


Dainty's Point of View

The days passed quickly, two days before the party, I decided to go to the mall. I went with to the mall where Vincent's girlfriend is working. I also thought of looking for something to wear for the party, because Voni said that fancy ball gowns are worn by such people who attends a gala.

"Why are you still wasting your time to find one? You know Mr. Kendrix will take care of that for you." Vincent asked as I rolled my eyes at the gowns lined up in front of me. Pauline followed us too. I do not know why these two is still with me. They could have leave me here alone so that they could go on a date or something.

I laughed a bit before answering Vincent's question "Because the gown that Montero once gave me, made me sleep for three straight days hahaha." I said.

They laughed at my response while I continued looking for a dress and after a while, a dazzling black gown caught my attention.