Eisfalle's Winter Castle

"Make me understand something, how can you all be so weak and still fight? Just how do you do it?" Stark marvelled with bleeding body.

Dune leaned on a tree bark for support, "Something just became clear to me. I have always wondered how ten men could clean an entire checkpoint with more than five hundred men at once. Then I remembered the dust part of the story, the dust didn't really settle, did it? You and your men took advantage of that and spread fear amongst the men. One of the biggest disadvantage of numbers. It's easy to spread fear."

Stark was startled by Dune's accurate deductions. "It wasted no time before the men started killing each other blindly," Dune sighed standing upright, "Unfortunately that won't be possible here because we have resolve and the will. And nothing can waver the will of a man ready to die for a cause."