Chapter 9: Birth of Peace

I woke up with a heavy feeling. I opened my eyes when there is a scintillating light that is hitting my eyes. Where am I? I look around. I see the stars, and they are so close to me.

I was lying on the ground, and I slowly changed my position and sat. I realized that my body is hurting. I look around again. I closed my eyes when I saw something unbelievable.

I slowly opened my eyes. I scream. Oh my gosh… I am floating in the air! I was floating in this dark place. The only thing that I saw is the stars. Why am I here? How did I come here?

I was stunned when I saw someone. It was a woman. I called her all over again, but she can not hear me. Slowly, I stood, fearing that I might fall. I walked and tried to go near her. While walking, the stars went bigger and bigger. I stopped. Why is this happening? Oh my gosh.

I looked at the woman. I stepped back and gulp. She suddenly went big, like a giant. I can also see her face. She has protruding eyes and long eyelashes, a pointed nose, and heart-shaped lips. Her long hair is like a wave, and it was dancing. She also has a perfect curve body. She is so beautiful, and she looks like the goddess of beauty.

Her lips parted and said something. She was speaking in a different language like she was singing in baybayin. Her voice was so beautiful.

"I am the goddess Gaia, the supreme deity, the divine goddess, and the Mother of Earth..."

There is a light forming in her hands like she was creating something big.

I suddenly sat on the ground when my surroundings move fast. I saw how the planet was made in pace. I was amazed by the details. The stars are twinkling fast until they disappeared.

The scene suddenly changed. I fell to the ground, and I can not help but cuss. Is it written in the book that I should fall every time the scene will changes? I was stunned when I heard something.

I heard the sound of a whip and a scream of the pain of a person. I look around to find where the sound came from. My eyes went wide when I saw what is happening.

I covered my mouth and closed my eyes tightly. I can not believe that this is happening. I opened my eyes, and I saw how the mortal tried to reach the things that he let go of. I turned my eyes to a man. He is a man with ability. He continuously whipped the back of the human.

He is not the only one, and they are more of them. They made the humans a slave. I felt a hot tear falling from my eyes. I can’t believe that this is happening. Is this the reason why the human doesn’t know about us?

I fell again to the ground because the scene changed suddenly.

The men with abilities stopped from what they are doing. The whip suddenly fell from their hands. And they cried loudly and held their chests. They are praying to her... to stop the pain they felt. All of the mortals ran away because that is their chance to live freely, to have their own will.

Human thinks that they don’t exist anymore. They do not know that they are still there, somewhere. The goddess decided to separate them. She put them to the other dimension of the world.

When they both separated, they made their government or monarchy.

From the view of the mortals, for them, from what they experience, they should forget what happened and treat it like they are a spirit or a fairy who will guide them in life.

In the perspective of the immortals, they are guilty of what happened, but some of them are angry because, for them, mortals are worthless.

That is the reason why the goddess separates them. The goddess can’t look at her creations, fighting each other.

I suddenly fell in my chair, but I did not. I just felt that I did fall. I came back, and I’m in the library. I look around. They are moving right now as nothing happened. I think this is how the book tells history.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, I saw the man sitting in front of me, and he is looking at me. He blinks twice and looks away.

“She’s beautiful…”

“Why do I feel like I’ve already seen her…”

“Where does she live? I wish I could ask her hand…”

I organize my notebooks and put them in my bag. Did I take note of everything I read?

“You wish to ask her hand? How? Someone told me that she’s a noble. You will have a hard time…”

“I just want to try… If her parents agreed, I will study hard… for her.”

I stood up. I fix my bag on my shoulder, but my hair stuck in the strap of my bag. I frown and remove my bag from my shoulder. I fix my long curly hair before I slowly put my bag back at my shoulder.

But before I started to walk, the man in front of me accidentally held my hand. His eyes went wide, and he immediately let go of my hand.

He stood up and bowed a little. “I-I’m sorry.” I gave him a small smile.

He brushes his hair because of embarrassment and looks in my eyes. He was stunned for a second and took his eyes away.

He parted his lips before he spoke, “M-Miss… may I-I know… your n-name?”

“Jasmine,” I smiled. “What’s your name?”


I smiled at him and wave my hand. “Okay. Goodbye, Leabhar!”

I noticed that his ears turned red without reason. I just shrugged my shoulder and wave at him before I left. I put the book back on the shelf and took the book about the academy.

I look up, and I saw the dome ceiling. It is getting dark. Ariella might worry if I am not back yet. Should I return this book next week? I have a library card.

When I was about to walk. A book fell in my head, and because of that, I sat on the floor because of the impact. I held my head because of the pain I felt. I bowed and closed my eyes. Does someone say that? I opened my eyes and looked around, I took a deep breath. There’s no one.

I looked at the book who’s on the floor now. I slowly crawled. I took the book when I went closer. I sat down properly and fixed my dress. The book was covered in dust and was kinda heavy.

I took my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped the book slowly. Then, the book title is visible right now.

The Birth of Peace

Hmmm… should I borrow this also? I tried to open the book, but I think it's locked. Does it have a spell or a key? The librarian has it, I guess.

I went to the librarian's desk and stood in front of it. She doesn’t notice me because she was fixing the books on the shelf. When she turned around, she stopped when she saw me. I smiled at her. She was wearing around glasses, and her hair is fixed in a bun.

She sat in her chair and put the books I got on her table. She took the book and fixed her glasses before she read the title of the book. Her eyes went to me. Her wrinkles were showing when she raised her eyebrow.

“You’re new,” she spoke. “You can’t borrow this, niña. You can have this if you are one of them, debes tener una tarjeta dorada… (You must have a gold card)”

"Tarjeta de oro? (Golden card?) You mean this card?” I took the card from my shoulder bag and showed it to her.

She looked at me, surprise was drawn on her face. She laughed. “Tu me entiendes. (You understand me)”

I smiled at her.

She took the card. “Jasmine Hutton,” she readout. “You’re the first one who borrowed this book.” She opened the book record and flipped the page. “Some students want to borrow this, but they can’t. They don’t have this.” She waved my card while writing something in the book record.

That’s why Ariella acted this way… having this card seems… special.

She gave it back after writing in the book record. She took the book again. She raised her eyebrow and looked at me through her glasses.

She shook her head. She looked at the book, and she slowly traced the engraved flower using her finger.

“This book has a… key, and I don’t know where is it, niña.” She said, still looking in the book.

“I’ll find it.”

I closed my eyes tightly when I realized what I just said. What’s wrong with me?

Her eyes bore into me when she heard what I said. She raised her eyebrow and smirk. “Good luck, then.”

I was walking in the hallway, back in our room while hugging the books I borrowed, and I saw Ariella went out in the other hallway. Her eyes went wide when she saw me. She walked towards me while a big smile.

“I heard so much about you.” She said happily and wiggled her eyebrows.

My lips parted because of confusion. “What do you mean?”

She bumped her shoulder into mine and laughed. I shook my head because of the behavior she was showing.

After we put our things in our room, we went to the cafeteria for dinner.