
Alkoni stood in front of a grave. A loved one, perhaps. He placed new flowers on the grave, whispered to himself, "I won't let you down. I promise," as he walked away from the grave. He walked to his horse, loaded with his bag, sword and other stuffs he might need along his journey.

He mounted and stared at the sky. It was still dark. The first light of dawn was not visible yet. His horse moved slowly. He took the straight path out of Horsford. A small city in Eden, known for their hay and horses. Far from the war fought at the south and west.

He could see the first light of dawn by the time he got to the top of the hills that beleaguered Horsford. The city had quite a view from there. Alkoni smiled at the beauty of it one last time.

He nudged his horse go faster with his leg to it's sides. "Ya!" he rode down the hills onto the sloppy grasslands. Little or no trees were on sight as he traveled. The road was mostly lonely except for farmers and merchants. Most barely spared him more than a glance. There were reports of robbers on the road but he was afraid of robbers now, was he? It's the robbers that should be scared.

After hours and hours of riding, atop his horse, he could see glimpses of the capital city of Eden, Flowyn, his destination.

He dismounted his horse and guided it with it's reins. His back ached from the long sitting. "It's alright Starfeet, we are almost there," he assured the gentle beast, rubbing it's muzzle.

...Flowyn, Eden.

Flowyn was several times bigger than Horsford. It had several towers, golden domes and spires. The walls of the city had several watchtowers.

Flowyn had a mountain for a Castle, that could contain a thousand people. The city is a home to many gardens and groves with rare and exotic flowers and trees. It also had a large monument of it's past kings and heroes of old.

The city had three different gates. The west gate known as the Stonehound Gate and the east gate sometimes called Crimson Gate. The last one was reserved for Nobles. The city wasn't entirely walled. The city's port was at the northeastern part of the city.

City guardsmen stood at the gate like statues in mail and green tabards. They paid no heed to crowd entering or leaving the city unless it starts getting messy or pushy. They don't like that.

Alkoni strode pass them with his horse' reins in hand.

There was a man yelling at the incomers and out goers to watch their belongings. Women clutched their baskets and bags to themselves like their only child birthed after seventy years of marriage. Akoni didn't need to be too cautious. He'd know the moment someone got too close to him. Once inside the city he had no idea where to go. How am I supposed to find the barracks in this place? It shouldn't be hard. The barracks are supposed to stand out somehow. If I could get some hei—

His soliloquy was interrupted by a bump on his back. By instinct his hand fell on his sword's hilt and gave his bumper a sharp look. The glare faded slowly. It was a guard. "Move! You dimwit!" The guardsman yelled. Light reflected in his eyes. Akoni scoffed and kept moving. He could feel the eyes of the guard on his back. He wasn't afraid though. Maybe he should be a bit more cautious to avoid being thrown in a dungeon.

He looked to side and saw a fellow, who looked about his age but without a horse. The fellow waved at him and ran towards him.



"You're new in the city?"

Alkoni wanted to lie but he thought what good will that do for him, so he said, "Yes. I'm looking for the barracks. Do you know where it is?"

"Sure I do. I live here. And, I'm also headed there. I'm Pendrick," he offered his hand for a handshake.

He smiles too much. "I'm Alkoni." He took the hand.

"So Alkoni where are you from?" Pen asked, smiling.

"Eden." Pen's smile faded quickly, "I know you're from Eden. I meant where in Eden."

Alkoni chuckled, "Oh. It's Horsford. And how do you know I'm from Eden?" Akoni cocked an eyebrow.

"Your accent," the smile rushed back to his face like child to his mother. Akoni grunted.

They made it to the barracks after a long walk. Alkoni stared at the stark bricks of towering wall. "You know what? Maybe I'll just come back later," he said with a sigh.

"And where will you go be going," Pen eyes wore surprise. "I'll sleep in an inn or something. See you around, Pendrick," he shrugged as he yanked the reins of his horse away from the barracks. Pen stared at his back for a while, before entering the barracks.

Alkoni stood by a building close to the city's square.

There had to be a tavern around there. One where he could ask questions without rousing suspicions.

