Chapter 29 - Ask me again!

"Where's Cheska? She went home already?" Manang suddenly showed up. I silently thanked her for showing up. Red's stares are giving me a hard time already. The way he looked at me like he wanted to know what is going on in every corner of my head made me tremble.

"Yes, she just left" I replied.

Manang invited Red to have dinner with us. I tried to stop her but was surprised that Red agreed to stay.

It made me confused. Why is he staying? He can decline Manang's offer. As far as I know, we talked already and I assured him that I'm okay. I think of any other reasons, but I end up accepting the idea that maybe Red was just to shy to decline Manang's offer. I am still uncomfortable having Red around our house but at least, Manang's presence made it less awkward for the both of us.

We were just starting to eat when the lights suddenly went out. I can't see anything. I turned to my side and see a dim light. It was a light coming from a cellphone. Eventually it got a bit brighter. Red probably turn on his phone's flashlight.

I saw Manang stood up and walking her way to the cabinet nearby.

"Are you okay?" Red asked me. I nodded. "Wait here, I'll help Manang"

Red went to Manang and offered his cellphone's light as she was busy looking for something.

Why are we experiencing power outage? I stood up and looked out the window, I'm sure we weren't the only ones who experience it. A great darkness greeted me outside. It's our first time experiencing it since we moved in. As far as I can remember, I had never experienced a power outage before. We have our own power generator when we were at Forbes Royale. I don't even know if we use that before because I don't remember experiencing it.

I heard Red asked Manang if our place often loses power. Manang is now carrying a flashlight, that's probably what she was looking for earlier. She excuses herself and entered her room for a while, then came out carrying a candle. She mentioned that she have kept candles for her altar in her room.

The candles will serve as our light as we eat our dinner.

"I'm sorry that you have to experienced this" Manang said as we started eating dinner "This is the first time it happened since we moved in" Red just smiled and said it's okay with him.

"By the way, are your parents okay with you staying here for dinner? "

"I already asked permission, Manang" Red replied.

I couldn't help but stare at Red. I wonder how his dad is doing? Are they getting along now? The last time I heard was that his Dad was still angry at him. I hope they are okay now. Red ate so well and Manang was very happy with it. I was even compared to Red that I should eat like that, not the one who's like on a diet. Red glanced at me and saw him controlling himself not to smile. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's good that Sabrina have friends visiting here once in a while. Aside from Cheska, you are the first who visited her in our new home" Manang stopped eating and thought for a while as if she just think of something. "Wait! There's another one, what's his name again, Sabrina? Forgive me, I tend to forget things easily maybe because of old age" Manang said and laugh.

"It's Yuseff, Manang" I answered and continued eating.

Red gave me a curious look.

"Oh yes, it's Yuseff" Manang said. "He's a good guy, he used to be our neighbor at Forbes Royale. I'm sure you two will get along too" Manang continued talking, but Red's eyes were already directed at me. His eyes are dark which gave me a hard time reading what he's thinking now. The light from the candle added to his already mysterious aura. I tried to ignore his stares and just continued eating.

After we ate, we decided to just hang out in our garden as we wait for the power to comes back. We had four comfortable outdoor chairs and a center table. I personally requested to have it there. It's a very good spot to relax and just chill.

It's a cold Sunday night. Manang enjoyed talking to Red that maybe she didn't noticed the time. Indeed, Red was good at handling conversation like he was born with it.

I can't help but look at my watch, it's 7:30 pm and Red is still here. What if his Dad is already looking for him? I caught Red's eyes looking at me before he answered Manang.

After a while, Manang said that she would go to our neighbor to ask what's the reason behind the power outage. And before I could even speak that I wanted to come too, Manang already made her way to the gate.

Just like that, we are left alone AGAIN, only this time, we are here in our garden, outside! We were silent for several minutes, when Red started to talk.

"Yuseff always come here?" He asked me with a blank face.

"No. He's only been here once." He nodded slowly and seemed to be in deep thought. Red is like a puzzle to me. He is difficult to read because his actions sometimes contradict his words.

