Chapter 6: Forgotten City

"I was the first kid the Originals took under their wing. My mother died giving birth to me and my father hated me for it. He constantly reminded me of how I took the love of his life away from him, how I'm such a disgrace, and how he wished I were never born. When I turned ten, I overheard my father making a deal to sale me off as a slave. I packed what I could and ran away. I took refuge under a bridge in the middle of winter, I nearly died of hypothermia, but the Originals found me. They gave me food and a place to stay."

"Six months after intense training, Alaric who was seven and Jonah eight were saved. When they were seven and eight years old, they watched their families be brutally murder by a mafia clan. They were then abducted and forced to join their captor's clan. For three years they trained and killed until they decided to fake their deaths to escape. The Originals caught them stealing food and offered them a better life. It didn't take much convincing giving their situation, but they were still cautious. The two had a hard time trusting people, but I took them under my wings and cared for them. They have been by my side for the past five years serving next to me as protectors that save other children from suffering the way we did."

"A year later our first mission was to persuade a young skilled thief, or some would say a master trickster, to join forces with us. World on the street was Luca had an eye for precious things. On that night he managed to steal precious jewels worth millions and billions of dollars from an auctioning event hosted by corrupted government officials. Jonah, Alaric, and I perched on nearby buildings to watch his escapades from a distance. We were already impressed that he was able to get through a heavily guarded and high-tech security systems, but what sold us was when he purposely got captured and allowed the guards to do a full body search, but nothing was found. We were astonished because we never took out eyes off him, when did he get rid of the jewels."

"I don't think he is working alone." Alaric said while observing Luca's every move.

Smiling down at my phone "I know. We better keep moving guys."

"Wait what are not telling us?" Jonah questioned.

"Shh observe and learn." I said pointing towards our target.

Another boy came out of the shadows helping Luca to take down the guards twice their size. The strength of the younger boy was unbelievable. We continued to follow the two on their quest until they eventually walked into an abandoned shipping crate located in a deserted junk yard. Peeking into the crate we saw three sitting at old rundown office desks that have pushed together. On one side were monitors and on the other side there were all types of tools and gadgets as well as the jewels that were just stolen.

"Asa here are the documents you asked for. How did you know where they would be?" the youngest of the three asked.

"Oh, my little Heath there is a lot you still have to learn. It's a reason why I am known as Eagle Eye. I know all. See all. Hear all."

"But what do we do about the jewels?" Heath asked while picking up a twenty-four-carat gold ring and casually tossing it in the air.

Asa took the ring from his hand and carefully placed it back on the desk "Return them." He simply replied.

"Return them! You think I did all that to just return them to those disgusting greedy selfish assholes?" Luca yelled.

Asa sighed "You knew from the beginning what the intention of this mission was. You stealing the jewels was just a distraction while Heath gathered evidence against our so-called spotless government officials participating in illegal human auctioning. We needed concrete proof to put those monsters behind bars."

"That's exactly my point, if they are going to be thrown in jail anyway, why should the jewels be returned?"

Asa rubbed his hands down his face in frustration "Because they're marked. Come here, you see this?" He put one of the jewels under the magnifier "That is an encrypted code, the moment we try to sale these the authorities will be informed, and we would be thrown into jail or worse. Regardless if we were to release the evidence out to the public beforehand our misfortune will overshadow their wrong doings."

"Maybe we can help." Malakai said stepping out of hiding with Jonah and Alaric on his tail.

Asa scoffed "Took you long enough to finally make your appearance. Listen we are good on our own, we don't need anything you have to offer."

"You know them?" Luca asked while standing on guard beside Heath.

"Something like that." He turned one of his monitors towards us. On the screen was multiple snapshots of us perched on different buildings "They have been watching us, well you from the moment you snuck into the auctioning."

Jonah looked at him impressed "If you knew we were watching this whole time why didn't you do anything?"

Asa smirked "Because if anything was to go wrong, I was going to use these pictures to frame you."

Alaric clapped his hands while letting out a hysterical laugh "Ah you are my type of guy, bold and direct."

Crossing his arms "I see no reason to lie. There are consequences for ambitious guys like yourselves, who stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. Lucky for you nothing went wrong."

Alaric took a snicker bar from his jacket pocket "Impressive, you three should join forces with us."

Asa rolled his eyes "Not interested. Like I said before we don't need anything you have to offer."

"Are you sure about that? You might have eagle eyes, but you see we have God's eyes. How else do you think we were able to track Luca down in the first place?"

