Poker Face

"Is everyone in position?"

"Yes Boss we have the building under our control, waiting for your signal." Austin spoke from the other line.

I look to my left to see my Queen laughing at Chris's joke. I love the way her eyes hide behind her cheekbones when she laughs, I love the way her ears pull back when she smiles, I love the way her button nose twitches before she sneezes, I love the way she unconsciously snuggles into the safety of my arms, I love the way she taps my thigh when she wants my undivided attention, I love the way she pouts when she's thinking or daydreaming, I just love this woman. Sometimes I wonder, how was I able to live without her for so long?

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Beautiful." Was the only thing I could muster up.

She shyly looked away "You are so cheesy."