Who am I?

I've always wondered why I couldn't walk down the school corridors without everyone looking at me, why I couldn't just be a normal teenage girl with a few friends. You know, like general teenage girls who feel lazy in class, prank the teachers and go for a snack after school. I used to love a few classes; art, music, history and sports, especially martial arts. Above all I loved dance. I was good at all of those, but academically, I was what everyone would classify as a failure. My grades went from bad to worse ever since college started, and I never understood why. After all, I never really had a choice in my life. My parents have always chosen for me. Whether it's my studies or my lifestyle, it was pointless to even think about what I wanted, because it didn't matter. What mattered to my dad was what he wanted me to do, and that's how things went since I was born till now, life was always made of decisions that were not mine, and I was always doing what others wanted me to do. No one ever cared what I wanted for myself. Some of that did change though after I went to university.

You're all probably wondering why I'm writing all this unimportant and uninteresting facts about me. Well, at the start, this was not meant to be a story, but mostly my personal journal. But for some people's pleasure, let's make a proper introduction. Hi, my name is Quesiyah Morris. Strange name right, for a 21st century girl, but we'll figure that out later. I'm basically 19, and starting university this year. I am a student in IT, more specifically Internet Networking and Security at University. Sounds cool? It is.

University is amazing. What's funny is that there's always something happening here. There's always an event, or someone selling something, or some entertainment. It's the place where we had no time to get bored, except during class of course.

I have a best friend, Kayra, who is also 19 and my roommate. The twin sharing room option was my decision, my parents always thought it was a mistake, but I liked it. It felt good having a friend around when I got home, and it was much cheaper. Kayra's pretty much the most stubborn, the craziest and at the same time the loveliest person I know. She's like a small energy ball and just like a child most of the time, but when I need her, she's always there for me. I'm used to calling her Kay. She reminded me of those kittens brought into a house for the first time, cute and crazy.

My story started with a look. A simple look that matched my eyes when he first came into class. This guy, with his deep cow eyes, brownish hair, his dimples, and that deadly smile he always had on. This guy that only had to walk in the room to catch my attention. He was strange, mysterious almost, and silent. That silence only made me more curious to know who he was. Never a stranger caught my attention the way he did. Who was he? I don't know. That was actually the first time I ever saw him. I guess he was just the new guy. And of course, a new face is always intriguing. Who knows what he had to hide? After all, too much silence is not a good thing.

As for my other friends, I had a few. An elder brother, sort of. His name was Kaleb. We didn't have the same parents. We were actually cousins, kind of distant cousins I guess, but we were as close as could be. He knew all about me like I knew all about him. We told each other everything, and supported each other through everything. Speaking of age, he was younger than me, by six months, but emotionally, he felt like the elder one. He was also very quiet, except if you're close enough to see his fun side. And even though most people agree on it, he never accepts when he's told he's good looking. Then there were Rebekah and Maya. Rebekah was more of the sarcastic, pretty and fun person. Always here to tease but also to support and help. She was kind of like an elder sister. She was also one of the strongest people I've ever met, emotionally. As for Maya, she was a good student, straight A's, who could also be very fun. She's always ready when we talk about vacation. None of us ever understood where her straight A's came from. She was very cute, but also very responsible and mature most of the time. Finally we had Ryan and Chris. The two boys of the group who were completely different from one another. Ryan was kinda the cool guy who loves cars and motorcycles, typical boy. He didn't seem serious in studies either but his results also always were good, though he wouldn't agree. However talking to him was easy as he always made an effort to understand what the other is feeling. And Chris, well he was special. Chris was the guy that could do anything. He knew how to take public transport in a country none of us knew, god knows how. He was the responsible, always here for everyone kind of guy and always felt like the elder brother of the group, or at least that's how I saw him. We always knew we could count on him, even to buy us snacks in the middle of the night because of our midnight stress crisis.

Summary: Kaleb, Kayra, Maya, Rebekah, Ryan, Chris, and the new guy. And that's it, just a bunch of school friends, and stranger who I knew absolutely nothing about, not even his name, but was planning to know him better, hopefully. That's pretty much all my life is about. Nothing extra, and nothing interesting. Just a simple, not so ordinary, teenage girl who needed to figure out why her life was as weird as could be, with a bunch of 'normal' friends. I guess my life began pretty simply. I was not normal, anyone could see that. I seemed normal, but I had a whole other world in my head. A world of magic and fairytales that I used to escape my daily family drama. Somehow I always felt like I was meant to do something bigger than be a regular person. I wanted to really be someone, to do something meaningful. I once asked my parents to take me to a psychologist. Most of you must be thinking, why would she even ask that? Well, I guess that's what my parents thought too, they laughed and joke, not realising just how serious I was. Today I think I should be glad they didn't.