Chapter 8: Raid on Roley Castle

Sneaking in the dead of night, Sara and Sukie arrives at the castle’s wall. Sara placed her hands on the wall. She, then, gripped it and pried open a hole in the wall. After climbing through the hole, Sara closed the wall and made her way to the dungeon, hoping Mia was there, while Sukie look in the inner palace. Sadly, neither was successful because Mia wasn’t nowhere to be found. However, in the dungeon, Sara did see a bunch of dying and dead demon and beast men.

“Sukie, did you find lady Mia? Because I found something unthinkable and upsetting.” Sara said into her communicator.

“What did you find?”

“This kingdom has been capturing demon and beast men, and slowly been torturing them til they die. We need to find a way to help them.”

“I agree, but we need to complete our mission first. Did you find Mia in the dungeon?”

“Sadly, no.” Sara answered.