Chapter 17 - We're Good

"THAT was unfair, don't you think?"

Hero looked at his aunt after Max had vanished from their sight.

"She just saved your friend. The least you could have done was to thank her."

She's right, he thought. He shouldn't have scolded her. What he said was not wrong. He's worried about her. It's Liam, after all. But how he said those words...Max was obviously upset.

"I know. I'm sorry, I just got carried away," he replied.

"You tell that to her."

"I know. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

After his aunt finished tending to Miggy, he and Lance took him to their boarding house.

"Are you sure you're okay, man?" he asked, still worried about his friend.

"I am." Miggy sat down on his deck. Lance sat beside him while Hero sat on the other deck across from them.

"That guy just won't stop pestering me," Hero said, referring to Liam.

"He wanted to get revenge for what happened to him after Dana's death," Miggy told him.