Chapter 08 ~Girl time~

"Girls, above all be the heroine of your life and not the victim."

Iris's POV.

"You are so going down." Chris declared with every ounce of seriousness.

"It's obviously the other way round, just give up already. You suck at this." I said.

I know you must be thinking. What are we doing??

Well, we are playing FIFA...which I am obviously winning.

Game Over!!!

"Shit! how is..." Chris sighed with a disappointed look.

"Ooh yeah! in your face burger sauce." I laughed as I kept jumping on the couch.

"Seriously burger sauce?" He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the fact that I kept rubbing it in his face.

"Well you won by default and I'm just recovering." He pouted with an innocent face.

"Ooh... how about a re-match?"

"Well...umh... I don't want you to feel embarrassed when I win." He said looking anywhere but me.

Liar liar pants on fire.

"Liar! just admit I am better at video games than you are," I smirked, enjoying the way I'm pissing him off.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway."

Phone rings!!!

"Sup girl." Lizzy greeted by screaming on the phone.

"What the heck! you are shouting!!!"

"Ooh sorry." She giggled.

"So why did you call?"

"Well, I was thinking, how about we have some girl time, like a sleepover at my place tonight, I'm gonna invite Treasure. What do you think?"

"Great! count me in. At least I won't spend another night with Chris." I said looking at Chris.

"Umh, I'm still here you know," Chris said and rolled his eyes.

"Is that Chris?" She asked with a tone of hope.

"Yeah.." I rolled my eyes cause I knew she was probably blushing.

"So I'm gonna pick you up by 6."

"Kk...bye." I cut the call.

"So who was that?" Chris asked.

"Oh, that's just Lizzy."

"Ooh, Lizzy...she's really cute you know." He said, and I could see his face heated up a little.

Gosh! he was totally blushing.

"Oh my gosh! You like her."

"Umh...I don't know what you are talking about." He said avoiding eye contact with me.

"Aww! I am so happy for you." I cooed.

"Dude, don't make it a big deal about it, and yes I kind of like her."

"I totally ship you guys. Team Chrizzy." I chuckled, clapping my hands.

"Whatever." We both laughed.

* * *

"Holy mother of fudge!" I gaped, with my eyes and mouth wide open.

"What?" Both Lizzy and Treasure said in sync.

"Damn! your house is so huge like it's five times bigger than mine." I said as Lizzy led us into her house but Treasure seems to know the way around.

"Thanks?" She shrugged and led us straight to the kitchen.

"So, what are we gonna do tonight?" Treasure asked with so much enthusiasm.

"Well, I am so happy my parents ain't around, we could watch a movie, play some games, and so on, but for now I'm so starving". Lizzy said and rubbed her stomach.

"Yeah, I agree. I think we should order pizza, because I don't know how to cook, and our friend Lizzy is worst than I am". Treasure said and we all laughed at Lizzy's reaction.

"Don't worry about ordering pizza, I am great at cooking."

"What?" They both said and stared at me like I grew two heads.

"I am serious, okay just give me one chance, if you don't like it, then we order pizza, is that okay?"

"Okay." They both said in sync again and I giggled.

Few annoying minutes later...

"Can you guys stop arguing and choose one movie already," I yelled.

"No!!!" They both said.

"Jeez! Okay, I am done with the snacks now. I present to you my very own pop nutty caramel corn and wait for it. Virgin mai tai drink, enjoy!" I stated grinning like a lunatic.

"I swear to God if this is terrible, you will..." Lizzy said as she ate the caramel corn.

"Whoa!" Treasure moaned as she continued eating.

"Damn girl! This is really good, like where did you learn how to cook like this?" Lizzy asked.

"Well, I learned it from my dad." I shrugged.

"Ooh!" Lizzy said and I am very sure she noticed when my mood changed.

"Anyways, this is really delicious." Treasure smiled at me, patting my back.

"Thanks, guys." We all went in for a group hug.

"Okay, okay, enough of the emotional crap, let's have some girl time," I said and they both squealed.

"Okay, who was your first kiss?". Treasure asked with a fever of enthusiasm spreading amongst the three of us.

" was you know...Chris". Lizzy answered as a blush crept up her face.

"It was actually in a truth or dare game, and it was stupid." Treasure and I both cooed at her.

"Aww! what about you Treasure?." I questioned.

"It was Aspen, but It didn't mean anything though." I raised my eyebrows, obviously something was wrong but I didn't want to push it.

"What about you?" Lizzy asked.

"Who? Well for your information, I haven't had my first kiss yet." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"You are kidding right?" Treasure asked hopefully and I shook my head.

"Jeez, you are like seventeen, and you haven't had your first kiss yet. Wait is it when you are like maybe, I don't know twenty years of age that you wanna have your first kiss." Lizzy said.

"Guys chill! and Ewwww! why twenty?"

Don't be too surprised, if it happens. My subconscious mocks me.

"I guess I am not ready yet." I sighed.

"Whatever, sometimes I wanna ask if you are really a girl, cause you act like one kind of creepy alien gotten from space," Lizzy said and we all smiled at that.

"So have you guys decided, what you wanna wear for the party?" Treasure asked as she brushed her curly virgin hair.

God! I love her hair.

"Nope," Lizzy said popping the p.

"What party?" I asked and they both gasped dramatically.

"Are you even in this world at all? I'm talking about the party which literally every Senior in Charisma High is going to and I heard Henry is hosting it, so it is a big deal." Treasure explained while Lizzy just nodded as she put her hair into a messy bun.

"It is all over the Charisma gossip review," Lizzy said.

"Gossip review?" I asked surprised by her statement.

What a waste of time.

"Yeah, and we are so going shopping tomorrow and you are going with us, I ain't gonna take no for an answer". Treasure said with a smirk.

"Arghhh, I don't like going out, I prefer staying at home with my boyfriends." I groaned.

"What! you have a boyfriend? Sorry, you have boyfriends?" Lizzy asked with her eyes wide open.

"Yes, wait I haven't told you about my boyfriends?" I mocked shock and they shook their head.

"Well, they are Netflix, food, and my lovely bed." I laughed at their reaction.

"Jeez! you guys thought I had a boyfriend, well don't be surprised, it's just Iris."

"You are just weird," Lizzy muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"But seriously I don't wanna go, like you said it's Henry's party and you two know that Henry is close to Zander. So obviously he will be at that party, and I have been doing a good job at avoiding him, for the past few days." I said hoping they would change their minds.

"Well I don't care, you are coming to that party, at least enjoy your high school life, while you can. And maybe just maybe, Zander might see the good, sweet and goofy Iris." Lizzy said.

"Okay, fine," I whispered, there was no way I could convince them again.

"Yay!". We all giggled.

"Now back to the movie!"

* * *

Hello everyone...okay I know, it has been a while since I last updated...and I am sorry about that. Exams have been....

Well, this is another chapter...I know it sucks a little but bear with me

So y'all should remember to vote and comment.

And as always.I love you guys

Love ibby