Just like today, he suddenly showed up here in our house and just for what? To say sorry? He can do that thru call or text. One more thing, we can still talk at school tomorrow, I think one day won't hurt, right? I really don't understand him.

"Tell me Red, why are you really here? If it's something about what you're sorry for, you don't have to come here especially on a Sunday" I asked him with obvious confusion written on my face. I can't be always acting this way. I voiced out what I've been wanting to ask the moment he arrived here at our house.

"And you can go home now, your Dad might wonder why are you still not home. It's getting late" I continued.

"I'll go home" Red said " Only when the power comes back"

"And what if it will not be fix tonight? You'll still stay?" I asked it disbelief.

"If you want to, then I'll stay" he said with a humor in his voice already.

"You wish!" I rolled my eyes at him that made him laugh for a while before he looked at me seriously.

"So, it's really obvious, huh?" Red looked at me before shifting his gaze at the candle we have in the center table. The candle has almost reach to its end. I must get another candle but instead of doing that I just stared at it like waiting for a miracle to happened.

"Ask me that question again, Sabrina!"

I was lost for a while as to what he was saying especially the way he looked at me but then I realized he's referring to what I said earlier.

"You heard what I said, I don't have to say it again!" I said and avoided his gaze.

"Ask me again, then I answer" he said like he's testing my patience. I even saw him smirked.

What is he trying to do now?

I glared at him.

"I said why are you here and what do you really want from me?" I asked slightly frustrated as I don't have an idea where is this conversation going.

"What? You're not talking now?" I asked starting to get annoyed. The fire from the candle is unstable. It will be out in a moment, that's for sure. I should really get a new candle.

I saw him smile, and before darkness consumed us, he said something that my heart wasn't prepared for.

"I'm here because I like you, Sabrina"

The candle went out after he said that. Dark and cold breeze greeted us but I felt like the fire and the heat from the candle magically shifted to me. Somehow, the darkness consoled me of not seeing Red clearly.

Even in the dark, I could feel Red's intense stares at me. Thankfully, he remained silent. I don't know how to react. My heart is beating fast that I'm afraid he will hear it. We were both quiet that I can hear Manang's voice outside talking to our neighbors. What should I do?

I looked straight at Red, the darkness gave me a little confidence to meet his gaze, but what made it awkward is when the power comes back and I immediately met his eyes. So, he's really looking at me the whole time??

Shock by the sudden light, I felt panic. I quickly stood up.

"Ah I'll just go to Manang" I started walking without looking back at him. I let out a deep breath as soon as I got out of the gate. My heart beat so fast that I have to catch my breath. I don't know if I did the right thing by leaving Red there, but I don't know what to say. Or did I really heard him right?

I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts. I looked at the store across our house when I heard Manang's voice. She is talking to Ate Olive, the store owner. She was one of the people here that I first met. There are bench outside her store so oftentimes a lot of people hang out there. Just like now, a group of guys are there and one of them is Ate Olive's son, Edward. I know him as a basketball player as ate Olive always talked about him.

When Manang and Ate Olive saw me, I quickly crossed to the other side of the road and politely greeted them. I found out that a transformer on the other street had exploded. Good thing, it was fixed. I heard them talking about the upcoming Barangay Fiesta. Ate Olive excitedly narrated their activities this year. She invited me to watch Edward's basketball game. She even called his son and asked him to convince me to go.

Edward invited me and I just said I'll try. He's a shy type of guy but have looks. He is tall and have fair skin. He's a few years older than me.

"Red, are you going home already?" Manang suddenly said. I turned around and saw Red approaching us.

"Good evening" Red greeted them with a smile "Yes Manang, my Dad is already looking for me. Thank you so much for the dinner! I love it" Red replied but his eyes remained still on me before turning to Edward who's still standing right next to me.

"Well, I'm glad you love the food. Anyway, feel free to visit anytime, okay? Be careful on your way home" Manang replied.

"Who is he? Your friend, Sabrina?" Ate Olive asked me like she's been curious the whole time .

"A-ah yes, he's my friend---"

"And her suitor, if she permits!" Red added as he confidently smiled at me before shifting his gaze again to Edward.