It was already 5th December and we were all very busy with Taehyung's shoot. Since saturday night, we both got more close to each other. He would often hug me publicly, smile at me and due to which, people working with us guessed something was up between us. I also thought of telling him how I feel about him. I thought of telling him that after the shoot. It wasn't anything like love, but we did like each other.

It was already one in the noon and the shoot was still on. It would get over by five in the evening. As I was his stylist, I had to stick with him all the time. I was happy though, that no one else had the opportunity. Currently, I was sitting with him, sipping on some chocolate smoothie while the makeup artist was doung his hair.

"You look really good.", I said shyly.

"Mmhm, do I?", he asked in a teasing way. I just shyly smiled and nodded.

After some, three and a half hour of waiting, the shoot was finally over. Everyone was busy tidying up the place and I was working on some documents. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I easily recognized who was it as soon as I inhaled his scent.

"Are you not done yet sweetheart?", Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, almost. Uhhhh, Tae! I actually wanted to tell you sonething."

"What is it Y/niee~~?"

"I'll tell you on our way back home."

"Ohkay!", he said with a little pout, which was really cute.

I was done with all my work and was searching for Taehyung when I saw him talking to Mr. Choi.

"Yaa Y/naa, you did a great job. I am really impressed.", Mr. Choi said with a warm and proud smile. Taehyung was also smiling at me.

"Thank you Mr. Choi.", I replied and bowed politely. With that, me and Taehyung walked away.

We were currently in his car, with his eyes fixed on the road. I was a bit nervous about what I was going to do now.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"I, uhhh, I wanted to say something."

"Ohh yes. I forgot. What is it Y/nie?"

"Umm, Tae, I- I like you.", I whispered and he pressed the break making both of us jerk.

"What?! What did you just say?", he said while widening his already big, round eyes.

"I said I like you.", I said while looking at him in the eyes.

"Really?", he asked with excitement and I turned my head and looked down while nodding. "Damn! I promise I'll make you fall in love with me soon.", now that smile that was because if excitement was replaced by a sly smirk.

I didn't utter a single word after that and he dropped me home.

I was laying bed, facing the ceiling. I didn't know when a small smile crept my face at the thought of Taehyung. I am not completely unfamiliar with this emotion as I had Jungkook before, but like my previous love felt all sorted till Eunji showed up, this one doesn't feel good. I don't know why? Maybe it's because of my insecurities. I just have to not fall hard for Taehyung as I did for Jungkook. I have to take things slow in order to save my fragile heart from breaking.

It has been a week since I told him about my emotions. We both grew a lot close to each other and the other two boys also turned out to be really good friends. I do talk to Namjoon and Yoongi from time to time. I told them about Taehyung and they said they were happy to hear that I was moving on. My parents also knew about Taehyung, Jimin and Jin. They were happy for me too.

It was lunch break now and me and Taehyung were sitting in his office. We both eat together these days. We mostly sit in his office during lunch. Skinship was now normal between us and we would just hug each other radomly. We would also peck each other's cheeks out of nowhere. The employees in the company were now aware about our relation.

"Say aaaa~~", Taehyung said while holding a spoon full of rice in front of my mouth.

"Aaaa~~", I sang along and opened my mouth. As soon as I was going to take the spoon in my mouth, he quickly backed away and ate it. I looked at him with a frown on my face and he was giggling like a baby. "Meanieeeee."

"Haha, you look cute.", he said while chewing on his food.

The day went well and it was time for us to leave.

We were in his car on our way home when he got a call. He just replied with some 'yeah' and 'ok, no issues'. As soon as he cut the call I asked him what was it.

"Jimin called. He said he and Jin hyung are going to some of their friends' party. So I'll be home alone."

"Ohh.", I said while thinking if I should ask him to stay over at my place for tonight and I finally did after a pause. "Umm, Tae! You can stay over at my place if you don't wanna go home."

