
TRAINING PART 14: The worst is yet to come.

The artillery took some time to be prepared, and in the meantime, the boss asked Jace, Ryan and I to go to the door along with Chris and Kaleb and help with the defence, which we did, of course.

That was the rule here: you’re given an order, you obey, no questions asked. And even though we were not official agents, we were expected to follow. Even normal people who were just in the shelter did. We ran to the entrance and I saw Kaleb standing there.

Me – Where is Chris?

Kaleb – There’s a guy who got injured, Chris is helping carry him to the hospital wing. What are you guys doing here?

Me – Boss asked us to come and help while they prepare the artillery. We’ll try to stop them, but we got only one shot. If we miss, we reveal our position and we’re dead.

Kaleb – We’re dead anyways

Me – That’s what I said. Watch out!

I had seen someone coming in behind him ready to hit him, or mostly kill him, so I signalled him to drop down, and shot the guy.