Luca scoffed "If you are so good why do you need us?"

"We need you three to be the foundation of our operation. Our goal is to create a safe place for people with no hope nor place to go. We need you guys, please join us. I'm sure Asa's well-developed system has just finished pulling our information. Analyze it and make your decision, we have nothing to hide." Malakai pleaded.

"From that day forward the two groups joined forces, but there was still something missing before the group will be complete. With new resources and skill, they caught wind of an orphanage forcing children into some dirty business. There have been multiple complaints against this orphanage about the mistreatment and wellbeing of the children, but somehow the orphanage managed to stay open."

"There is a reason this place was referred to as Hells Din. The House Mother was a vile and disgusting woman. Money and power were the only things that mattered to her, and it didn't matter who she had to sacrifice to get it. Sadly, this is where the final two members of the group, Percy, and Blake, were saved. They were Lady Kay's most prized assets. Blake was very cunning and luring, which made him very appealing. Percy had a naughty innocence about him that made him desirable."

Black silky hair placed in a high ponytail, red lipstick, black leather pencil dress, Lady Kay's black gloss pumps rung through the corridors as a signal to the gates of our hell opening.

Blake and I have been in this retched orphanage for as long as we could remember. A place we wants referred to as a loving home by the original House Mother, Lady Blossom, was now our hell. After Lady Blossom died the orphanage was passed on to her daughter that she despised with all her might.

Lady Kay was a true devil hiding behind her beauty. We were there when hell walked into our lives with fiery greetings. We witness that same fire smother innocent children, our friends. House Mother was no mother but a monster. We bear witness to why her mother hated her so much. Lady Kay resented her mother for paying more attention to the children of the orphanage than her. Her on flesh and blood waited at home for that same love and care. That neglect turned Lady Kay vile. She despised orphans and preyed on young boys.

Blake and I were her favorites. She groomed us for her own personal desires. The things she did to us no child should ever have to face. From the time we were thirteen until we were saved at fifteen, she tainted our young bodies and burned our innocence.

"Percy be good to mother and please me."

"Mmm Blake just like that."

"You two are going to be mothers' perfect little playthings."

She always kept us close by like her most prized possession. She treated us better than the others. Unlike the others we were never forced to our bodies for money that was until….

"What can I do for your sir?" Mother asked greeting the man.

The man threw a bag at her feet "I hope this is enough for two of your finest."

She opened the bag and gasped at the amount of money in it "Any preference." She smirked.

He smirked back "Surprise me." He looked around until he made, I contact with me "Actually I would like him," he pointed at me "he looks so innocent." Blake stood in front of me protectively which amused the man "I would like him also; he seems like a feisty one."

Mother cleared her throat "Actually these two are off limits, perhaps I could find some other-"

The man cut her off "It's either those two or no deal."

She looked at us sadly. This was the first time she looked so vulnerable in front of us. Perhaps in her own sick way she loved us, but her love for money was greater.

"Okay, I will get them ready and delivery them to you personally." She said reluctantly.

"Good, I plan to be thoroughly entertained."

Mother couldn't even make eye contact with us "Are you really going to do this to us?" Blake questioned; he was always the forward one of us two.

She ignored his question still not making eye contact "Whatever he asks you to do, do it, understand?"

"Look at me!" he yelled.

She paused her movements slowly looking into our eyes "It was bound to happen someday. Get dress and come out quickly." She made hastened steps out the door.

When the door was fully shut, I looked over to Blake and smirked "We have finally reached a dead end now it's time for us to build a new road."

He chuckled menacingly "Indeed Percy, indeed."

But luck was on our side. We didn't need to build a new road a new road one was presented to us. Before we knew it the building was up in chaos and someone around our age came burling through those doors.

"Don't be afraid we are here to help."

"These are your people?"

"Yes, impressed?"

"I nodded my head "Very, what's your name?"

"My name is Malakai."

Malakai was only a year older than us, but already had such great power. It was a no brainer for us to choose to follow him.

"Asa sent an anonymous tip to the police and news reporters. By the time they arrived at the scene the entire building had already been raided making sure no child was left behind. Just like what the Originals did for us, we offered a better life to all those who wanted it. We gave them a family a place where they could feel safe a place to call home. Now we want to do the same for you, Livia."

After hearing their story. I couldn't help, but feel my soul erupt with life again. That's how these eight strangers became the family I needed. They taught me everything I know. They showed me how to live again. I was a modest student by day and ruthless killer by night.

They taught me wherever you place your feet becomes your path.