"Are you sure? You won't have any problem?"

"Why would I have a problem?", I asked while looking at him while my puppy eyes were activated.

He looked at me and smiled. "But I don't have clothes."

"I have."


"I have your clothes. You remember the ones you gave when I was at your house."

"Uhhh, yes. Fine then, I'll stay.", with that said he pulled up in front of my house.

We both got freshened up and were now in the kitchen making dinner. We planned on making some noodles. It took some fifteen to twenty minutes for us to make some half burnt noodles. It happened because of him. He said that he can cook well and I like a fool trusted him and let him do what he wanted. We sat together on the sofa, while eating the half burnt noodles and watching television.

After being done with our somewhat edible dinner, we went to bed and thought of cuddling. We both were laying on my bed with blankets wrapped around our bodies and talking about random topics while hugging each other.

He suddenly pulled me close to his body and I looked up at him in the eyes. His eyes were really beautiful. I could feel his hands roaming on my bare back as he already had put his hands under my t-shirt. His lifted his other hand and gently stroked my cheeks. He leaned in and gently pecked my lips. I felt my body heat up. I was completely stiff by now. He slowly hovered over me and kissed me passionately. His right hand grabbing my waist under my t-shirt. My right hand was placed on his shoulder and left was gripping on his hair lightly.

We pulled away after a long, hungry kiss. We both were panting. He looked at me and smiled. He slowly made his way to my jaw and kissed me. He then lowered himself more and started sucking and biting my skin. It didn't take him long to find my sweet spot.

Suddenly my brain told me to stop, but my heart was opposing it. I knew, I had to take things slow in order to protect my heart. I didn't want to push him away because I needed him too, but I guess listening to my mind rather than my heart would be beneficial.

"Tae, stop.", I whispered in his ears while lightly pushing his body away.

He lookes at me with surprise.

"What happened seeetheart?"

"I think we should take things slow Tae."

"Mmhm, I understand."

With that said he slowly moved away from my body and laid down on his spot.

"Can we atleast cuddle?", he asked with puppy eyes which I would never say 'no' to.

I sweetly smiled to him and nodded. He quickly scooted over to me and we both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

Days passed, weeks passed. It was 29th december now. I was roaming around in the neighborhood when my eyes landed on a billboard with Taehyung's photo. It said Happy Birthday V! 30th december! Taebear and stuff. I honestly didn't know when was his birthday and now that billboard was in front of my eyes with Taehyung's photo on it, I was confirmed that 30th december is his day. Whole South Korea was turning into Taehyung Land. Everywhere my eyes would land, I would see his posters and birthday projects.

How foolish and careless of me that I didn't even know the birth date of the man that I have feelings for. The thought of gifts came to my mind and I really didn't know what I should buy him and that is when my phone rang.


Hello Y/naa?


Yes chimchim?


Tomorrow is Tae's birthday. You know right?


Umm, yes Chimmy. I know.


Yeah. So we are planning a surprise for him. Don't tell him anything. Jin hyung will take him out tomorrow and you and me can prepare everything in that time.


Yes chimchim. That's great.


Fine then, come by four in the eve. Bye.


Ok chimmy. Bbye.

With that I cut the call and went to a Gucci store. I knew he likes Gucci more than any other brand. So, I planned on gifting him a cute sweater.

I bought his gift and went home. I was kinda happy and excited. I packed the gift in a cute wrap and put it in a small, cute bag.

It was already his birthday and three-thirty in the afternoon and I was on my way to their house. I left the house early as I planned on walking rather than taking a cab. I almost was at the gate when I halted my steps as I saw Jin and Tae leaving the house. After they were compeltely gone from my sight I entered. Jimin pulled me in a hug and we went inside.

We decorated the whole house and were getting ready when few close friends already arrived. After a hour or so, me and Jimin went down and welcomed all the guests happily and excitedly without knowing that this would a very painful day for everyone.