Sabrina's POV
“I can’t wait for the car to get fixed. I better get going” I said to our driver and grab my bag inside the car.
I’m on my way to the school when our car suddenly stops. Our driver tried fixing it but it’s almost half an hour and I can’t be late, not today.
It’s my first day at school. Ugh! Of all days, why should it be today?
I took my phone out and tried checking a booking service app for taxis or cars. While I’m still waiting for any available drivers, I constantly checked every taxi that passed by and felt disappointed that all taxis have passengers in them. I got excited when my phone vibrated but I can’t help but frowned when it’s just a notification that all drivers are busy.
Patience Sabrina! I reminded myself that everything will be okay. I wiped the sweat that started forming on my forehead. I don’t even have an umbrella to protect myself from the blazing heat of the sun. Should I still go to school? I’m not even at school yet I looked so haggard already.
My phone beeped again and this time it's from my Mom. She said Uncle Samuel might pick me up after his meeting or he could asked his driver.
I thanked Mom and checked the booking app again, but still no drivers found. I waited for another minutes, and I'm still getting the same notification.
I am on the verge of giving up when I saw a familiar car. A black Fortuner with a plate number HNG888. Is it Uncle Samuel’s car? Yes! It's his car.
I got so excited and did not think twice. I raised my hand and stop the car.
The car stops. A big smile formed on my lips. Good thing Mommy called Uncle. This is not a bad day, after all. I said goodbye to our driver and hurriedly went to the car. The front passenger side door was open so I went in.
"Thank you so much Uncle, you're my savior----"
I can’t help but stare and started wondering at the unfamiliar man in the driver's seat.
Did Uncle Samuel’s driver already retire? I heard he's retiring but I didn’t know it would be this early.
I just shrugged and looked at the back seat instead. I found an empty seat so it’s just the two of us.
“Hi. Where’s Uncle? Is he still in a meeting?” I asked just to ease the awkwardness. “New driver?”
I didn’t hear any response from him. He nodded and just smiled at me as he seriously drives the car. I can see he is stealing glances at me. He looked amused which made me uncomfortable.
“By the way, I’m Sabrina, Mr. Samuel Castillo’s niece. How about you what’s your name?” I attempted to start a conversation hoping that this time he will answer me but still heard nothing from him.
“By the way, thank you for picking me up. It's my first day at school so I can't afford to be late." I added.
As usual, he still doesn’t respond to anything but I saw him nod and his lips rose like he was about to smile. I was not sure if my eyes are just fooling me. I don’t know why he’s still not talking to me. I can’t help but look at him. It seems that Uncle hired a younger driver compared to his driver before. He's way younger.
I glanced at the road and saw that we will be stuck in the traffic for a while. I’m so hungry so I grab the sandwich our house helper packed this morning because I didn’t have the chance to eat my breakfast.
“Want some sandwich?” I offered but he just shook his head.
While eating, I can't help but think of the reasons as to why can’t he talk to me? Mang Caloy, Uncle Samuel's previous driver is very friendly and I don't remember having a problem dealing with him. I don’t know if he is just shy or the age but don’t tell me he doesn’t have plans to talk to me during the whole ride?
I continued eating when I realized something.
"Don't tell me you're mute?" It would make sense, he’s not talking to me and would only respond with me using a nod and shaking of his head.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know" I apologized to him.
But wait! Did he understand what I said a while ago? I’ll be late for school. What do I know about sign language??
“Uhm, you understand what I said earlier, right?” He nodded and I heaved a sigh of relief.
“Phew! Good thing you understand, you can drop me at San Se-bas-tian U-ni-ver-si-ty” I said to him slowly and with clarity just to make sure he got it right. I even showed him the University brochure that was given to us during our Freshman Orientation the other day.
A few minutes later, we finally arrived.
San Sebastian University
I suggested that he can just drop me off at the University entrance gate but he continued driving and even parked at our school parking.
"At last we're here. Thank you so much. Please send my regards to Uncle" I said and checked the time. I still have 10 minutes before my class. I unbuckled my seat belt and was about to open the door when I heard someone talked.
"Just thank you??" I was stunned when I heard the driver talked.
Shock is written all over my face.
“Y-you can talk??!? I asked him and still can’t believe it.
He smiled at me and showed a perfect set of white teeth. For a moment, I found myself getting lost at his eyes.
“I said thank you is not enough. See? You’re not late because of me." he said and smirked at me.
"Wait! So you can really talk??!! All this time you made me look like a fool just talking to myself and here you are talking to me casually.” I snapped at him.
"I didn't say I'm a mute. You're the one who concluded," he said and then laughed at me like he’s been holding his laugh for awhile now.
The nerve of this guy. "The fact that you didn’t talk to me and all you do is just smile and nod, of course, I’d assumed,” I said and started to feel annoyed.
"Look. I'm sorry. I got carried away. It’s just that you’re so funny" and laughed again.
"So you think that was funny?” I glared at him. “Wait till I let Uncle know about all this," I said and then stormed out of the car.
"Go ahead. By all means." I heard him said. So arrogant!!
I purposely slammed the door and grab my phone while walking away from the University Parking. Let’s see if he still has the guts to talk to me like that. He better find a new job!
"Hello Sabrina, are you still---?” Uncle answered after a few rings.
“I’m already here at school, Uncle but--”
“I’m still in a meeting. Can we talk later??" I heard someone talked to Uncle. He seemed really busy.
"Wait Uncle, I just want to report the rudeness of your new driver. You might consider looking for a new one, someone as professional and respectful as Mang Caloy”
“My driver?? You know him?” he asked again as if he didn’t understand what I’m talking about. “How did you meet him? And what do you mean by his rudeness? He's nice and even if he's older than my driver Mang Caloy, Ernest is a competent driver."
I almost tripped over something when I heard what Uncle said.
Did I hear it right?
"Wait...I d-don’t understand. OLD?? Are we talking the same person here Uncle??
You send your driver to pick me up, remember??”
“What do you mean?? My driver is still here.”
My heart started beating fast.
Whoa! Don't tell me!!! I walked backed to the parking area, and there I saw the car was still there but the guy is nowhere to be found.
" I really have to hang up this phone, I'll talk to you later ok?? Bye"
I wasn’t able to say goodbye because I still can’t believe what my eyes are seeing now. I even blinked many times just to make sure that my eyes are not fooling me again but I can still see the car. Yes, it’s still a black Fortuner but the plate number is not HNG888 anymore, instead, it’s HNG838.
Again, it’s HNG838. So I rode in a stranger’s car? God! Sabrina what did you do? Maybe it’s time for me to have my eyes checked. But I can’t be wrong! I really did saw HNG888, I tried to reason out but the reality was already in front of me.
Now, maybe that guy thinks I’m stupid and easily be fooled with.
I’m on my way to my last subject for today but my mind was still wondering about what happened this morning. I was preoccupied that I even entered the wrong building and forgot to checked what room number is my next class.
I was catching my breath when I arrived at the correct floor. I just hope my Professor is still not there. I’m five minutes late already. Before entering, I double-check the room number just to make sure I won’t be doing the same mistake as what happened this morning.
I slowly open the door, only to be stunned by many students looking at me like I’m some alien who invaded earth and was caught on an act, but what shocked me the most was the guy standing in front of the class.
What is he doing here?? I don’t know if it’s just my mind playing a trick on me but he can’t be right? He can’t be my Professor!
It’s impossible! Nooo!!!!
"You're late for our class, Miss," he said with authority in his voice.