
After she left, Dante was the only one to keep in contact with her, but he saw how their grandfather was manipulating her into being someone he didn't recognize. Telling her she is a Queen that deserves a King. Brainwashing her into being what he wanted her to be, and Dante couldn't take watching his little sister who always had a hard life go down this path, so he cut ties with her.

They never had a close sibling bond, but he always cared for her. Vanessa needed more than that, she needed love. There is a thin line between care and love, the two most complex human motions. You can't love a person without caring for them, but you can care for someone or something with no love attached.

It doesn't matter now, what's done is done.

"Vanessa, can you hear me?"

"She can't hear you, it's like she's enter a void."