Chapter 47: Meeting the Originals

The vibrance of the neon lights, unrealistic cars, and futuristic buildings was like a 3d art piece. The buzzing of the music, the aroma of street food lingering in the air, and the feeling home for those who never had it and always wanted it can be seen clear through the smiles on their faces. The oneness this place provides not only within yourself, but with the people around you are evident.

Poet "Wow are you sure we're underground this is unreal?"

Asa "The sky maybe artificial, but it provides the same properties, maybe even more, as if you were on the upper grounds. Even the water is clearer and cleaner you could drink straight from the river if you wanted though it's not recommended."

Jonah "The underground is filled with technology mankind could only dream of. Anyways we should get going we have other matters at hand.