
SURVIVAL PART 15: The eye of the cyclone.

Man – because I want your help, Quesiyah.

These words echoed in my head for a few minutes before I came back to reality. A federal boss wanted MY help ! What were the chances of this ever happening? and, whatever the case, how could I possibly help?

My silence must’ve given him the hint that I was shocked over his last statement. Or perhaps that I didn’t understand what was going on, which was quite the case. So, after a few minutes, he carried on with the ‘explanation’ of my so-called ‘talents’.

Man – You have an incredible talent. In my wildest dreams, I would never think that you would’ve survived out there. Some of my best man died while going out to find you. I want you to join us in the fight. You would be a great asset to us and to those people that desperately need help. Your friends, Ryan, Kaleb and Chris already accepted my offer. They said that they would do it if you do it. It proves you’re a leader. I also intend to ask Jace, once I finish talking to you, and…

Me interrupting his unending monologue – listen.

Me - I’m glad that you think I can help. But I’m just a student. I don’t

see how I could possibly be of use to you. Plus, don’t you have your own men for that ?

Man – We critically lack people, and you’re not just a student Quesiyah. I believe this war made you discover some new talents. You saved the lives of nine kids including yourself. You’re intelligent, you have the proper instincts, reflexes, and what I love above all is your reaction to fear. You don’t freeze, you fight. With the proper training, which we will provide, you may be of great use to us. Think about it.

Me – you said you asked some of my other friends right?

Man – yes. I believe they also have skills. But you’re the one I want most.

Me –well, then, let me talk to them, and I’ll let you know. Can I please go meet my friends now?

Man – alright. Jackson here will accompany you back.

He pointed to a tall man standing at the door, and told me to follow him, which I did. I believed the man was the boss’ assistant or something like that. He led me to the corner of a huge, grey room with lots of small beds. All my friends were there, each sitting on one bed. The man then showed me which one was my bed. He gave me a paper on which he had noted the mealtimes, and who to ask for if I needed anything. He explained where we could find the washrooms and where to go for meals. As he left, he took Jace along, mentioning the boss wanted to talk to him too.

I remained there, standing, smiling at the sight of all of them, sitting together, talking and laughing like nothing ever happened, like we were back home. The sight of Kayra and Kaleb kissing at the back made me even happier. These two were meant to be together, and it looked like they finally understood it.

When they noticed my presence, they all ran into my arms, as if I just came back from the dead. It felt good to know that they loved me so much. They took my hands and brought me to sit with them. We spent about thirty minutes narrating about everything that has been going on while I was in that hospital with Jace, if you can call it a hospital.

When Jace came back, we went to sit on my bed, Jace putting his arm around me, making it noticeable that we were a couple, which I kind of liked. Everyone had forgiven Jace except Ryan. Chris told me how Ryan would talk to everyone except Jace. In front of me, I could notice Kayra and Kaleb, sitting in the exact same position as me and Jace, which was quite funny. We were a noticeable couple for a long time, and it seemed they were too now.

Me – so, you two are finally official?

Kayra – well, it might have taken us some time, and motivation, to realise, but I do love Kaleb.

Kaleb – and I do love Kayra.

Kayra – so yes, we’re official. We love each other and we decided to be together. And don't even think of saying ‘I told you so’.

Me - I was not going to say it, but I did tell you...

Kaleb - Ques…

Me - okay, sorry! I am glad for the both of you though.

Kaleb - thanks, for making me realise just how much I love her.

As he said that, they grabbed each other’s hands and kissed, passionately. Their love was nothing less than amazing. When I saw them, I couldn’t help but see me and Jace in the exact same way. Kayra and I were best friends, we had been through a lot together. And finally, we found love together.

The beds were not the most comfortable ones, but after all of this, we didn’t really care. We were all sitting together, laughing and singing. We were happy to be alive. It felt like, finally, there was some light at the end of the tunnel, and that was all we needed.

Unfortunately, it wouldn’t last long as destiny had something else planned for us.