Me and Jin hyung were sitting in the living room watching a movie. Jimin said that he would go out for some fresh air. He probably went to the nearby park where we usually go to chill. The same park where I saw Y/n for the first time. I was sitting with the file in my hands that Y/n gave me earlier. I went through all the designs, and I liked three. So I asked Jin hyung to choose one for me. He picked the same design that I would have picked if I was Jin hyung. I asked Jin hyung to choose one just for confirmation for the design. I then thought of informing Y/n about it, although I could have just informed her tomorrow at work, it was just a mere excuse I would give to talk to Y/n. I like her. I like it when she is around. So, without a delay I took out my phone and texted her.

Y/niee<3 :

I have selected the design.

Meet me in my office tomorrow in the morning.

With that, I put the phone aside and continued watching the movie with Jin hyung. I was waiting for Y/n's text, but she didn't texte me back soon. I was tired of waiting. Almost around forty minutes later I saw a notification pop up. I immediately, without wasting any time grabbed my phone and unlocked it. The notification was from Y/n. My heart skipped a beat on seeing her name, but soon my face fell when I opened the chat and saw her message.

Y/niee<3 :

OK sir.

She just replied with an "OK sir". I thought she would ask if I was fine with the design, or maybe if I wanted any changes, but she didn't. I was a bit upset. After a while, the doorbell rang. Jin hyung went to open it. I looked at the door and I already knew who would it be. Park Jimin. You can say he is my soulmate. After Jungkook left, I had no one. That was when I met these two. My hyung and my soulmate. We three have been living together since then. We live in a house that we three bought together. Jin hyung is a high-school professor and Jimin is a dancer.

"Yaahh Taehyungiee!", he shouted.

"Hmm??", I asked with my eyes fixed on the television.

"I met someone.".

"That's good.", I replied.

"Are you not gonna ask who it is?", he spoke with a little pout.

"Why should I?"

"Because, you'll be surprised to know."

"Yahh Jimin! Just tell it already. You know that I don't like such suspense.", Jin hyung said, annoyed.

"Haha. Ok. So. I. Met. Y/n.", Jimin said and my eyes widened.

"WHAT?!", me and Jin hyung exlaimed in unison.

"Yes. I am not joking. We even had ice-cream. We sat the park and were talking about..~~", he paused. He wasn't saying anything. My heart was beating like crazy. Oh how I wish I would have gone with Jimin for a walk.

"About what?", I asked in a serious tone.

"About a moron model.", he said laughing. Me and Jin hyung just looked at each other in confusion.

"What moron model Jiminaa?", Jin hyung asked, to which he pointed towards me. As if Jin hyung understood what it was, even he started laughing with Jimin. I really didn't yet understand what was going on.

"Care to explain?", I said while glaring at Jimin.

"We talked about you Taehyungaa. She- sh- she has your number saved a- as Moron Model Taehyung Kim.", he said and both of them were almost rolling on floor laughing. Jin hyung had his wiper sound on and Jimin's eyes were nowhere to be seen. Both the guys laughed hysterically and I just sat there awkwardly. I really didn't understand what was so funny. I will see her at work tomorrow. With that I left those two maniacs in the living room and headed to my bedroom.


It was already morning and I was getting ready for work. Today I planned on wearing a black full sleeve v-neck dress that was reaching till my knees. I put my hair in a loose bun and put black heels on. I took one last glance at myself on the mirror and headed to work.

Upon reaching the place, when I was still at at the foot of the building I heard a voice call my name.

"Ms. Y/n!".

I looked back only to see moron model Taehyung getting out of his car. I would lie if I say that I didn't drool over the view in front of me for a moment. He was wearing a white shirt and black suit. He looked ethereal. No doubt why he was the most famous model in the country.

"Yes sir?", I said bowing slightly. While my head was still down, I felt him walk past me while saying something.

"Meet me in my office. Right now!", he said. The tone of his voice almost low and dangerous. One could easily tell that he was pissed.

"Yes sir.", I said and walked behind him. I just straight followed behind him wherever he went like a kid. The vibe he was radiating at the moment was scary, I could easily understand that he was raging with anger. He seemed really scary and my mind was thinking all that I did in the past three days that would have pissed him. Was it because of the designs? But he said that he already selected one. What could it be? With all those thoughts rushing my mind I got in the lift with him.

I stole glances at him, but he didn't notice I guess. He had a straight face showing no emotions. I looked at him again and he looked back. I quickly diverted my eyes. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this. In no time we reached his office. I didn't even go to my small office to put my things. I just went inside his office with him.

I saw him walk towards his table and take the file with designs in it out of drawer which was kept by his secretary before he arrived probably.

"This is the design that I have selected.", he said, pointing at the one that he chose.

"Oh, ok sir. Would you like any changes o-", I was cut off again. I am just so used to it now.

"No. It's fine. I liked it.", he spoke, eyes not leaving my face. That made me a bit uncomfortable and I was a bit scared too.

"Ok sir. I'll tell them to confirm this and prepare for the shoot.", I said while looking down. I suddenly felt the chair on which he was seated move back and he stood up. He came in front of me and stood towering over my tiny body.

"Look up.", he spoke, his voice was demanding.

I looked up and our eyes met.

"I wanted to ask if you know any Moron Model that works here.", he said and my eyes widened. Shit! I guess I am fucked now. Jimin told him. I knew this was going to happen.

"Uhh- umm- wha- what a- are yo- you talk- ta- talking about?", I fucking stuttered all the words that came out of my mouth. I was scared to death. In these three days, I have literally seen him behave hella rude towards the other employees. I knew it was going to happen to me now and I also knew if it happened, I would breakdown in front of him, which I don't want.

"Why are you stuttering Ms. Y/n? I just asked you a simple question.", he said with a smirk on his face. By now, he was slowly moving towards me, shortening the gap. As he was taking each step forward, I was going backwards the same way.

"I- I don't know sir.", I said while trying not to stutter. I was still slowly walking backwards when my calves hit the sofa and I sat on it with a thud losing my balance.

He was dangerously close to me now. But guess what, his crotch was dangerously close to my face as he was still standing whereas I was sitting on the sofa. He slowly bent down, his left hand in his pocket and his right hand slowly moving towards to my face. He gently put his right hand on my left cheek and his thumb rested on my lips. He gently rubbed his thumb on my soft lips, caressing it. I didn't move an inch. I mean, to be very specific, I couldn't move. My body froze at the spot when he touched me. His hands were warm.

"You think I am a Moron sweetheart? Hmm?", he asked in a very low tone. His face was now just inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breathe fanning my lips.

"N- no sir. It- it's just, it's-", I couldn't finish the sentence as I was really scared. This time he didn't cut me off mid-sentence.

"Change the name.", he said in a very demanding tone. I just nodded lightly. He stepped away from me and I immediately stood up, grabbed the file and ran out of his office.

I hurriedly opened the door of my office room and got in closing it behind. I took out my phone and saw a message from moron mo- NO!, I mean Taehyung, just Taehyung.

Moron Model Taehyung Kim:| :

Did u change the name sweetheart?!

I quickly went to contacts and changed his name on my phone.


Yes. I just did.

Kim Taehyung:

Oww, I see u r a good girl.

God. I saw the message but I didn't reply. I just put my phone aside and started working. But I coudn't focus on it as my mind would just think about what happened earlier. Was it this different behaviour Jimin was telling me about? I just couldn't stop thinking how close we were. The way he touched my face, his thumb rubbing over my lips. My heart fluttered. Just like how Jungkook used to make me go crazy at his slightest touch. Is the history going to repeat? Or will it be worse?