

My brain told me it was time to wake up but the cold harmattan breeze patted me on the back and whispered in my ears, '' Stay warm and go back to sleep ''. I reluctantly opened my eyes and got out of my blanket. Elegance and simplicity are expressed in my one room apartment. It consists of a bedroom, kitchen and a bathroom. The room is opposite Folu’s room as well.

I headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I shivered as the cold water dropped on my skin, but being late for my registration wasn’t an option. I picked up the soap that’s close to the shower and washed my body. It felt good to be clean again.

When I was done, I grabbed my towel and got out of the tub. I wrapped the towel around me and then brushed my teeth in a hurry as I was pushed for time.

I walked back into the bedroom, where I then studied the Bible and prayed. I headed to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of blue jeans, grey T-shirt and sneakers. I got dressed and pulled my braids into a high ponytail.

Time was galloping so I didn’t apply make up. Besides, I don’t need makeup to look good. I grabbed a black bag containing all my school documents then hurried out of the room and shut the door behind.

" Kiki, this outfit really suits you " Folu said as she walked in my direction.

" Thanks for the compliment "

" Would you like to come along with me to a soirée tomorrow?, " Folu asked, " The Waziri’s daughter is hosting a gathering "

" My apologies, I’m not interested. Perhaps, some other time "

" C’mon, You should be interested. This is a gathering you wouldn’t want to miss. Those attending would mostly be from upper class families, " She insisted, " You are a fresher, you should socialize and meet new people "

" Still not interested "

" Please, I don’t want to go alone. I would feel uncomfortable. Don’t turn me down "

" Alright, I’II go with you, " I replied, " Who is a Waziri ? "

" Prime minister. That of Kano emirate "

" Is Kano emirate in Zaria? "

" Arrgh. Of course not! " The frustration in her voice was clear, " laterrr "

" Byye " I said to Folu who was heading back to her room.

I rushed downstairs, got out of the gate and shut it behind. The harmattan peppered me with dust and left my lips dry. The climate in Zaria differs significantly from that of Lagos.

The harmattan weather in Zaria is extremely harsh.

As I walked through the streets, I saw little children with plates in their hands, begging from house to house in order to survive. Why would you choose to have children you can’t financially provide for and then subject them to survival through the cold winds of neglect and vile treatment?

Upon arriving at school, I was about to walk past the gate when I heard someone calling out. l looked back to see who it was.

" Hello, please come over! " The securities at the gate, said aloud.

Why was I told to come over?. I thought for a moment and then obeyed by walking towards them.

" Can we see your ID? " They asked.

" I was just given admission. I don’t have a school ID yet "

" Make sure you apply for an ID card and don’t wear these jeans to school again. Tight-fitting clothes are not allowed in this institution, " The security officer informed, " I would let this pass because it’s your first day "

" Alright, thank you " I replied.

I’m aware that there is a law in the university which prohibits indecent dressing and I have adhered to that, However, telling me that my jeans are too tight is unreasonable.

As I was about to leave, I caught sight of a car approaching quickly from a distance. It was a black Mercedes G-Wagon. I figured the driver had lost control of the car from the way it was swerving left to right; the driver applied brakes and I jumped to avoid being struck down.

I slowly got to my feet, unsteadily, and winced at the pain from my impact with the ground. I wiped the dirt off my clothing and exchanged a glance with the person in that car. Then, he drove off without an apology.

That’s very rude of him. He could have had me killed as a result of his reckless driving and he couldn’t apologize. Wait a minute. The guy just drove a freaking Mercedes G-Wagon. How can a student afford that?

The security guards at the school gate failed to hold him accountable for putting my life at risk. All they did was look at each other, shrug their shoulders and looked the other way. Gate security protocol prohibits all forms of reckless driving and any other form of disorderliness on the road. Did the security guards let this slide because of his social status?. Goodness God!

I finally arrived at my destination, after initially heading in the wrong direction, only to find a long queue with just a few people to attend to them. I waited for hours before I was given my admission letter and some documents to take to the HOD to have them stamped and signed.

In no time, I finished the task and returned the documents back to them. I then headed to the lecture hall for my ECO 101 class.

" Helloooo! " Someone called out from behind.

Who is that again?. Do you want to tell me that my top is too tight?. I turned around and saw a tall, muscular, dark skinned guy, he was about my age, I guess.