He heard footsteps beside him. He didn't move. Flowyn had wide streets.

"Move you go—" The guard cut off as Alkoni caught his hand. "Don't do that," Alkoni dropped the hand and spared a glance for his uniform. Just great!

The guardsman grabbed his coat roughly, "I see, you are one of those mercenaries who think too highly of themselves, prancing around with a sword like you know how to use it. Now b—"

Akoni hissed and tapped the hand on his coat with two fingers, "Hands off." The guardsman' wrist cracked and he dropped on his knees and shouted, "Darkhand!" In a blink other guardmen in the area rushed to meet him. Akoni knew he was in trouble. Sands! So much for being cautious. Should I run? No, running will only make things worse. The crowd around him shied away.

"Call the Harnessers!" one of the new guards bellowed.

"Harnesser!" Another called.

"This boy is a darkhand. He hit me with something, something that I couldn't see," he told the other guardmen, stuttering.

A gruff man, with white on his temples stood high in front of Akoni, "I'd advise you go with them peacefully. If you are feeling smart, my archers won't be pleased." The man sounded like a superior. Alkoni glanced around and spotted archers. Where did they come from?

A guardsman came from behind with chains, he glared at Akoni and said harshly, "Do not resist. You have no idea what we do to darkhands who do."

"Guess we'll never find out then," Alkoni said in that warm voice of his. His eyes fell on the superiors shoulder, he had a star knot on it. A captain guard then.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you," the guardsman sneered. Alkoni gave a smile that touched only his lips, "But I'm not you. Am I ?" A rough hand pushed him on the back, "Move!" He followed willingly.

His eyes darted about. People watched him with disgust and jeers.

So this is how things are done in Flowyn. Someone calls out darkhand, then people rush to put'em in chains and let a group of dorks in green leather to decide his fate, He thought. A grimace grew on his face.

In the small audience around them. One of them stood out. She had red curly hair. Red not ginger. Skin white as the snow. An Harnesser. Now that was a sight. Her golden dress was somewhat regal only missing a crown. She watched him with intent. He didn't take his eyes off her. He could stare at her all day and not get bored. The guards in front of him had stopped moving. They were whispering to one another by an oddly dark alley.

"Oh, I'm not entering that with you."

He was shoved inside roughly. "You will do as we say. Darkhand!" The men all had eyes boiling with hate. Alkoni returned glare for glare. He wondered what darkhands did to these folks. They pulled out swords and daggers, "Make him bleed slowly. I want to hear him scream." I thought they called for Harnessers.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Alkoni said softly.

"But I'm not you now, am I?" The guard grinned wildly.

"If that's how you want it." Akoni exhaled and shifted his feet on the hard floor. The blade came swinging down. He turned his shoulder towards it and harnessed his Presence. The blade broke as it struck the air above his shoulder. It sent the guard stumbling back. The others stepped back. He leaped forward and rammed a shoulder into the guard's chest. The force sent him and the others flying back to the end of the alley. Colliding with the walls and all the dirt and heavy objects around it.

He turned sharply to the other side and the men there almost ran, "Impossible! No darkhand can," the guard shouted.

Alkoni twisted his wrist and the chains melted off like candle wax. His Presence shimmering the air around him. Shadows answering to his mental calls. He gritted and lifted his hand gave them a backhand lash of air. The sheer force of the air could have broken their bones. The men collapsed on the floor. He almost hated himself for it.

Alkoni ran for his horse. It was whining loudly. "Peace Starfeet. Peace." The horse quieted as his palm rubbed it's mane.

"That was pretty aggressive back there," he jumped at the new soft voice that came from behind. It was her. The Harnesser. How did I not sense her coming? Sloppy.

He kept his hands on his horse, "I'm guessing you are among the Harnessers that I was supposedly being taken to."

"I don't think you are a darkhand. I doubt a darkhand would willingly let himself be bound. No darkhand can break Yitium." Oh, yes. Yitium, that's what the guardsman meant. She spoke as if he had not said anything.

Akoni sighed and mounted his horse. "Lead the way. I'm not running and tell your friends to calm down. Their Presence is all over the place." Her face brightened at that.

"Of course."