moment as a new light gleamed behind them. She was using [Petrifying Gaze], the very same one I had pilfered from the King Basilisk with [Siphon].

Though, in contrast to the serpent's obvious expectation, I did not freeze and slow. I was barely even affected by the skill. It was at that moment, only a couple of seconds into the fight, that she realized I was not the prey. The animalistic instinct to survive and flee the deadlier predator took over, and she lashed out even as she was turning tail. Yet, her desperate attempt did nothing to halt me, as [Sanguine Flicker] and a cast of [Stagnation] had the basilisk's efforts to be for naught.

Slowed by the spell, she stood no chance to avoid the black figure that burst through the canopy of colossal trees above, chasing into the serpent and pinning it to the ground like a hawk with its slithering prey.

The rest of its long body whipped and flailed around, wrecking and causing chaos to the jungle all around. But with the appliance of my own [Petrifying Gaze] to the beast, it only sought to further slow down and lock up its movement to barely a fraction of what it could do.

As I landed before the Matriarch Basilisk's massive white red, pinned to the ground by Sombra, I looked into her huge eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, nor your children. This is my home too now, but I can't let you live here unfettered to hurt my people. It's either me or you - my family or yours,"

Although I wasn't expecting the serpent to be able to understand speech, I did know that she was clever enough to somewhat gauge the intent behind my words through my presence alone as I spoke. After all, I could almost understand her through the aura she emanated. Like how she wanted nothing more than to protect her offspring, and that was the only reason she had come here to finish me off.

"But there is another option, one where it benefits the both of us. I can give you more power, and protect your offspring."

She just stared at me with those huge slitted eyes, gauging me.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a say in the matter. You're of better use to me alive than as a little bit of experience."

Walking up close, I conjured my own blood forth, letting it flow through her fanged mouth and perforate her massive body through the use of my control over blood. It had been a while since I used it, but it came naturally when I finally felt the first brush against her mental walls. I tore them down.

It was over quickly, though it took a little effort. But by all standards, dominating her mind with Blood Plague had been easy. While incredibly intelligent, it was still just an animal, ruled by both cunning and instinct. Making it that much simpler than what the mind of a truly sapient individual could muster with their evolved senses of self.

[Codex - Matriarch Basilisk]

Name: "???"

Race: Matriarch Basilisk

Sex: Female

Rank: C

Level: 75/75

Health: 3412/3412

Stamina: 1887/1996

Mana: 0/0


STR - 223

VIT - 195

AGI - 301

DEX - 142

INT - 28

CHR - 21

WILL - 54

MAG - 12

[Trait, Titles, and Skills].

Skills - 11

Traits - 5

Titles - 1


Phy. Resistance - 53

Mag. Resistance - 32

Men. Resistance - 24


Nodding as the domination had been successful, her entire status laid bare for me without even the need of [Codex], I laid a hand on her white scales. She had even gone lax under Sombra, not trying to get free anymore. She still regarded me with some measure of apprehension as she was let go, and through our link, I could sense her obvious confusion.

I just sent through waves of my intent at her, making it clear that I truly wished it no harm. She could do my no harm either now, though it would seem I still needed a little more to gain her trust rather than force her. I did completely dominate her mind, letting her keep her sense of self as I didn't want a mindless puppet. They were ultimately useless. By opening my mind bare for her to see, it shouldn't take long before she understood my intentions.

Recalling Sombra, I spent some time with the Basilisk and then eventually headed back to her underwater cave. I could feel the distress and worry in her mind as I was brought to them, that huge nest filled with massive white eggs. But she wasn't able to refute my commands, so everything moved along smoothly.

Getting back to the settlement with the serpent and her eggs proved swift as she scooped them up in her mouth and kept them inside, half-swallowed. I had the perfect place for the eggs which had been prepared before even venturing into the jungle, but to not storm into the settlement with a beast of her size, we went along the far side that carried us over to my more secluded residence close to the water bank of the lake.

But unexpectedly, before even a messenger who I could see from afar sprinting over to me, I sensed a conglomeration of decently powerful beings entering the mountain pass of the basin. I felt no immediate threat as if those presences had gotten through that checkpoint with the temporary fort in place, they shouldn't be anyone looking to start trouble. Especially with how slow they were approaching.

"My-my Lord! Visitors - Ruela and Frenn." The beastkin said as he came within shouting distance.

"Already? Hmm, that was quick." I hummed to myself.

"They are also others... my Lord, they seem very strong..." He began once he closed the distance

"I know, I know." I nodded, not stopping my walk. "Now come, we have guests to attend to. Oh, and by the way - don't look behind me,"

Confused, the messenger did exactly that, and as he caught sight of the absolutely colossal white serpent slithering out of the dense jungle behind us, he turned so pale you could see it through his fur.