" I saw you at the department, " He said, " Are you a 100level economics student? "

" Yes "

" We are having a lecture now at the blue seat theatre "

" And that’s where I’m heading to "

" No, that’s the way to the multi purpose hall, " He said as he pointed with his finger, " This is the way to the blue seat theater "

" Ohh, thank you " I replied. This is the second time I’m heading in the wrong direction. I need to get a map.

I walked directly behind him all the way to the lecture hall. As we approached the blue seat theater, I spotted the guy who almost ran me over, he and two other guys stood beside the staircase.

" Hey! " I called out as I ran up to him. The distance was too great for him to hear me.

As I moved closer to him, I had a clear picture of the outfit he was wearing. He was dressed in a blue short sleeve kaftan with a traditional woven cap and designer flip flops. His kaftan looked elegant and expensive. The guys who stood beside him were also dressed the same. They looked like models for a magazine cover.

" Hellooo! " I said aloud.

He and the guys who stood beside him turned to face me. They had a ' How-can-I-help-you? ' look on their faces.

" Are you okay, do you realize that you almost ran me over with your car? "

The students standing nearby turned to face me, staring at me as if I had just perpetrated murder.

As he moved closer to me, I resisted the urge of screaming ' wow '. His skin was the kind of white that could enchant the snow. His brown eyes reflected the warmth of the sun. He had a pointed nose and lips that flamed like scarlet wine. Everything about his features screams perfection. However, a good looking man who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a swine’s snout.

" Oh, my bad, " He brought out a bundle of money from his wallet and placed it on my chest, " This should take care of the injuries you must have sustained. I don’t care how upset you are, don’t ever talk to me in that manner again! "

" The level of your stupidity is very high, if I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ! " I flung the money at him.

" How dare you talk to Yerima like that?! " A girl nearby yelled.

" What is Yerima, is that the name given to stupid folks like this? "

All the students gasped in astonishment.

The guy who stood beside him walked in my direction but he pulled him back and said, "

What happens when you wrestle in the mud with a pig? "

" You would both get filthy and the pig likes it "

" That’s right. Never argue with a fool - They will drag you to their level, then beat you with experience, " He concurred and looked at me with disgust, " I know how to settle her hash "

" Be tolerant. I don’t think she knows who you are. She doesn’t look or sound like a native of this country " The other guy enlightened.

" I see', " He mumbled as he glared at me, " I won’t be nice next time. Be warned "

The guys standing in front of me and also the students nearby, all headed to the lecture hall.

I would have used my mouth to wage a war against them and my words would have cut like a sword but discretion is more valuable than the most eloquent speech. Children who are born into affluent families are prone to being spoiled and rude. Their fathers’ wealth and the things that they have the opportunity to do and get away with can turn them into arrogant human beings.

I walked up the stairs and went into the lecture hall. When I entered the hall, many seats were still empty, so I was able to select a seat in the front. Most of the students hadn’t arrived yet.

The lecturer came in and went straight to the front of the lecture hall.

" Good afternoon class! " The lecturer said aloud.

" Good afternoon sir " We chorused in unison.

" I am Dr Usman Gagare. I’m the lecturer who will be guiding the class through Introduction to economics ( ECO 101 ). What you gain from this lecture is entirely up to you. A tailor would not show up to his job without a measure tape, needle, thread, scissors. You should not show up without a pen, a book and a desire to learn, " He roamed his eyes around the hall to ensure that we were paying attention to what he was saying, " I’m sure you must have been taught the basics of economics in secondary school. Can someone give me a precise definition of economics? "

Few hands were held high in the air. I knew the answer but I chose not to raise my hand.

" Yes, you " The lecturer said, pointing at someone behind my back.

I turned to face the back, and my eyes locked with the haughty guy who almost ran me over with his car.

" Economics according to Professor Lionel Robbins is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses "

" Correct. What’s your name? "

" Khalifah Maccido " He replied with pride and the lecturer looked impressed.

He seemed to be accorded much esteem just by virtue of his family name. Who, exactly, are the Maccidos.

The lecturer spoke at length about the basic economic problems and the lecture came to an end. Some students stood up and left the class while others remained behind.

A short, slender, dark-skinned girl came to me. She said, " Hey, you lack discretion. You don’t insult a crocodile while your foot is in the river "

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag and stormed out of the lecture hall in a rage.