We were currently at work and I was busy planning how to style his outfit. The outfit he chose was really good and I was sure he would pull it off really well.

I peeked through the gap in the blinds and found him concentrating deep in on his laptop screen. I smiled to myself thinking how cute he looked while staring at the laptop screen with a cute little pout on his face. His lips look really soft. As if he felt someone staring at him, he automatically looked towards me and our eyes met. I thought of what happened the other day when he caught me staring at him. I quickly divert my eyes towards my computer screen. After few seconds I look back towards his direction and find him staring at me with a cute smile on his face. I couldn't understand why, but my heart fluttered at the view of him. I smiled back and we both diverted our eyes and mind, both back to work.

It's weird how you feel comfortable being with or around someone, just in five days.

It was our lunch break and we get a forty-five minutes break for it. I was headed towards the canteen when suddenly a large hand, out of nowhere, grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards a small store room. I was a bit surprised at the susden contact and all my muscles were stiffened. I looked at the person holding me, and realised it was Taehyung. He really is a moron. Who sacres like that?

"God Taehyung! You scared me!", I said as my muscles now relaxed.

"Haha, so you are a scardey cat.", he said in a teasing tone.

"No I'm not. But it was so sudden!", I exclaimed.

"Ok, sorry for that. By the way, I wanted to ask you if you wanna join me for lunch?", he said while scratching the nape of his neck as if he was shy.

I thought for a moment before replying.

"Yeah. That'd be great.", I said as anyway I always eat alone and a little company would not be bad.

"Fine then, let's go.", he said while showing off his cute boxy smile.

We went to the ground floor where the canteen was located and I was about to take a turn towards the canteen when he stopped me.

"What are you doing?", he asked.

"We were having lunch together right?!", I questioned.

"Yes, but not here. I'm taking you to a restaurant. Umm, a small lunch date, you know.", he said and I widened my eyes. This guy here first insisted on dropping me home, then took the initiative of doing that daily and now he is taking me on a fucking lunch date to some restaurant.

"But we could ju-", I was cut off again. I really don't understand when will he leave this habit.

"You talk too much and ask too many questions. Now seal your lips and follow me.", he said and so I did. We sat in his car and drove off to a fucking five-star restaurant. As soon as we got out of the car, my eyes just couldn't stop admiring the place. The only thought in my mind at that moment was how much would the food cost. I would literally be left bankrupted if I eat here twice.

"Doesn't this place look too expensive?", I asked, my eyes still fixed on the exterior of the building.

"It is sweetheart. It is expensive. I never go to cheap places. I have a reputation to maintain.", he said with pride. If I really be with him, go on such small dates, and he is busy maintaining his reputation, I really don't have an idea how will I maintain my bank balance.

With that we walked in, hand in hand. Yes, hand in hand. He initiated on holding hands and I just simply didn't want to reject the offer. We went in, took our seats and the waiter gave us the menu. I was almost scrutinizing the menu as I couldn't believe the prices of the dishes. They really were expensive. I ordered the cheapest dish that they had. When I say cheapest, I mean, with that money one would be able to eat straight seven days in a restaurant. We both were done ordering our food and were waiting for the food to arrive in silence until he decided to break it.

"So Y/n, why did you move to South Korea? Like the Singapore branch is quite good, so why suddenly you transferred here?", he asked and I almost panicked as all my memories were now fresh as to why I left Singapore.

"It's actually just that, uh, I just wanted a change.", I replied.

"Oh, I thought there was some important reason behind it.", he said.

"Why? Isn't a change in lifestyle important?", I asked him.

"Of course it is, but people generally change their lifestyle when they have gone through something and wants to take their mind off that thing.", he said with a small smile.

"N-no it's, it's nothing like that.", I took a small pause before speaking again. "So I am guessing that you went through something really big that you changed yourself so much."

He seemed to be thinking hard before speaking as if he was trying to form the sentence to utter.

"Uh, I think I should tell you now. What Jimin said was correct, I had been through a heart break Y/n. I did love her with all my heart, but in the end, she ended up being with my best friend.", he said while letting out a small, bitter chuckle.

"So you are telling me that your girlfriend cheated on you with your best friend?", I inquired in complete shock and he just simply nodded with a sad smile. How could someone do that, that too, to a person like this moron. No matter how rude he behaves with people, hw has a cute little child within him. "Ugh, I understand gow it feels to be cheated on."

"Did you got through some sort of similar event as me?", he asked with furrowed eyebrows. I was about to answer when the waiter came with the dishes and placed it on the table. We thanked her and she walked away. He looked at me, gesturing me to continue with my answer.

"Uh, yes. I did and to be very honest, that was basically the reason why I left Singapore. Everywhere I would go, it would remind me of him.", I said.

"So he cheated on you?", he asked out of curiosity.

"Umm, yes. It was all going good but one day his past lover came back. He said that he was already falling for me and was ready to move on with me as he thought his past lover was dead. He didn't expect her to come back. So he left with her to America I guess.", I explained.

"What kind of a moron thinks that his lover is dead without confirming it?", he said in a diagusted tone.

"I don't know, he said they were escaping from Korea and had an accident and blah blah.", I answered and I saw his expressions change. His face looked more like as if he is trying to think hard, connect dots, and a bit confused.

"Can you tell me his name? If you don't mind.", he asked and that moment I felt like I gave him more information than needee.

"Uh, why though?", I cross questioned him.

"I am actually trying to conect few dots. He tried to escape from Korea, like South Korea with his girlfriend?", he asked.

"Umm, yes but I don't know why. He never told me the reason.", I lied straight at his face.

"Tell me his name!", he asked the same again.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook.", I said and saw his eyes widened. He literally stopped eating and dropped the spoon on the plate. His expressions were darker than ever. "What happened Tae-", he cut me off mid-sentence.

"The girl he left you for, is her name Choi Eunji?", he said and I almost choked on my food. How on earth does he know? Oh wait, Jungkook once told me about one of his friends that was like me, but there was a difference in us and stuff. Could it be Taehyung by any chance?

"Yes, it is. How do you know?", I asked. By now, I literally started panicking and I lost my apetite.

"Choi Eunji. She was the one that I dated and that Jeon fucking Jungkook, he was once my bestfriend!", he exclaimed and my head started spinning and I don't know why.

We ate in silence. I mean, we forcefully ate in silence because both of us were hungry. After we finished, I suggested on splitting the bill but he didn't allow me to pay. We headed back to our work and were sitting in our own office rooms. I was wondering, how my fate literally reintroduced me to my past. I thought moving away from Singapore will help me forget everything but, I literally started liking the guy who was cheated on by the same girl that stole my boyfriend from me.

I was working on the upcoming shoot, when Mr. Choi and Taehyung came to my office. We three sat together, and I was explaining on how I am planning to execute the whole project. The whole time I could feel Taehyung's gaze on me. He was basically staring at me. I would time to time look at his direction, and find him looking at me with a sly smirk.

We were almost at the end of the day and Mr. Choi left my office leaving Taehyung behind.

"Are you not leaving?", I asked.

"I'm leaving with you sweetheart, aren't I?", he said. Of course he is leaving with me for he has to drop me home. "So, let's go.", he said and we both walked out of my office, holding hands whilst all eyes were on us.

We were in his car and we were almost half way my home when he spoke.

"Be ready tomorrow by nine in the morning. I'll pick you up. Let's hangout with the boys tomorrow. You already know Jimin, we'll inroduce you to Jin hyung. Okay?".

"Uh, oh, um, ok!, I replied with a smile and after a few minutes we reached home.