The four of them hiked back to Leigh's house, packing what little supplies they could take. For some reason, Leigh took the remaning picture of Sky. They were going to bring her back. They went to Ash's house, then they were off. The plan was to hitchhike as far as they could go. They started by walking along the highway, signalling to every car that passed. After a few hours, a trucker stopped.
"Ay, what are you kids doing out here in the cold?" He asked them. The kids glanced at each other before Ash gave him a sad look.
"We're trying to get to Nunavut. We ran away from home last year, and now we're going back." She said, making the biggest eyes she could manage. The trucker studied them.
"I can take you as far as Edmonton, ok? The name's Jerry by the way."
The crew hopped into his truck, trying to spare their excitment and nervousness. Jerry was nice. He told them stories of his hometown, let them listen to whatever music they wanted, and paid for some food at the gas station. When they reached Edomonton hours later, Leigh was sorry to part from him.
"Now you kids be careful, ok? I wish I could take you further. And say sorry to your mommas, yeah?" He slammed the side of the truck, and the kids nodded, thanking him profousley.
Edmonton was a far cry away from Jasper, and it scared Leigh a little. Everything was giant. Everything seemed to tower over her, and it was loud and crazy. People bustled past, cars and trucks made such loud noises it made her ears hurt. After living in Banff and Jasper her whole life, the big city made her head spin. She could only imagine what places like New York or London were like. The four of them had no choice but to keep walking, sticking out their thumbs every time a car passed. When one finally did, it was a woman in her fourties. Her whole car smelled of ciggarette smoke, and she didn't look completly sobre.
They didn't really have a choice though, so they started to climb into her backseat. When Leigh found herself stuck in the front, she opened the door... and got sprayed with blood. The woman driving had been shot. A bullet wound through her head gushed blood, and she fell over, dead. Leigh tore her eyes away from the gruesome sight, to see where the shot had come from. Standing at the window, was a man - no, a boy. He could barley be seventeen. His hands trembled a bit. Before anyone could react, fire shot from his outstreched palm, delicate tendrils reaching out like strings to a puppet.
"Get out of the car!" He demanded, pointing the gun at the three kids in the back like they needed any motivation. All of them moved like the car was electrucoted.
Leigh snapped back to reaility. She had to do something. She could feel the power tingling at her fingertips, and bright red flames shot out. The boy stepped back in fear, but it didn't last long. He twisted out of the way, manipulating his fire tendrils the whole time. He kept them all wrapped around him like the heat didn't scorch him. When he was far enough away, he dropped his gun to the ground. It was melted to nothing, completley useless. The boy shot out more flames, now from both his palms. Leigh immitated him, her fire becoming molten lava instead. It seared red and hot, churning and writhing. It wanted destruction. Leigh let her power loose.
The little clamp of control she had over everything broke away, shattered to dust. Her tendrils multiplied, coming for the boy from all sides. His eyes widened. He shot both hands up, creating a blue shield of flames. Leigh's lava fell away when it hit it. She grunted in annoyance, retreating and trying a different tactic. Her power turned into a roiling green inferno, tearing up the asphalt as it made its way towards him. His eyes narrowed in concentration as he leapt up, using the same blue flames to lift him up over the battle. Leigh's green firestorm grew upwards, climbing like vines on a house. He spun out of the way, shooting out another white hot column of fire at her. It came out in short bursts, little fireball after the other.
One singed her side, and she hissed in pain. It was so hot, it felt cold. She imitated him, spinning around and causing a ball of blue flame to conceal her in its protective shell. The boy shot out two orange columns after her. They bore into both sides of her shield like a drill. She countered it with her own white flames. Her shield burned away, leaving her vulnerable. The fire sucked away the oxygen, making her breaths come out even shorter and uneven. Without thinking, she spun around in a circle, crouching when she was finished. When her eyes turned up to look at him, she was surrounded in a tornado of red fire. It was a whirlwind, sucking pieces of asphalt and the rest of the car into it, all of which melted into nothing when it touched the surface.
Leigh flicked her chin forward, sending it after him. His eyes grew wide. He was finished. It came closer, and closer.
Stop. Said a voice in her mind. Leigh, you have to stop this. He'll die. You're not a killer.
Leigh jerked her head to the right, and the frenzy moved with her. With a flick of her wrist, it exploded, sending the boy and her friends flying. The shockwave shook her, but it didn't matter. A hard stone cold feeling grew in her gut, replacing the guilt and sorrow. Suddenly, she felt nothing. The boy had been thrown off his feet, sending him into the ditch. He was covered in blood and burns, but other than that, he was ok. Not dead anyway. Leigh didn't waste any time. She marched over, picking him up by the lapels.
"Why did you come here?" She demanded. She could sense Oliver's presence behind her.
"Leigh. Stop. He's in shock, and you're going to kill him. If you want information, let me look at him," he said gently. There was a tinge of fear to it.
She turned around, an urge to burn him came to mind, but she pushed it away. Feeling was returning. She stepped back. Madelaine helped Ash up. Aside from a few cuts and bruises, they looked ok. The two girls picked some things off the road and the ditch, but Leigh wasn't intrested.
"You did well," said Oliver without turning to her. "Thank you," he added, glancing at her only then. Leigh just nodded. The boy groaned, pushing himself up. He lurched away when he saw Leigh.
"Why did you come here?" She demanded. Madelaine and Ash came over then, stuffing cash in their pockets. It must have come from the woman's car. Leigh didn't care.
"I -" The boy coughed, hacking up some blood. "I'm Number Six, also known as Pheonix," he started, his voice was uneven.
"Is that your real name? Why are you Number Six?" Asked Madelaine, glaring at him. He looked at her confused.
"That... is the number I was given when they took me to the Facility. Pheonix was the nickname I was given by my cabin mates because I can teleport myself short distances with fire." He responded, glancing between all of them.
"What's your real name?" Ash whispered.
"I... I can't remember. But that doesn't matter. I'm here to escort you," he replied, getting to his feet.
"You're not taking us anywhere." Madelaine responded defiantly.
"You don't understand. Number Nine sent me," he said, glancing between all of them. "Skylar."