Chapter Five - Hide and Seek

Sabrina's POV

The moment I saw Red coming out from the cafeteria, I hurriedly hide from the sea of students in the corridor. I avoided him and went in the opposite direction. After what happened, I don't know if I still have the courage to face him. I am so guilty of what happened. I never imagined that his parents would be involved immediately. I did not think it very well. Now, I have to deal with my consequences.

But, he had done me wrong too. I was scared. I just want to get revenge and here I am hiding from him.

I noticed that he followed me so I was already half walking and half running. Some students are already giving me weird looks. I need to get rid of him!

I was catching my breath and decided to stop. I hope I got him lost. I'm here near the retreat house. This is my first coming here, I didn't know that there are a lot of benches and tables available here. It even has power outlets on each table for charging laptops or cellphones.

This is a good spot if you want to read and study because of the peaceful surroundings. As expected there are some students but all are just minding their own business. I decided to sit on one of the vacant benches and rest for a while.

"I'm hungry," I said, just talking to myself. I haven't eaten my lunch yet. I heard my stomach growled.

"So what to do when you're hungry?" I heard someone said. I look at the adjacent table and found a familiar guy. What's his name again?

The familiar guy us busy reading a book. I looked at his table and found more books and a laptop on the right side. Aha! I remember him. His name is Yuseff! The book lover guy.

Was he the one who spoke earlier but he's not looking at me? Maybe my mind just played a trick on me, yeah that would make sense, especially that I'm this hungry. I really should eat now.

I saw Yuseff lifted his head and turned to me. He looks annoyed or something but I was not expecting it when he suddenly handed me a chocolate bar.

"Eat! You're so noisy. I can't understand what I'm reading." he said coldly.

"What did you just say? I'm not noisy" I protested.

"Eat. You're distracting me" he commanded me like I don't have a choice but to oblige.

So arrogant just like Smiling Devil. Speaking of that guy, I tried to peek at the corridor and was surprised that he is already walking towards the benches. How did he know I went here? Shifting his gaze from one table to another. If he continues doing that, he will see me for sure. I wanted to run but it will catch his attention more.

I panic when Red looked at where I am. Did he see me already? Without thinking, I grab one of Yuseff's books and used it to cover my face. I just prayed that he didn't notice me. From my peripheral vision, I can see the curious look of Yuseff like I'm stupid for getting his book. I even see him smirked.

"What are you doing?!" he asked me, now giving me his full attention.

"Continue reading your book. Don't mind me here" I whispered and even gestured to him to be quiet and continued what he was doing. I was stunned when I heard someone cleared his throat, making his presence known.

"Nice way of reading a book" I bit my lips when I heard his familiar voice. He did see me but what does he mean? I checked the book that I'm holding and it's upside down. Really Sabrina? How stupid can you be? Now, I don't have a choice but to face him. I slowly put the book down and awkwardly greeted him.

"H-hi. You're here." I innocently said and pretended that I just saw him. Nice try Sabrina!

Red looked at me like he's not buying it.

"We need to talk!" he said and I don't see any hint of humor in his eyes.

"S-sure!" I said and smiled awkwardly at him. "but can we talked---"

"Can I get my book now?" Yuseff said and then stood up. In a swift move, he collected his things and prepared to leave.

"Here! Thank you" I also stood up and feeling guilty I handed him the book that I used to cover my face earlier. He looks irritated like I disturbed him with his reading and now he's going to look for another quiet place.

I saw how Yuseff looks at the chocolate bar he gave me before nodding and started walking away.

"Thanks for the chocolate," I told him, but he walked straight and did not bother looking back.

"Since when did you got close to that guy?" I turned to Red and saw that he's really serious with his question.

"Is that the topic that you want to talk about?" I don't think I have to explain to him everything. Yes. I've done wrong but he also owes me an apology.

His eyebrows furrowed "Let's not talk here. Follow me" and then he started walking. He stopped when he noticed that I didn't even take a single step.

Here he goes with his "Follow me" line as if I don't have trust issues with him.

He turned to me and he had a puzzled look at his face with a bit of annoyance.

"You think I'll follow you after what happened at the basement, huh?"

"And you think I have time to play with you after you took that pictures?" His eyes are so intense that I want to look away. Sabrina! You and your mouth.

I cleared my throat and avoided his gaze before answering him.

"Just let me know where we are going to talk. I'll just meet you there. For now, let me eat my lunch in peace!" I said and walk past him. I expected him to stop me but I heard nothing from him.


Our Professor just dismissed us when I received a text from Clara, a member of the student council, and requested my presence at the Student Affairs Office. So this is it, my punishment. I made my way into the crowded hallway and went straight to the 2-story Student Affairs Office Building.

I went in and was greeted by a student-assistant working there and asked for my concern. She guided me to the stairs and gave me directions. When I reached the 2nd floor, I noticed that there's a college banner on every door of the room. I stop in room 207. The banner displayed at the front door is from the College of Engineering and Architecture. Does it mean that the College Governor and his officers might be using this room?

"How can I help you?" I looked at my back and saw a pretty lady. She has thick and naturally long straight hair that perfectly matches her almond eyes.

"H-hi! I'm looking for Clara?" I said and smiled at her genuinely.

"You're Miss Castillo? I'm Clara. Follow me!" she said with no hint of friendliness in her voice.

Clara opened the door and I immediately found Red with some students discussing something.

"Miss Castillo is here" Clara declared causing everyone to look at me. Red looked at me before saying thanks to Clara.

"Please have a seat, Ms. Castillo," he said professionally. He gave me a quick glance before talking again to the students who I guess are also part of the Student Council.

"I'll just email you the other details about it" I heard him say it before Clara and the other three students said goodbye.

"You have no classes after this?" Red asked me and look at his watch.

"I thought College Governor knows everything? As far as I remember, you know my classes the last time we talked. I saw how his jaw clenched before he handed me a paper.

I silently read what was written in the paper. It's a parental consent. Why would they be needing it?

"I think you already know the reason as to why you are being called here so I don't have to discuss everything with you.

So, as the College Governor, I won't tolerate what happened and I ought to provide disciplinary actions for that."

"I understand. I admit my fault and I'm accepting any punishment but what's with the parental consent? Does cleaning hallways and girl's bathroom requires parental consent?" I curiously asked him but he just smirked at me.

"You think that would be your punishment? Well, you can do that but we are currently supporting other programs. So, as part of our THINK GREEN Program, we will be having our Mangrove Planting tomorrow, which is Saturday.

"Tomorrow? But isn't it late noticed?" I plan to sleep all day! I've been looking forward to it!

"Why? Do you have other plans for tomorrow? You better cancel it."

"I don't have any knowledge with Mangrove Planting. I never tried that before." I protested. I don't think I could be a great help, I could even hinder them.

"You are mandated to join tomorrow's activity. That's your punishment, remember?!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Will you be there?" I want to make sure he's not there.

"Why? You want me to come with you?" he teased me and I glared at him.

"You wish! That's the reason I'm asking you, I want to know if you'll be there or not, before I say yes.

"As if you have a choice. It's either a Yes or Yes. Anyway, kindly have your parent or guardian sign it. Don't forget to bring it tomorrow. The college secretary will also send an SMS to you later about the details of the event and the things to bring tomorrow. Any questions?"

I shook my head and stood up.

"I got to go," I said gave him a bored look.

"By the way. Sleep well tonight, because you're gonna have a long and exciting day tomorrow." he said and showed me his signature smile. That smile, I just hope he's not around tomorrow!