
TRAINING PART 5: Torturous minds.

The first half of that day was mostly spent on shooting different types of guns. However, he didn’t extend that part. He mentioned two or three times that I had some natural talent for shooting. God knows where this talent comes from. Maybe archery practice when I was younger did help me a bit. I remember, as a child, I’d never miss a target in archery, even a moving one. I could hit anything, anytime, anywhere.

After a lunch break, he said we could move back on to fighting, that I should keep on practicing shooting but that there was no need to emphasise on it. He said the only thing I need to learn is how to reload much faster, and that we would practice it eventually.

Tyler – What happens in your head when you shoot? You looked tense.

I laughed desperately. He had noticed, no matter how much I tried to prevent it.

Me – Let’s just say it brings back memories I’d rather forget.