
I looked at him "have I see you before?" I thought to myself

"Um-m are you sure?" I asked him

"Yeah you look so familiar," he said rubbing the back of his neck

"Really?" I asked again, I mean I used to live here until I turned seven so he might have been my friend

"YES," he said excitedly

"Do you even know my name?"

"Uhmm.... I can't remember" he said with an awkward sigh afterward

An awkward silence came in, but I decided to break it even though I can feel my heart beat like crazy

"Well my name id Kyle Aurelius-" he cut me off

"WILSON," he said although it was almost a shout

I froze for a moment, maybe I do know him

"Well yes but you can just call me Aure," I said

"Right well my name is Nathaniel Hernandez," he exclaimed

It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I took a mental note in my mind to search for him later. he noticed my confusion

"Doesn't ring a bell?" he asked

"Yeah, hi Nathan " I lied but how was I going to say that it sounds familiar but also doesn't

"Well, what brings you here to our school?" he asked me with a smile

"I was considering transferring," I replied


"So wears the principal's office?" I asked

"Oh yeah we haven't change the campus map," he said "I'll just show you"

he started to walk and I followed

"So do you really remember me?" I asked

"Yeah you're mom used to teach her and we used to be neighbors remember" he replied

The question was useless I still couldn't remember him. a silence washed over us

"Well do you remember anything about me?" he asked

I froze at the question, I contemplated on just telling the truth or all saying we used to be neighbors but he will probably see through me. luckily we were at the principal's office a large sign was at the top of the door. a man wearing a suit walked out holding two boxes,

"Kyle!" he noticed me

"Goodmorning Mr.Harrison"

"Nice to see you again... are you here for the "thing," He said

"Yeah Dad is still choosing Avert" I sighed

As I replied he looked at Nathan

"Hello to you to Nathan"

"Hello Mr.Harrison"

A voice pierced from the room

"Harrison you better hurry!"

"of course Sir" he looked back

"And who are you talking to?!" the man questioned

"Its Wilson sir " he replied

"Kyle Wilson?" the man questioned he eased his tone

There was a silence, I glanced at Nathan and he seemed to have been looking at me the whole time.

"We'll let him come in," the man said

Mrs.Harrison looked at Nathan

"Nathan will you kindly bring these papers to the faculty room" he ordered and handed the boxes to Nathan.

"Talk to you later Aure," he said as he strolled off boxes in hand

"Yeah" I replied

"I see you rekindled your old friendships," Mr.Harrison said with a smirk

"I don't even remember anything about him," I said entering the room "and what are you smirking for?"

"Nothing really" He replied closing the door, the room was small it had a large wooden desk that almost covered half of the room, cabinets filled with folders that weren't organized, two chairs that faced the principal who was typing something on his laptop.

"Hello Kyle I'm Melton Grazer," the man said as he finished typing something on his laptop

"Hello to you to Mr.Grazer"

"Mr.Melton is fine" he looked at Mr.Harrison "So are you transferring here?" then he looked at me

"I'm still considering" I replied

"what other schools are you considering?" he asked

"I mean not me but my dad, he wants me to go to Avert"

"Do you want to?" he asked again

"Not really, I heard from mom they have a bad reputation for students aside from being a catholic school"

"Your mom told you that"

"Yes and some research" I lied I didn't want to attend a preppy catholic school

"My condolences by the way"

"Thank you" I actually never learned what o reply to that

"Well, you do need his permission-"

"I'll tell him" Mr.Harrison cut him off, Mr.Harrison was my mom's old friend from college and coworker before some things happened

"Are you sure" I looked at him "You know he only listens to family and he will probably be okay with me going here"

"Well if that's the case just tell me if he agrees," Mr.Harrison said scratching the back of his neck and giving an "a-ok" face

"Now that's settled just text, Mr.Harrison if he agrees and I'll handle the rest," Mr.Melton said

"Thank you, sir"

"No problem Kyle you can exit now, "Mr.Melton pointing at the door

We got up from the chairs and exited the room

"So are you gonna go around the school?" Mr.Harrison asked as he closed the door


"Hey Aure," Nathan said I haven't noticed that he was waiting outside leaning on the wall

"Hey Nathan" I replied

"And before you go can you give me your phone?"

I reached into my pocket to grab my phone and handed it to Mr.Harrison, he types his number and hands it back to me

"See you later Kyle stay safe," Mr.Harrison said as he walked away

"So what was that about?" Nathan asked, I felt his body towering over my body

"Mr.Harrison wants me to text him if I can attend the school" I replied shifting my position to face him

"Oh, where do you want to go anyway?"

"Not me but my dad, he wants me to go to Avert"

"The preppy Catholic school?"

"Yup that one"

There was a silence after I said those words

"So where are you going?" Nathan asked

"Idk really just round the school, I guess then I have to go home" I replied

"Great I'll give you a tour!"